- EE
- EE
- EEa
- EAEar
- EarEar
- EarEas
- EasEas
- EasEat
- EatEbo
- EboEch
- EchEcs
- EcsEde
- EdeEdi
- EdiEdv
- Edveee
- EEEEft
- EftEgo
- EgoEie
- Eie
- EirEko
- El
- ElEl
- EldEle
- EleEle
- Eleele
- EleEle
- EleElg
- ElgEli
- EliEli
- Eliell
- EllEll
- EllEll
- ellElm
- ElmEls
- ElsEly
- ElyEmb
- EmbEme
- EmeEmi
- EmiEmi
- EmiEmm
- Emmemo
- EmoEmp
- EmpEnc
- EncEnd
- EndEne
- EneEng
- EngEnm
- ENMEns
- EnsEnu
- EnuEpi
- EpiEpp
- EppErd
- Erderi
- eriErl
- ErlErr
- ErrEsc
- EscEsk
- EskEsp
- EspEst
- EstEst
- EstEte
- EteEth
- EthEul
- EulEuz
- EVEva
- EvaEve
- EVEEve
- EveEve
- eveEvi
- EviEwi
- EwiExc
- ExcExi
- ExiExo
- EXOExt
- ExtEye
- EyeEze
- EzeEzz
- ellis (UK based electronic music producer)
- Ellis Beggs & Howard
- Ellis Hadaway
- Ellis Island (Two man Irish Band)
- Ellis King (Singer-Songwriter from USA)
- Ellis Mano Band
- Ellis Paul and Vance Gilbert
- Ellis‐Bextor, Sophie
- Ellis‐Bextor, Sophie & PNAU
- Ellis‐Bextor, Sophie × Oh, Wuh
- Ellis‐Bextor, Sophie feat. Buuren, van, Armin
- Ellis‐Bextor, Sophie feat. Buuren, van, Armin
- Ellis‐Bextor, Sophie feat. Caldera, Junior
- Ellis, Alton
- Ellis, Alton & aspo
- Ellis, Alton & Ellis, Hortense
- Ellis, Alton & the Flames
- Ellis, Anita
- Ellis, Carwyn & Rio 18
- Ellis, Christopher (reggae/R&B singer; son of Alton Ellis)
- Ellis, Don (trumpet)
- Ellis, Ernest
- Ellis, Euan
- Ellis, Greg (English actor, early career in musical theatre)
- Ellis, Hannah
- Ellis, Herb (jazz guitarist)
- Ellis, Herb & Smith, Stuff
- Ellis, Hortense
- Ellis, Jeremy
- Ellis, John (South African vocalist/guitarist for christian-rock band Tree63)
- Ellis, John (tenor saxophone player)
- Ellis, John, and his Highland Country Dance Band
- Ellis, Kaelin
- Ellis, Karyn (Canadian singer-songwriter)
- Ellis, Kate (Americana artist)
- Ellis, Kerry
- Ellis, Kerry & May, Brian
- Ellis, Lucy (Jazz Vocalist)
- Ellis, Matt (Australian Singer/Songwriter)
- Ellis, Michael (German musician)
- Ellis, Nick
- Ellis, Noel
- Ellis, Paul (US electronic musician)
- Ellis, Pee Wee
- Ellis, Robert (Nashville TN Alt-Country singer-songwriter and guitarist)
- Ellis, Robert (composer for Treasure Adventure Game, and Treasure Adventure World)
- Ellis, Ross
- Ellis, Rowen
- Ellis, Ryan (Christian Worship/Pop Artist)
- Ellis, Ryan & Essential Worship
- Ellis, Shirley
- Ellis, Tawny
- Ellis, Terry (US R&B singer, member of En Vogue)
- Ellis, Tinsley
- Ellis, Tom (Thomas J. Ellis; artist DJ producer; co-founder of Trimsound)
- Ellis, Warren (Australian musician and score composer)
- ELLiS·D (UK solo artist)
- Ellise (female singer from Danville)
- Ellison (indie rock band from Cincinnati, Ohio)
- Ellison, Jennifer
- Ellison, Lorraine
- Ellison, Todd (American conductor of musicals)
- Ello (Indonesian Singer)
- Ellos
- Ellowen
- Elloyd
- Ellrich & Plaice
- Ellsworth, Charles
- Ellsworth, Daniel & Great Lakes, The
- Ellur
- Ellwood
- elly
- Elly (czech pop rock)
- Elly en Rikkert
- Elly Jay
- Elly Sunarya
- Ellzo
- Elm Street (Australian heavy metal band)
- Elm Street Group, The
- Elm Tree Circle
- ELMA (Swedish R'n'B artist Matilda Gratte)
- Elma Soda
- Elmaleh, Gad
- Elmaleh, Gad, Kidjo, Angélique & Maalouf, Ibrahim
- Elman, Ziggy and His Orchestra
- Elmäx
- Elmer
- Elmer (Dutch rapper)
- Elmer Food Beat