
Forever Yours Songtext
von Sunrise Avenue

Forever Yours Songtext

There are times
I can leave my heart wide open
There are days
I believe I can heal wounds on me
There are times
I could come to you and hurt you
I could easily bring you tears
I could send you to hell, I know you

I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours

You were mine
And I was yours for one night
You were mine
And there is no one who′s like me
These screams
They wake me up in the night
They violently fill my room
They keep me awake, I hate you

I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours

I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours

(Forever yours, yours)

I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours
I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours

I will find something more
Someone I am made for
Shame on you, baby
Forever yours

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Man! Wie sehr ich dieses Lied liebe :) Mein erster richtiger Ohrwurm von Sunrise Avenue. Obwohl ich die Acoustic Version irgendwie schöner finde. Jedenfalls hammer Text. Ihr Jungs seid einfach die besten!


Schon ok nicht jeder hört so oft sunrise avenue wie ich ich lieeebe sunrise avenue!!!! aber wenn man einen songtext postet sollte er schon richtig sein.... da fehlt das mit this screams they wakeme up in the night... they.... usw also naja


Hamma lied


Einfach tolles Lied! Live einfach der HAMMER!
6 Jahre Sunrise Ave ♥ ♥


I love this Song. <3
1 song = 1000 emotions

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