
Welcome to My Life Songtext
von Sunrise Avenue

Welcome to My Life Songtext

This is not really me
You′re an angel not asking who I am
You understand
That is not really you
You look at me as if I'm something more
Well dream on

Welcome to my life
You see it is not easy
But I′m doing all right
Welcome to my dream
It's the only one who needs me
And stays right by my side

Welcome to my wonderland
It'll take time to find out where we stand
In all this mess
There was the first day for me too
And I had no guide and I was lost like you
I still am
But it makes me feel alive

Welcome to my life
You see it is not easy
But I′m doing all right
Welcome to my dream
It′s the only one who needs me
And stays by my side

Once upon a time there was a guy
Who thought life is a joyride of ladies and red wine
He was so sure he'd get the prices and the glory with his rhymes
He′d never need no one to be there beside him
Now they're all surrounding me and I feel lonely
So lonely

Welcome to my life
You see it is not easy
But I′m doing all right
Welcome to my dream
It's the only one who needs me
And stays by my side
Welcome to my life
You see it is not easy
But I′m doing all right
Welcome to my dream
It's the only one who needs me
And stays right by my side

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Heike Ruegenberg

Danke Samu,Danke Sunrise Ave,für all die wundervollen Lieder. Allein Samus Stimme bringt mieten Gänsehaut bei diesem Lied,und dann noch dieses wundervolle Video. Emotionen pur, ich bin blind vor Tränen. Danke, Danke Danke!


Sunrise Avenue macht schöne Lieder. Aber das Lied ist zusammen mit I don't dance mein Favorit. Es beschreibt nicht nur mein Leben, sondern hilft mir auch in schwierigen Situationen wo ich einfach gute Musik brauch!

Mit dem Lied fing es bei mir und #S4ve so richtig an... einfach nur großartige Leistung, RESPECT THE WHOLE BAND!!♥♥♥♥


Sunrise Avenue macht sehr Gefühlvolle Songs die man hören kann ohne Ende


Awwwwwwwwwwwwww i Live raus Song raus Song ist my Life

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