Don Cossack Choir Songtexte
Russian Orthodox Christmas
- Troparion for the Nativity of Christ
- Kondakion for the Nativity of Christ
- The Magnification
- God Is With Us
- Hymn - Magnify, o My Soul
- The Nativity Canon
- Ukrainian Carol 1 - Heaven and Earth
- Ukrainian Carol 2 - In Jerusalem
- Ukrainian Carol 3 - Shtchedrivka
- The Great Canon of St.Andrew of Crete - He Is My Helper and Protector
- Exapostilarion - I See Thy Bridal Chamber, o My Savior
- Troparion - Behold the Bridegroom Comes
- Burial - Trisagion
- Troparion - Noble Joseph
- Hymn for Holy Thursday - Of Thy Mystical Supper
- The Canon of Holy Saturday
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Sailors
- On Saturday and Round Dance
- A Hazel Tree and Russian Polka
- Holy God - Trisagion
- Twelve Robbers
- Song of the Indian Guest From 'Sadko'
- Blessed Art Thou, o Lord
Russian Orthodox Easter
- Thy Resurrection - O Christ Our Savior (Soli - A.Jarovitzky, A.Levchenko)
- The Great Litany (Soli - M.Olchowyj, A.Jarovitzky)
- The Resurrection Canon - This Is the Day of Resurrection
- Hypakoe - Before the Dawn
- The Resurrection Canon - Heirmoses of 4th, 5th, 6th Ode
- Paschal Kondakion - You Descended Into the Tomb
- We Have Seen the Resurrection of Christ
- The Resurrection Canon
- Paschal Exapostilarion - In the Flesh Thou Didst Fall Asleep
- Paschal Stichera - Let God
- The Litany of Supplication (Ural Chant) (Solo - W.Magnuschevsky)
- The Paschal Troparion - Christ Is Risen
- Easter Concert - Let God Arise (Solo - L.Lugo-Lugowsky)
- From the History of the Origin
- Snowstorm Along the Street (Solo - I.Seifert)
- Caucasian Melody (Soli - D.Alexandroff, B.Morosoff)
- Bandura (Soli - I.Seifert, M.Olchowyj, G.Yurenieff)
- Who Knows? (Soli - B.Belostozky, A.Levchenko)
- Two Cossack Songs (Solo - B.Bolotin)
- Meadowland
Mehr Songtexte
- Stenka Razin - Stenka Razin
- Lez-Za Ljesa - From The Wasteland
- Blagosiowy Doese Maja - Bless My Soul
- Slawnoje Morje - The Good Sea
- Dnejesjpooesce - The Day Of The Journey
- Wjetjerniej Zwon - The Sound Of Bells
- Eig Oegnem - Turn On The Light
- Dwenadsatj Razbojniekow - Twelve Bandits
- Ty Koebanj - You, Kubanskij Cossack
- Kol Slawjen - The Glorious Deed
- Ieze Cherowienig - From The Cherubs
- Molleskoenak - Homesickness
- Katoesjka Met Troika - Kajushka With Troika
- Wzwejtes sokoli - In The Light Of The Fire
- Kalinka Met Troika - Kalinka With Troika
- Wa Iordanjrkekje - In The River Jordan
- Donsofjno jestj - You're Praiseworthy
- Mnogaja Ljeta - Many Years
- Blazjen Moezj - Bless Me