- EE
- EE
- EEa
- EaEar
- EarEar
- EarEas
- EasEas
- EasEas
- EasEbo
- EboEch
- Echeco
- EcrEdd
- EddEdg
- EdgEdu
- EduEeb
- EecEft
- EftEgo
- EgoEie
- Eie
- EirEko
- El
- ElEl
- ElEld
- eldEle
- EleEle
- Eleele
- EleEle
- EleElg
- ElgEli
- ELIEli
- EliEll
- EllEll
- EllEll
- EllElm
- ElmElt
- ElteLZ
- eLZEmb
- EmbEme
- EmeEmi
- EmiEmi
- EmiEmm
- EmmEmp
- EmpEmp
- EmpEnc
- EncEnd
- EndEnf
- EnfEng
- EngEno
- EnoEns
- EnsEnv
- EnvEpi
- EpiEqu
- EquEre
- EreEri
- EriErn
- ErnErt
- ErtEsc
- EscEsl
- EslEss
- EssEst
- EstEst
- EstEte
- EteEtn
- ETNEup
- EupEva
- EvaEva
- EvaEve
- Eve
- EveEve
- EveEvi
- EviEx
- ExExc
- ExcExi
- ExiExp
- ExpExW
- ExxEye
- EyeEzr
- EzrEzz
- Evita (English metalcore band)
- Evitceles
- Evlay
- Evlay & Espil, An
- Evmark, Dan (Swedish musician and composer)
- Evnen (Spanish Symphonic Death Metal band)
- eVo (Indonesian female-fronted rock band)
- EVO (Spanish heavy metal band)
- Evocable
- Evocation (Swedish death metal)
- Evocativ
- éVoid
- Evoke (US indie Hard Rock)
- Evoken
- Evoking Winds
- EVOL (Spanish computer music project)
- Evol (Italian medieval/black/gothic metal)
- EvoL (South Korean girl group)
- Evol Intent
- Evol Intent, Mayhem & Thinktank
- Evolett
- Evolfo (US garage soul / psych rock band from Brooklyn)
- Evolsi
- Evolucija
- Evolución (rock band from Costa Rica)
- Evolución (Chilean progressive rock-jazz band from Santiago)
- Evolution (UK techno duo Barry Jamieson & Jon Sutton)
- Evolution (Metal band from Vancouver)
- Evolutionaries, The (industrial rock)
- Evolve (Downtempo electronic artist)
- Evolve (swiss progressive metal band)
- Evolving Sound (production music library [EVS#])
- Évora, Cesária
- Évora, Cesária & Bonga
- Évora, Cesária feat. Guerra, Pedro
- Évora, Cesária feat. Veloso, Caetano
- Évora, Tuna Académica da Universidade de
- Evpatoria Report, The
- Evrard, Peter (Belgian singer, winner of Idols 2003)
- Evren Besta
- Evripidis and His Tragedies
- evvemoscia
- evvls
- Evvol
- Evy Jane
- EW (Gainesville punk)
- Ewa
- Ewald, Anton
- Ewan J. Phillips (British singer songwriter)
- Ewan Mainwood
- Ewazen, Eric (composer)
- Ewbank, Jennifer
- Ewen, Jade
- Ewert and The Two Dragons (Estonian indie rock band)
- Ewig
- Ewig
- Ewig Frost (Blackened D-Beat Röck'n'Röll)
- Ewig.Endlich.
- Ewigheim
- Ewigkeit (British experimental black metal)
- Ewing, Ian
- Ewing, Ian feat. Palms, Virginia
- Ewing, Ryan
- Ewing, Skip (American country singer/songwriter and producer)
- Ewiniar
- Ewy
- Ex (Psycho Stoners Ex)
- Ex - tracts, The
- Ex Anima (house)
- Ex Battalion (Filipino Hip Hop Group)
- Ex Battalion & Dawgs, O.C.
- Ex Battalion & Richards, Alden
- Ex Battalion feat. Bosx1ne, Flow-G, Badger, King & JRoa
- Ex Battalion feat. JRoa, Rhenn, Emcee, Flow-G, Brando & Bosx1ne
- EX Box Boys, The
- Ex Cathedra Choir
- Ex Cathedra, Skidmore, Jeffrey
- Ex Cops
- Ex Deo (Canadian metal band)
- Ex Habit
- Ex Hex
- Ex Libras
- Ex Libris (prog metal band from the Netherlands)
- Ex Lover (2020s Omaha, Nebraska post-punk band)
- ex Machina, Strauss
- Ex Makina