- FFaa
- FFab
- FabFab
- FabFac
- FacFah
- FahFai
- FaiFak
- FakFal
- FalFal
- FalFal
- FalFam
- FamFan
- FanFan
- FanFar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFar
- FarFas
- FasFat
- FatFat
- FatFat
- FatFau
- FauFay
- FayFea
- FeaFed
- FedFeh
- FeiFel
- FelFel
- FelFem
- FemFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFer
- FerFet
- FetFG
- FGFFic
- FiDFie
- FieFig
- FigFil
- FilFil
- FilFin
- FinFin
- FinFio
- FioFir
- FirFir
- FirFis
- FisFis
- FisFit
- FitFit
- FitFiv
- FivFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFla
- FlaFle
- FleFLE
- FleFle
- FleFli
- FliFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlo
- FloFlu
- FluFly
- FlyFoa
- FoaFog
- FogFol
- FolFon
- FonFoo
- FooFor
- ForFor
- forFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFor
- ForFou
- FouFou
- FouFox
- FoxFox
- FFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFra
- FraFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- FreFre
- freFre
- FreFre
- FreFri
- FriFri
- FriFri
- FriFro
- FroFro
- FroFru
- FruFuc
- fucFuj
- FUJFul
- FulFun
- FunFun
- FunFur
- FurFur
- FurFut
- FutFut
- FutFWC
- Fisher, Jeremy (Canadian singer-songwriter)
- Fisher, Jordan
- Fisher, Jordan feat. Miranda, Lin‐Manuel
- Fisher, Jordan, Tveit, Aaron & Grease Live Cast
- Fisher, Kim
- Fisher, Kim & Plate, Peter
- Fisher, Marten
- Fisher, Matthew (UK organist for Procol Harum/Prairie Madness, engineer)
- Fisher, Matthew L.
- Fisher, Miles (American actor/pop musician)
- Fisher, Morgan
- Fisher, Shea
- Fisher, Sonny
- Fisher, Toni, Miss
- Fisherman (French experimental band)
- Fisherman (Korean)
- Fisherman (Trance DJ/producer)
- Fisherman & Hawkins (Dutch DJ & producer duo Isaac Vissers & Rob Koopmans)
- Fisherman feat. BewhY
- Fisherman feat. Jiwoo
- Fisherman feat. Ku One Chan
- Fisherman feat. SUMIN
- Fisherman, Royce
- Fisherman's Fall
- Fisherman's Friends
- Fisherman’s Friends, The
- Fishgrape
- Fishmans
- Fishtalk
- Fishtank Ensemble
- Fisk Jubilee Singers
- Fisk, Eliot (guitarist)
- Fisk, Schuyler
- Fiskales Ad-Hok
- Fisker, Marie
- Fiskin
- Fismoll
- Fission (Swedish melodic death metal band)
- Fist (Canadian rock band)
- Fist (NWOBHM)
- Fist Benders
- Fist of Rage (Italian hard rock band)
- Fister, Steve
- Fistful of Mercy
- Fisthammer
- Fisticuffs, The (Irish punk rock band from Chicago)
- Fistt
- Fisz
- Fisz Emade
- Fisz Emade
- Fisz Emade
- Fisz Emade jako Tworzywo Sztuczne
- Fisz Emade jako Tworzywo Sztuczne
- Fisz Emade Tworzywo
- Fisz Emade Tworzywo feat. DJ Eprom
- Fisz Emade Tworzywo feat. Święs, Justyna
- Fit (Croatian rock group)
- Fit for a King (US Christian metalcore)
- Fit for a King feat. Gray, Jeremy
- Fit for a King feat. Kinoshita, Ryo
- Fit for a King feat. Mullins, Matty
- Fit for a King feat. Vigil, Jonathan
- Fit for an Autopsy
- Fit for Rivals
- Fit of Body (Ryan Parks)
- Fit to Work
- Fit, Chrissie
- Fitacola
- Fitchie, DJ feat. Joe Dukie
- Fite, Tim (US musician Timothy Sullivan)
- Fitnes
- Fitness
- Fitness Forever (Italian indie pop band)
- Fitness, The
- Fitnesss (drummer, electronic/post-industrial artist, and producer/sound designer from Los Angeles)
- Fito & Fitipaldis (Spanish rock band)
- Fito & Fitipaldis con Flying Rebollos, The
- Fito & Fitipaldis con Rot, Ariel
- Fitti, MC (German rapper)
- Fitti, MC feat. Brummer, Felix
- Fitti, MC feat. Marsimoto
- Fitti, MC feat. Moonbootica
- Fitti, MC feat. Strange, Bonnie
- Fitti, MC feat. Vokalmatador
- Fitti, MC feat. Zwackel, Udo
- Fitton, Daniel
- Fitts, Bob
- FITZ (French-American musician/singer-songwriter Michael Fitzpatrick)
- Fitz and the Tantrums
- Fitz-Patrick, Ariel (gospel singer)