Grey Goo "Best Of" Soundtrack
Grey Goo Original Soundtrack
The Beta
- Grey Goo Main Theme
- We Have a Breach
- The Beta
- We Were Ambushed
- Battle Stations
- Beta Formation
- Are We Certain
- On the Hunt
- Crush Under Foot
- Change Tactics
- Base Expansion
- Bring the Hailstorm
- Go Through Them
- Wall Defense
- Skystrike
- Preparing for Counter Assault
- The Hand of Ruk
- War Has Given You a Voice
The Humans
- The Humans
- Abandon Ship
- Efficient Patrol
- Analyze Hostile Forces
- Advancing Position
- Redgrave's Location
- Exploration
- Assemble and Attack
- Agile Maneuvers
- Prisoner Negotiation
- Increase Production
- Human Confrontation
- So That Others May Live
- Materialize
- Valiant Assault
- Catalyst Detonation
The Goo
- The Goo
- System at Risk
- Power Growing
- Spreading
- Acquire Data
- Replicate
- Protect and Destroy
- The Pathfinder Program
- Evolve
- All Life Is Hostile
- Silence Is Growing
- Emergent
- A Greater Threat
- Eliminate
- Unified
- War Is Evolving