Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (Soundtrack)
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (Soundtrack)
Warcraft II Battle.net Edition (Soundtrack)
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (Soundtrack)
Mehr Songtexte
- Human Battle 1
- Human Battle 2
- Human Battle 3
- Human Battle 4
- Human Battle 5
- Human Briefing
- Orc Battle 1
- Orc Battle 2
- Orc Battle 3
- Orc Battle 4
- Orc Battle 5
- Orc Briefing
- Human Track 5
- Path of Tears
- Mountains of Thunder
- Secrets Long Forgotten
- Human Defeat!
- [unknown]
- Orcish Victory!
- Orcish Defeat!
- Human Victory!
- Frostmourne
- Lordaeron Fall
- Blackrock & Roll
- High Seas
- March
- Fight for Life
- Onward
- Moment Of Truth
- Victory
- Retreat
- Medieval Man Rap
- Fanfare
- Trials and Tribulations
- Betrayal
- Valiant
- Covert Action
- Danger
- Around The Corner
- Redemption
- Racing the Clock
- Heaven’s Devils
- Human Battle 2 / Human Battle 3
- Human Battle 2; Human Battle 3
- intro song
- Theme Music 1
- Theme Music 2
- Theme Music 3
- Theme Music 4
- Theme Music 5
- Theme Music 6
- Theme Music 7
- Orc Campaign #2
- Orc Campaign #3
- Orc Campaign #4
- Orc Campaign #1
- Human Win #1
- Human Win #2
- Human Campaign #4
- Orc Win #1
- Orc Win #2
- Human Campaign #3
- Human Campaign #2
- Human Campaign #1
- Factory
- Boat
- Spacecraft Ending #1
- Spacecraft Ending #2
- Cave
- Transylvania
- Title Screen
- Credits
- Home
- Spacecraft
- Egypt
- Prehistoria
- Jungle
- Wacky World
- Future
- Ending
- Remnants of the Hour
- Eruption Ruption
- The First Tumor
- Cities in Ruin
- Don'''t You Die (With Guitars)
- Old Soldiers
- Zagara Taunts
- Abathur
- Heart of the Swarm (Main Menu)
- Hopes and Fears (Strings Only)
- Chemical Warfare
- Zerus Awakes
- Hopes and Fears
- Allegiance Bound
- The Ancient One
- Zero Hour Plus A Swarm
- One Big Mean Zerg
- Planet Departure
- The Void Calls
- Ambience
- Tenacious Bastards
- The Old Directorate
- Ever Closer
- Gotta Die Eventually
- The Crucible
- You Will See
- All in the Mind
- The Enemy Within
- Stronger and Stronger
- Serve Agan
- Choices
- The Rogue Queen
- Protoss Alerted
- Zergs in the Banana Patch
- Rendezvous
- Old Acquaintance
- Before the Big Event
- Overdrive
- Long Term Plan
- A Bit of Inspiration
- Rifts to Die For
- Mind's Supreme
- Dark Victory I
- The Leviathan
- Cutting the Links
- Get Him, Get Out
- The Fifth Batch
- Bastard's Going Down
- Believe in Me
- Time to Take the Pack
- What My Enemies Fear Most
- Mercs in Space
- Fury
- Zerus is Done
- Protoss Take Kiev
- Lassara
- Miscalculated Threat Calculated
- Ascension Epilogue (Choir Only)
- The Brood Mothers
- Burn the Sky
- Conviction
- Trenching on Bones
- This is Why
- Phantoms of the Void
- Get it Together
- First Generator Down
- With Friends Like These...
- Can't Take Them
- Rocking to the Apocalypse
- Birthworld
- The First Pool
- Yagdra
- Rescue
- Dark Victory II
- The Master of Evolution
- The Second Batch
- The Tiniest Pinch of Hope
- The Seventh Batch
- Scooter
- Izsha
- The End
- From Fire to Ice
- Like a Rat
- I am Kerrigan
- Touch Their Mind
- Harvest of Screams
- Suck on My Cannon!
- Knocking Down the Front Door
- Antedilluvian (With Guitars)
- The New Swarm
- Wings in Space
- Splice and Dice
- Supreme
- Big Time Conversation
- Niadra Ascendant
- Stimulated Simulation
- Flash Freeze
- The Eldest Kind
- Dealing With Natives
- Hand of Darkness
- Jailbreak
- Beginning of the Legacy
- 136. Korhal
- Larva
- Messy Steps
- Conscience
- Prepare the Swarm
- Inspirational
- Loading
- The Eigth Batch
- The Reckoning
- Tragic Battlefield
- Protect the Shell
- Calling on Old Loyalties
- Drumming the Call to Arms
- Nukem
- It Begins
- Fire in the Sky
- Bananas in My Zerg
- Shifting Perspectives
- Kill the Messenger
- Overwhelming Horde
- Infested
- Kerrigan's Retaliaton
- Mengsk is Cut
- Devotions to the Gods
- Securing the Invasion
- Return
- Raynor's Nova'd
- Zerglings! With Wings!
- Don't You Die
- A Man Who Smells His Death
- We Read You
- Always Count on Jim
- Corruptors
- Creeping Up
- The Swarm is Ever Stronger
- Valerian
- Gate's Wide Open
- Purple Beats Green
- Transmission (Choir and Strings Only)
- This is Why (With Guitar)
- One Step Closer
- Into the City
- Loose the Zerg
- The First Batch
- The Fourth Batch
- Anything for Revenge
- Wait It Out
- What I Must Do
- What Has to Be Done
- Moving Up
- Evolving Strands
- On Hands Assurance
- How Far Can Anger Bring You
- The Hour Ends
- Perfection Ripped From Flesh
- Old Traitors
- Dominion Space
- Weird Pigs
- Orlan
- Reborn
- Trench Warfare
- Push the Effect to Mass
- Into the Temple
- Callback to the Brood War
- Death From Within
- Protoss Warriors
- Nice and Quiet
- Titan
- Back to Hell
- Antedilluvian
- Transmission
- Planetfall
- Remission
- The Third Batch
- Prepare for the End
- Millions May Not Be Enough
- Evolution
- Swarm (Intro)
- Warfield Fielded
- Furiousity
- Love Theme (Credits)
- Appreciated Cooperation
- The Links are Severed
- The Sixth Batch
- The Archangel
- Now You See
- Pink Gives
- Ascension
- Overwhelmingly Underwhelming
- No More Shuttles
- Bring On the Pain
- Overdrive Reprise
- Bound
- Zeratul
- Domination
- Broken Wings
- Death From Above
- A Detriment to the Mind
- Waiting on Ghosts
- No Steps Back
- To Korhal
- Trench Warfare (With Guitars)
- The Directorate Menace
- Main Menu
- Story
- Sarlac's Keep
- Mountains (Sand)
- Mountains (Snow)
- Mine
- Highmountain
- “The Weald Is Watching”
- The Forsworn
- To Be Kyrian
- Tempest’s Wake
- Death Is a Battlefield
- Warsong Gulch
- Forging Ny’alotha
- Tyrhold
- Zereth Mortis Intro
- Thunder Bluff
- Azure Glades
- Naga Ambient
- Uther Reflection
- Ruins of Zin Azshari
- Unbroken
- Forge of Afterlives
- Frostlands
- Demon Hunter
- Uther Devotion
- Saving Baine
- Zereth Mortis Tranquility
- Arathi Basin
- Ironforge
- Draka Bound By Blood
- Scared Of The Dark
- Night Warrior Tides
- Naga Pride
- Bastion’s Keep
- Zereth Mortis Mystery
- Blessings of the Aspects
- Korthia - Lost Archives
- Islands Vrykul Longboat
- A Brawl To Arms
- The Forbidden Reach
- Go’el Bound By Blood
- Zereth Mortis Barren
- Brackenhide
- Korthia - City of Secrets
- Islands Dark Forest
- Whisperer In The Shadows
- Arreat
- Pounder Factory
- Ending (Part 1)
- Ending (Part 2)
- The Vikings' Home ~ Wacky World
- Through the Time Vortex
- Ancient Egypt
- Prehistoric Wilderness
- Main Title
- Tomator's Spaceship
- Forget It
- Continue
- Dark Ages
- Amazon Jungle
- Apocalyptic Future
- Smuggler's Cove
- Epilogue