- FFaa
- FFab
- FabFab
- FabFac
- FacFah
- FahFai
- FaiFak
- FakFal
- FalFal
- FalFal
- FalFam
- FamFan
- FanFan
- FanFar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFas
- FasFat
- FatFat
- FatFat
- FatFau
- FauFay
- FayFea
- FeaFed
- FedFeh
- FeiFel
- FelFel
- FelFem
- FemFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFet
- FetFG
- FGFFic
- FiDFie
- FieFig
- FigFil
- FilFil
- FilFin
- FinFin
- FinFio
- FioFir
- FirFir
- FirFis
- FisFis
- FisFit
- FitFit
- FitFiv
- FivFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFle
- FleFLE
- FleFle
- FleFli
- FliFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlu
- FluFly
- FlyFoa
- FoaFog
- FogFol
- FolFon
- FonFoo
- FooFor
- ForFor
- forFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFou
- FouFou
- FouFox
- FoxFox
- FFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- freFre
- FreFre
- FreFri
- FriFri
- FriFri
- FriFro
- FroFro
- FroFru
- FruFuc
- fucFuj
- FUJFul
- FulFun
- FunFun
- FunFur
- FurFur
- FurFut
- FutFut
- FutFWC
- Foaʻi, Opetaia & Miranda, Lin‐Manuel
- Foaʻi, Opetaia & Miranda, Lin‐Manuel
- Foaʻi, Opetaia, Miranda, Lin‐Manuel
- Foals
- Foals feat. Flight Facilities
- Foam Heads, The
- Foamers, The
- Foamy Ed (New Zealand pop punk)
- Foamy the Squirrel
- Foat, Greg (UK jazz pianist - also goes by just Foat)
- Fobia (Mexican rock band)
- Focaccia, Piero
- Focal Point (90s California hardcore punk band)
- Focalistic
- Focan, Önder & Group, Meltem Ege
- Fockewolf
- Focks, Annette
- Focus (Dutch progressive rock group)
- Focus Fire
- Focus the Truth
- Focused
- Focused Minds
- FOCUSEDxMINDS (US hardcore band)
- Foda C (French hip hop)
- Fodera, Sonny
- Fodera, Sonny & Biscits
- Fodera, Sonny & Dolla, Dom
- Fodera, Sonny & Kolidescopes feat. Harnett, Sinéad
- Fodera, Sonny & Lourdes, Ari
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Douglas, Clementine
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Elsworth, Kate
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Janai
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Mensah, Kwame
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Mills, Alex
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Saunders, Shannon
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Yasmeen
- Fodera, Sonny feat. Yasmin
- Fodera, Sonny, Jazzy & D.O.D
- Fodera, Sonny, Woolford, Paul & Henderson, Ella
- Foe (real name: Hannah Clark)
- Foé (French singer from Toulouse)
- Foehl, Reed
- Foer
- Foerg, Ben
- Foery, Brendan
- FOES (Cinematic / progressive rock from Liverpool, UK)
- Foes (US metal)
- Foes of Fern, The
- Foesum
- Foesum feat. Bo Roc
- Foesum feat. Gordon, Diane
- Foesum feat. Kayzabro
- Foetals, The
- Foetus (project of J.G. Thirlwell)
- Foetus Corruptus
- Foetus in Excelsis Corruptus Deluxe
- Foetus Inc.
- Fofana, Lamin
- Fofé Y Los Fetiches
- Fofftig Penns, De (German Hip-Hop band singing lower-German tracks)
- Fofftig Penns, De feat. Pelzi Pelz
- Fofftig Penns, De feat. Tjalf
- Fog (Minneapolis indie rock band)
- Fog (USA black metal)
- FOG (Korean shoegaze/dream pop)
- Fog Chaser
- Fog feat. MF DOOM
- Fog Joggers, The
- Fog Lake (Canadian lo-fi indie rock musician)
- Fog of War
- Fogaça, Isabela
- Fogaça, Marcella & Reis, Nando
- Fogale, Luca
- Fogalord
- Fogarty, Seamus
- Foge Foge Bandido
- Fogelberg, Dan
- Fogelberg, Dan & Weisberg, Tim
- Fogelberg, Dan feat. Harris, Emmylou
- Fogelberg, Dan with Harris, Emmylou
- Fogerty, John
- Fogerty, John feat. Springsteen, Bruce
- Fogerty, John with Brown, Zac, Band
- Fogerty, John with Dawes
- Fogerty, John with Fogerty, Shane and Fogerty, Tyler
- Fogerty, John with Fogerty, Shane and Fogerty, Tyler
- Fogerty, John with Foo Fighters
- Fogerty, John with Hudson, Jennifer, feat. Toussaint, Allen and Rebirth Brass Band
- Fogerty, John with Jackson, Alan
- Fogerty, John with Kid Rock