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- BusBus
- BusBut
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- BuuBWD
- BwnByr
- ByrBzz
- Beton.Hofi, gyuris & Beatrick
- Beton.Hofi, Realisztik, Miller, Dávid & GERENDĀS
- Betontod
- Betos, Los
- Betray the Emissary
- Betray The Throne
- Betrayal (US thrash / industrial gothic metal band)
- Betrayal (CA hardcore band)
- Betrayed (Chilean Thrash Metal band)
- Betrayed (USA hardcore punk band)
- Betrayer
- Betrayer (Indonesian thrash metal band)
- Betrayer (Canadian thrash metal)
- Betraying the Martyrs (French metalcore/deathcore/symphonic metal band)
- Betsch, Bertrand
- Betsy (American metal band, aka Bitch)
- Betsy (UK singer)
- Bett, Andry (Agustín Andribet)
- Bettencourt, Nuno
- Bettens (Belgian band, K's Choice spin-off)
- Bettens, Sam
- Better Anyway (Ohio alt pop punk)
- Better Beatles, The
- Better Days (Pop Punk Band)
- Better Days Ahead
- Better Half (Australian Rock Band)
- Better Left Unsaid
- Better Life (Arabic Christian Songs)
- Better Living.
- Better Love
- Better Lovers (metalcore band from Buffalo, NY)
- Better Luck Next Time
- Better Oblivion Community Center
- Better Off (rock band from Nashville)
- Better Person (singer and ballad composer Adam Byczkowski)
- Better Strangers
- Better Than a Thousand
- Better Than Ezra
- Better Than Ezra feat. Swamp, DJ
- Better Than Ezra feat. Toddy
- Better Than Never
- Betteraves, Les
- Betterov (Manuel Bittorf)
- Betters, Harold (jazz trombonist)
- Bettie Serveert (Dutch indie rock band)
- Bettie Serveert feat. Bos, te, Peter
- Bettie Serveert feat. Nomad, Prof. & Co
- Bettinaglio, Claudia
- Bettridge, Dan
- Betts, Dickey
- Betts, Dickey & Great Southern (1976-2000)
- Betts, Duane
- Betts, Michaela (Singer Songwriter)
- Betty (Belgian female singer, Big Brother candidate)
- Betty (Iranian singer)
- Betty (US alternative rock band)
- Betty & the Bops (Rockabilly Group)
- Betty and the Boy
- Betty Blowtorch
- Betty Boo (British dance music singer-songwriter)
- Betty Curse
- Betty Ford Boys (instrumental hip hop)
- Betty Troupe
- Betty X (performance artist and singer)
- BettySoo
- Betulio Medina
- Between August and December
- Between Borders
- BETWEEN FRIENDS (indie pop-rock duo)
- BETWEEN FRIENDS & Teezo Touchdown
- BETWEEN FRIENDS feat. Teezo Touchdown
- Between Home and Serenity
- Between Kings
- Between the Buried and Me
- Between The Jars (Psychedelic / Progressive Rock)
- Between the Lines (pop/rock)
- Between the Lines (Band from Winter Springs, Florida)
- Between the Lines (Belgian 1990/2000s hardcore band)
- Between the Screams
- Between the Trees
- Between Thieves
- Between Two Trees (Indie)
- Between You & Me (Australian pop punk band from Melbourne)
- Betzaida
- Betzefer
- Beu Sisters, The
- Beuken, van den, Ron
- Beuken, van den, Ron feat. Heap, Imogen
- Beulah (US lo-fi indie band)
- Beulah (English female singer/songwriter)
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