- VV
- VVae
- VaeVal
- VALVal
- ValVAL
- ValVal
- Valval
- VamVan
- VanVan
- VanVan
- VanVan
- VanVar
- VarVar
- VarVas
- VasVay
- VayVee
- VeeVeg
- VegVeg
- VegVel
- Velvel
- velVen
- VenVen
- VenVer
- VerVer
- VerVer
- VerVer
- VerVex
- VeyVia
- ViaVic
- VicV
- VVid
- VidVie
- VieVik
- VikVil
- VilVin
- VinVin
- VinVin
- VinVio
- VIOVir
- VirVir
- VirVis
- VisVit
- VitViv
- VivVIZ
- VIZVog
- VogVoi
- VoiVol
- Volvon
- vonVoo
- VooVox
- Voxvs
- VSvve
- VVEvze
- Valeree
- Valeria Almeida (Brazilian singer)
- Valerian (Hip-Hop/grunge from Germany)
- Valerie (Valérie Sajdik, former lead singer of Saint Privat)
- Valerie Dore (Italo disco musical project by producer Roberto Gasparini)
- Valerie Niehaus & Dirk Borchardt
- Valerie Toledo (VALERIE Music)
- Valerie, Grace
- Valerie’s Garten
- Valerio, Mae
- Valerius (Dutch pop band)
- Valeriya
- Valerna
- Valero, Roque
- Valeron
- Valéry, François
- Valéry, François & Marceau, Sophie
- Vales
- Valete
- Valgeir Sigurðsson
- Valgrind (Italian Death Metal)
- Valgur
- Valhall (Norwegian doom metal)
- Valhalla (Russian (Ekaterinburg) black-metal band)
- Valhalla (Death Metal band from Brazil)
- Valhalore
- Valhom
- Vali (American pop singer)
- Vali, Ishaq
- Vali, Ishaq & Srikar Nalini
- Valiant (EDM duo from London)
- Valiant (Jamaican Reggae/Dancehall artist)
- Valiant Hearts
- Valiant Swart & Ollie Viljoen
- Valiants, The
- Valiants, The (Dutch Indorock group playing US music)
- Valid blU
- Valient Thorr
- Valiery, Grace
- Välika (Brazilian hardcore group)
- Välikausitakki
- Valino, Joe
- Valinor Excelsior (Power metal, progressive (formerly Valinor))
- Valiquette, Gilles
- Valira
- Valis Ablaze
- Valise
- Valium Aggelein
- Valium Era
- Valium, DJ (German DJ/producer Ole Wierk)
- Valk, Ria
- Valkama, Juhani
- Valkeat
- Valkenrag
- Valkhoff, Jaap
- Valkonen, Jere
- Valkyrend Variete
- Valkyrians, The
- Valkyrie (metal band)
- Valkyrien Allstars
- Valkyrik
- Valkyrja
- VALL (Bulgarian singer)
- Valla, The
- Valland, Rosie
- Vallanzaska
- Vallarino, Manny
- Vallayer, Anne (pianist?)
- VallÇe, Hector
- Valle de Muñecas
- Valle, Agnese
- Valle, Aurelio
- Valle, Frankie and Romans, The
- Valle, Marcos
- Valle, Marcos & Azymuth
- Valle, Marcos & Biglione, Victor
- Valle, Marcos & Fonseca, Celso
- Valle, Marcos & Nascimento, Milton
- Valle, Marcos & Valle, Paulo Sérgio
- Valle, Ramón Trio
- Valleau, Kelly
- Vallée, Jean
- Vallée, Rudy
- Vallée, Rudy and His Connecticut Yankees
- Vallejo (Texan rock band)
- Vallejo, Christiane (Zouk singer)
- Vallejo, Volts
- Vallely, Niall
- Vallen, Via
- Vallenfyre (UK death metal)