- EE
- EE
- EEa
- EaEar
- EarEar
- EarEas
- EasEas
- EasEas
- EasEbo
- EboEch
- Echeco
- EcrEdd
- EddEdg
- EdgEdu
- EduEeb
- EecEft
- EftEgo
- EgoEie
- Eie
- EirEko
- El
- ElEl
- ElEld
- eldEle
- EleEle
- Eleele
- EleEle
- EleElg
- ElgEli
- ELIEli
- EliEll
- EllEll
- EllEll
- EllElm
- ElmElt
- ElteLZ
- eLZEmb
- EmbEme
- EmeEmi
- EmiEmi
- EmiEmm
- EmmEmp
- EmpEmp
- EmpEnc
- EncEnd
- EndEnf
- EnfEng
- EngEno
- EnoEns
- EnsEnv
- EnvEpi
- EpiEqu
- EquEre
- EreEri
- EriErn
- ErnErt
- ErtEsc
- EscEsl
- EslEss
- EssEst
- EstEst
- EstEte
- EteEtn
- ETNEup
- EupEva
- EvaEva
- EvaEve
- Eve
- EveEve
- EveEvi
- EviEx
- ExExc
- ExcExi
- ExiExp
- ExpExW
- ExxEye
- EyeEzr
- EzrEzz
- Elton (Comedian Alexander Duszat)
- Elton John & Billy Joel
- Elton Motello (UK 1970s punk rock & new wave band)
- Elton, Ben
- Elton, Isaac
- Eluize (Emma Louise Sainsbury)
- Elujay
- Elujjin
- Eluphant
- Elusin
- Elusive (Norwegian gothic rock band)
- Elusive (jazz?)
- Elusive God
- Eluun (Electronic producer)
- Eluveitie
- Eluvium
- Eluzai
- Elva Snow
- Elvarhoi
- Elvellon
- Elvenking (Italian folk/power metal band)
- Elver, Ebru
- Elves, The
- elvett
- Elvie Shane (gospel and country artist)
- Elviira & Rake
- Elvin (Alfons Weindorf)
- Elvin Bishop Band, The
- Elvira (Mistress of the Dark)
- Elvira Madigan
- Elvira T (Russian singer)
- Elvira, Natasya
- Elvis Costello and the Sugarcanes
- Elvis Depressedly (US lo-fi indie pop band)
- Elvis Jackson
- Elvis Perkins in Dearland
- Elvis Phương
- Elvis Presley
- Elvis Presley & The Jordanaires
- Elvis vs. JXL
- Elvis, Kjell (Elvis impersonator)
- Elvis, Nick
- Elvis, Roméo (Belgian rapper)
- Elvis, Roméo & Albarn, Damon
- Elvis, Roméo & Carner, Loyle
- Elvis, Roméo & M
- Elvis, Roméo & Motel, Le
- Elviss
- Elwins, The
- Elwood (Prince Elwood Strickland III & Brian Boland project/collaboration)
- Elwood cromwell
- Elwood Stray
- eLxAr (synthwave)
- Ely Cathedral Choir
- Ely Eira
- Ely, Brother Claude
- Ely, Frank
- Ely, Joe
- Elyanna (Palestinian-Chilean singer-songwriter)
- Elyashkevich, Dimitry
- elybeatmaker
- Elyne (Italian metalcore band)
- Elyon (jazzy hip hop producer)
- Elyon ("french rapper")
- Elyose
- Elyose feat. Deyres, Julien
- ElyOtto
- Elypsis (Australian Electronic Music Producer)
- Elypsis & Brandon Mignacca
- Elysanij
- Elyse (Canada - Neil Young on Guitar)
- Elyse Aeryn
- Elysia (ambient/synth-pop)
- Elysia (American metalcore band)
- Elysian (Melodic death metal band from Melbourne, Australia)
- Elysian (Trance)
- Elysian Fields
- Elysian Fields, The (Greek)
- ElysianSoul
- Elysion (Gothic Metal Band from Greece)
- Elysium (Russian ska-punk/cosmos-rock band)
- Elzé ML (French singer)
- eLZhi
- eLZhi feat. Black Milk, Guilty Simpson, Fatt Father, Brown, Danny & Fat Ray
- eLZhi feat. Dave, Chris
- eLZhi feat. Fes Roc