Enter/Alter (Remix)
- If You Are New / Lower
- The Way It Tanks
- I Quickly Became Scopophobic
- Clock Yourself
- Ego Death
- You May Be Entitled
- The Abyss Flirts Back
- Crystalline Dreams
- cavecavecave
- xXXwutdo_Ü_wnt_frøm_meXXx
- Rosy Breeze / Reality Shift
- Dying to Decide
- Oh FUCK. Everyone can tell i'm God
- Vinegar Syndrome
- Sleepwalking (Nap Break)
- Smooth Harvest
- Assisted Ritual Egocide for Aspiring Thoughtforms
- Unknown Needs
- Down Bad
- Waving through a Spiral
- Seize the Means of Complication
- Burning Roses
- Dreamsinger x Revolution
It's Only a Mashup (Remix)
- The Formalities They Are a-Changin'
- Eight Stop Program
- Possum Hill
- You Ain't in Touch
- Lord of the Birchmen
- Dr. Freewill
- The Absolutely Final Episode (Story of a Changed Channel)
- Rope Me
- Almost Undone
- Every Machine She Fucks Is Magic
- Premonitions of Plush
- I Believe in a Song by Blur (Intermission)
- Welcome to the Silhouette
- Sunburnt
- Walkabout
- Crazycar
- Dunkin Diver
- You Oughta Burn
- Once in a Lifehouse
- I Won't Be Dancing
- Breakfast
- Ozzy, They're Lesbians
- Time To Die
- You Got a Gun, Dude!
- Sympathy for the Unwell
- De-Luxe Jezebel
- One-Armed Motion
- Come Down, King George
- Katamari on the Edge
Shifting Context and Consciousness, or Reshaping the Sonic Landscape By Mashing Music the FUCK Up (Remix)
- Pinion Gun
- Enjoy the Sideshow
- What's the matter? Freak got your tongue?
- Shutterstock '99
- Diary of Jon
- I Will Thump Your Tub
- Gecs and Candy
- Backstreet in the Sky
- And She Dug
- Geek with Somebody
- One of These Lights
- Supermoon
- Take a Horse
- Pulse of the Jackets
- Weezer? I barely KNOW 'er!
- Summer of Sobriety
- Sorry Not Sorry
- You Don't Know What Fear Is (You Just Boo as You're Told)
- Our Trees
- Sir, this is a honky tonk...
- Interior Crocodile Semiotics
- Britpop Taste on a Ska Budget
- The Done Mom (Courtesy of the Ray, William and Johnson)
- All You'll Wanna Do
- Sailing Away