- VV
- VVae
- VaeVal
- VALVal
- ValVAL
- ValVal
- Valval
- VamVan
- VanVan
- VanVan
- VanVan
- VanVar
- VarVar
- VarVas
- VasVay
- VayVee
- VeeVeg
- VegVeg
- VegVel
- Velvel
- velVen
- VenVen
- VenVer
- VerVer
- VerVer
- VerVer
- VerVex
- VeyVia
- ViaVic
- VicV
- VVid
- VidVie
- VieVik
- VikVil
- VilVin
- VinVin
- VinVin
- VinVio
- VIOVir
- VirVir
- VirVis
- VisVit
- VitViv
- VivVIZ
- VIZVog
- VogVoi
- VoiVol
- Volvon
- vonVoo
- VooVox
- Voxvs
- VSvve
- VVEvze
- Virus Syndicate
- Virus, The (Philadelphia punk band)
- Virvum
- Virzha
- Vis (Progressive Rock Band)
- Visa
- Visa (Folk rock band)
- Visací zámek
- Visage (New Romantic band from London)
- Visage (Japanese visual band, 2001~2004)
- Visage, DJ
- Visages feat. Strategy
- Visan, David
- Visc.
- Viscardi, Giana
- Viscera
- Viscera Drip
- Visceral (Argentine tarsh band)
- Visceral Bleeding (Swedish Brutal Death Metal)
- Visceral Noise Department
- Viscogliosi, Fabio (French cartoonist and musician)
- Visconde
- Visconti, Los
- Viscopaf
- Viscounts, The (British 60s pop band)
- Viscounts, The (American pop group from the 50's, known for Harlem Nocturne)
- Visegard (Norwegian black metal)
- Viserion
- Viseur, Gus (Belgian/French 1930s-70s accordionist)
- Vishal
- Vishal Mishra
- Vishal Mishra & Kaur, Asees
- Vishal Mishra & Khan, Kamaal
- Vishal Mishra & Mishra, Lisa
- Vishal Mishra, Dayal, Benny, Chaganti, Sahithi & Narayan, Harika
- Vishal–Shekhar
- Vishal–Shekhar & Dadlani, Vishal
- Vishal–Shekhar, Dayal, Benny & Rao, Shilpa
- Vishal–Shekhar, Rao, Shilpa & Mellow D
- Vishal, Sinduri (South Indian Singer)
- Visher, Tam
- Vishi, Albert (iamal)
- Vishnu (Norwegian rock group)
- Vishwa - Rahman
- Visible Cloaks
- Visigoth
- Visintainer, Alessandro
- Vision (Swedish synthpop)
- Vision (US hardcore punk band)
- VisioN (jpop artist)
- Vision (Conny Lind, Lars Eric Mattsson, Tony Mattsson)
- Vision Ablaze, The
- Vision Arcade
- Vision Bleak, The
- Vision Divine
- Vision Eternel (Canadian‐American melogaze band)
- Vision Fields
- Vision Heat
- Visión Juvenil (Christian music group from El Paso, TX)
- Vision of Disorder
- Vision String Quartet
- Vision Talk
- Vision Video
- Visionaire (EDM Producer)
- Visionaries (US hip-hop group)
- Visionary, Marcus
- Visionatica
- Visioneers
- Visionist
- Visionist feat. Fohr, Haley
- Visions From Beyond
- Visions in Clouds (Post-Punk/Wave)
- Visions of Atlantis
- Visions of Disfigurement (UK Slam Death Metal)
- Visior, André
- Visitantes, Los
- visiting aliens
- Visitor (Electronic music from London via Melbourne)
- Visitors (early 80s UK new wave band)
- Visitors (French group with extra terrestial theme)
- Visitors (Prog-rock with extra-terrestrial themes)
- Visitors (80s Swedish synth-pop duo)
- Visitors (rock group from Austin, TX)
- Vislumbre (Alternative Folk Rock from Argentina)
- Vismajor Crew (Korean hip hop crew)
- Vismara, Karina (Argentine singer and songwriter)
- Vismets (Belgian indie)
- Visonia (Chilean electronic musician)
- Visqueen
- Visser, de, Eefje (Dutch singer-songwriter)