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- BurBus
- BusBus
- BusBus
- BusBut
- ButBut
- ButBuu
- BuuBuu
- BuuBUZ
- BuzBye
- ByeByr
- byrBzz
- Benton, Jarren, Hopsin & SwizZz
- Benton, Jarren, R.A. the Rugged Man & Sly the Mic Buddah
- Benton, Jarren, Wright, Dizzy & Pounds
- Benton, Oscar
- Benty, Lila
- Bentyne, Cheryl
- Benümb (United States grindcore)
- beNUTS
- Benvegnù, Paolo
- Benvenga, Carolina
- Benward, Aaron
- Benward, Luke (actor and musician)
- Benwick, Sam
- Beny Jr, Morad & K y B
- Benya feat. Penny Nixon
- Benz, Julian & Glück, Isi
- Benz, Stefan (South African singer)
- Benzedrine Monks of Santo Domonica, The
- BenZel (Umi Takahashi and Yoko Watanabe)
- BenZel feat. Cashmere Cat & Weaver, Ryn
- benzii (Female Artist from Berlin)
- Benzin (German rock band)
- Benzino
- Benzino feat. Winans, Mario
- Benzo (electronic/experimental musician Richardas Norvila)
- Benzvi, Liam
- Benzz
- Beoga
- Beograd
- Beogradski Sindikat
- Beorlegui, Karina (Argentine tango singer)
- Beorn
- Beowülf (Californian punk/metal fusion band)
- Beowülf (DJ/producer)
- Beozedzed (FR)
- Bepi & The Prismas
- BePop
- Beppie (Canadian children's musician.)
- beppo & pete (German hip-hop group aka Beppo S. & Peter B.)
- Bequem
- Ber (Icelandic)
- Ber (American Berit Dybing)
- Berandalan Jenius
- Beranek (Norwegian musician)
- Beranger (duo by Todd James and Beranger Gras)
- Béranger, François
- Berard, Al
- Béraud, Marie-Laure
- Berben, Iris
- Berberian, Cathy (mezzo‐soprano)
- Berberian, John
- Berbuer, Karl
- Bercot, Marine
- Berdie, Catherine
- Bere Gratis
- Bereaved, The
- Bereft (Doom metal US band from Los Angeles)
- Berend, Max
- Berendse, Yvess
- Berenguer, Adrián (Spanish composer aka ANBR)
- Berenguer, Christiana
- Berenice
- Berenika Kohoutová
- Beresñak, Guillermo
- Beret (Spanish rapper)
- Beret con Alborán, Pablo
- Beret con Martín, Vanesa
- Beret con Melendi
- Berezan, Jennifer
- Berezovsky, Boris (pianist)
- Berg (Teófilo Sonnenberg; Portuguese singer)
- Berg (Psytrance, Israel, Shlomi Berg)
- Berg, Alban (composer)
- Berg, Andrea
- Berg, Andrea & Kaiser, Roland
- Berg, Andrea & Mai, Vanessa
- Berg, Andrea & Ott, Kerstin
- Berg, Andrea & Richie, Lionel
- Berg, Andrea & Rossi, Semino
- Berg, Andrea & Thomalla, Simone & Schrowange, Birgit
- Berg, Andrea & Zarrella, Giovanni
- Berg, Andrea feat. Richie, Lionel
- Berg, Bob (saxophone)
- Berg, Charlize
- Berg, Espen,Trio
- Berg, Joakim (Kent frontman)
- Berg, Matraca
- Berg, Stein Ove
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