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- Big Boss Vette & Lay, Omah
- Big Boy (Hardcore band from San Jose, California)
- Big Boy (German rock band)
- Big Boy (Latin rap and reggaeton artist)
- Big Boy feat. Jam, Nicky
- Big Boy feat. López, Ángel
- Big Boy feat. Rivera, Alex
- Big Boy feat. Rojas, Tito
- Big Boys (Austin, TX queercore & skate punk)
- Big Bright, The
- Big Brother & the Holding Company
- Big Brother & the Holding Company & Joplin, Janis
- Big Brother & the Holding Company featuring Joplin, Janis
- Big Brother Allstars
- Big Brother, The (eurobeat)
- Big Brovaz
- Big Bub (United States R&B artist)
- Big Bud (Drum & Bass producer Robin O’Reilly)
- Big Buddy
- Big Business
- Big Byrd, Les (Swedish group featuring Joakim Åhlund & Nino Keller)
- Big C (1960s US garage rock singer Chuck Kalill)
- Big Car
- Big Cats! (Minneapolis hip-hop producer)
- Big Chef (absurd Australian deathgrind)
- Big Chief Mkuja
- Big China & Little Trouble
- Big Chocolate (US dubstep producer Cameron Argon)
- Big Chungus (Nicholas Hertzberg project)
- Big Circo
- Big City (Norwegian Metal Band)
- Big City Kids
- Big City Rock
- Big Cock
- Big Country
- Big Country Bluegrass
- Big Country feat. Bush, Kate
- Big Cyc
- Big D and the Kids Table
- Big D, The (US comedy rock)
- Big Daddy (comedy rock band)
- Big Daddy Kane
- Big Daddy Kane & Kool G Rap
- Big Daddy Kane feat. Markie, Biz
- Big Daddy Kane feat. Moore, Rudy Ray
- Big Daddy Kane feat. Shabazz, Gamilah
- Big Daddy Kane feat. Weathers, Barbara
- Big Daddy Kane feat. White, Barry
- Big Daddy Weave
- Big Daddy Wilson
- Big Data
- Big Data feat. Bear Hands
- Big Data feat. Cuomo, Rivers
- Big Data feat. Joywave
- Big Data feat. Kimbra
- Big Data feat. Lidell, Jamie
- Big Data feat. Twin Shadow
- Big Data feat. Wasner, Jenn
- Big Day
- Big Deal (Indie duo comprising Kacey Underwood and Alice Costelloe)
- Big Deal (German blues-rock band)
- Big Deal (Metalcore/Crossover band from Michigan)
- Big Deal, The
- Big Dimp
- Big Dipper (Boston-based indie band)
- Big Dish, The
- Big Dismal
- Big Dope P
- Big Drill Car
- Big Dumb Face
- Big Ed (US rapper, of TRU, No Limit Records)
- Big Electric Cat
- Big Engine (Southern Rock Band)
- Big Eyes (Mostly instrumental folk-pop band from Sheffield, UK)
- Big Fat Head (Garage rock from Columbus, Ohio)
- Big Fat Snake (Danish pop/rock music group)
- Big Fish (Swedish folk-punk)
- Big Fish & Anastacia
- Big Flip the Massive
- Big Foot Mama
- Big Fox (Charlotta Perers)
- Big Freedia
- Big Fuckin Skull
- Big Fun (LA-based rock group)
- Big Fun
- Big Geminii
- Big Giant Circles (video game composer & arranger)
- Big Giant Circles & SoulEye
- Big Giant Circles feat. SoulEye
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