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- BusBus
- BusBus
- BusBut
- ButBut
- ButBuu
- BuuBuu
- BuuBUZ
- BuzBye
- ByeByr
- byrBzz
- Botti, Chris & Tyler, Steven
- Botti, Chris feat. Bocelli, Andrea
- Botti, Chris feat. Brickell, Edie
- Botti, Chris feat. Bublé, Michael
- Botti, Chris feat. Buchanan, Paul Gerard
- Botti, Chris feat. Childs, Billy
- Botti, Chris feat. Cole, Paula
- Botti, Chris feat. Gill, Vince
- Botti, Chris feat. Knight, Gladys
- Botti, Chris feat. Knopfler, Mark
- Botti, Chris feat. Martin, Dean
- Botti, Chris feat. McPhee, Katharine
- Botti, Chris feat. Miller, Dominic & Sting
- Botti, Chris feat. Olstead, Renee
- Botti, Chris feat. Scott, Jill
- Botti, Chris feat. Sting
- Botti, Chris feat. Tyler, Steven
- Botti, Chris featuring Bocelli, Andrea
- Botti, Chris featuring Cole, Paula
- Botti, Chris featuring Martin, Dean
- Botti, Paolo
- Botticelli Orchestra
- Bottin
- Bottina, Adriana
- Bottine Souriante, La
- Bottle Rockets (Scottish alt-indie band)
- Bottle Rockets, The
- Bottlecap (High energy in-your-face-rock, punk, swedish)
- Bottled In England
- Bottlefly
- BOTTLEKIDS (Punk rock band from Chepstow, South Wales)
- Bottlesmoker (Electronic music project by Anggung Kuy Kay & Ryan Nobie Adzani from Bandung, Indonesia.)
- Bottom Line (US band from Cincinnati)
- Bottom Line, The (UK pop punk band)
- Bottomley, John
- Bottomline, The
- Botton, Frédéric
- Bottrops, The
- Botts, Jack (Brisbane, Australia surf folk)
- Bou (Algerian; UK based drum & bass artist; Amine Bouguenna)
- Bouba Savage
- Boublil, Alain & Schönberg, Claude-Michel
- Boublil, Alain & Schönberg, Claude‐Michel
- Boublil, Max
- Boublil, Max feat. Favier, Sophie
- Boubou
- BOUBSI (Rap fr)
- Bouchard, Albert
- Bouchard, Gab
- Bouchard, Ryland
- Bouche, La (German Euro-Dance duo)
- Bouche, La & Pellegrino, Paolo
- Bouchées Doubles
- Boucher, Butterfly
- Boucher, Daniel
- Boucher, Juan (South African artist)
- Boucher, Judy
- Boucher, Judy & Chandell, Tim
- bouches bées
- Bouchnak, Hamid
- Bouchra (pop singer Bouchra Dibe)
- Boudain
- Boudewijn de Groot & Liesbeth List
- Boudika
- Boudreau, Alanna
- Boudreau, Lina
- Boudreau, Simon
- Boudreaux, Jessica (lead singer of Portland band Summer Cannibals)
- Boudreaux, Ray
- Bouff
- Bouffard, Patrick
- Bouga
- Bougenvilla (Homeless)
- Bought it for the Bottle
- Bougie Soliterre
- Bouhafa, Amine
- Bouhafa, Amine feat. Diawara, Fatoumata
- Boukaka, Franklin
- Bouke
- Boukman Eksperyans
- Boukou Groove
- Boulanger, Jacques
- Boulanger, Lili (composer)
- Boulanger, Nadia
- Boulay, Isabelle
- Boulay, Isabelle & Hallyday, Johnny
- Boulay, Isabelle avec D’Amour, France
- Boulay, Stéphanie
- Boulcy
- Boule Noire
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