- FFaa
- FaaFab
- FabFab
- FabFac
- FacFah
- FahFai
- FaiFai
- FaiFal
- FalFal
- FalFal
- FalFam
- FamFan
- FanFan
- FanFar
- FarFar
- Farfar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFas
- fasFat
- FatFat
- FatFau
- FauFav
- FavFD
- FDFea
- FeaFee
- FeeFei
- FeiFel
- FelFel
- FelFen
- FenFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFet
- FeuFhe
- FheFid
- FidFie
- FieFig
- FigFil
- FilFil
- FilFin
- FinFin
- FinFio
- FioFir
- FirFir
- FirFis
- FisFis
- FisFit
- FitFit
- FitFiv
- FivFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFle
- FleFle
- FleFli
- FliFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- floFlu
- FluFly
- FlyFly
- FlyFod
- FodFoi
- FoiFol
- FolFon
- FonFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFou
- FouFou
- FouFox
- FoxFox
- FoxFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- freFre
- FreFri
- FriFri
- FriFri
- FriFro
- FroFro
- FroFro
- Frofth
- FTIFue
- FueFul
- FulFum
- FunFun
- FunFur
- FurFur
- FurFus
- FusFut
- FutFut
- FutFYT
- FytFZM
- Forndom
- Fornost (Germany)
- ForNull
- Forodwaith
- Forooghi, Fereydoon
- Forouhar, Leila (Iranian singer)
- Forqueray, Antoine (French composer and father of Jean-Baptiste Forqueray)
- Forraje
- Forre Sterra
- Forrer, Alma (French folk singer and composer)
- Forrer, Remo
- Forrest (American singer, active in the Netherlands)
- forrest (band from South Africa, 1990s)
- Forrest (instrumental post-sludge/prog-doom band from Lexington, KY)
- Forrest McCurren (Forrest McCurren)
- Forrest, Angel (Blues-Rock, Canada)
- Forrest, Bob
- Forrest, Dan
- Forrest, George (American composer and lyricist)
- Forrest, George & Wright, Robert
- Forrest, Helen
- Forrest, Helen & Haymes, Dick
- Forrest, Helen with Goodman, Benny and His Orchestra
- Forrest, Helen with James, Harry
- Forrest, Helen with James, Harry and His Orchestra
- Forrest, Helen with Shaw, Artie
- Forrest, Helen with Shaw, Artie, and His Orchestra
- Forrest, Helen, James, Harry
- Forrest, Jason (US electronic musician)
- Forrest, Jimmy
- Forrest, Sean
- Forrest. (Singer for surfaces)
- Forrester, Sharon
- Forrests
- Forrister
- Forró Balancear
- Forró Gatinha Manhosa
- Forro in the Dark
- Forro in the Dark feat. Byrne, David
- Forró Saborear
- Forróçacana
- Fors
- Fors, José
- Fors, Steve
- Forsaken (Maltese doom metal band)
- Forsaken Autumn (Chinese shoegaze band from Shanghai)
- Forsaken Hill
- Forsaken World
- Forsaken, The (Swedish melodic death metal band)
- Forsberg, Ebba
- Forsberg, Kynan
- Forsberg, Nina
- Forseps (Mexican rock band led by Jose Fors)
- Forshpil
- Forslund, Sebastian (heavy metal)
- Forsman, Ina
- Forsqueak
- Forss
- Forss, Christian
- Forssell, Ludvig
- Forster, Ben
- Forster, Finn
- Forster, John
- Forster, Mark
- Forster, Mark & Fischer, Helene
- Forster, Mark & LEA
- Forster, Mark feat. Glasperlenspiel
- Forster, Mark feat. Maro & Kirya, Maurice
- Forster, Mark feat. Mega, Flo
- Forster, Mark feat. Sido
- Forster, Mark x Kitschkrieg
- Forster, Mark x LEA
- Forster, Mark x Mathea
- Forster, Mark x VIZE
- Forster, Michael (pianist)
- Forster, Robert (Australian singer-songwriter & guitarist)
- Forsyth, Chris
- Forsyth, Guy
- Forsyth, Keeley
- Forsyth, Phil
- Forsyth, Tori
- Fort
- Fort (Australian stoner rock band, formerly known as "Forte")
- Fort Atlantic
- Fort Frances
- Fort Hope
- Fort Knox Five
- Fort Knox Five feat. Asheru
- Fort Lean
- Fort Minor