- VV
- VVae
- VaeVal
- VALVal
- ValVAL
- ValVal
- Valval
- VamVan
- VanVan
- VanVan
- VanVan
- VanVar
- VarVar
- VarVas
- VasVay
- VayVee
- VeeVeg
- VegVeg
- VegVel
- Velvel
- velVen
- VenVen
- VenVer
- VerVer
- VerVer
- VerVer
- VerVex
- VeyVia
- ViaVic
- VicV
- VVid
- VidVie
- VieVik
- VikVil
- VilVin
- VinVin
- VinVin
- VinVio
- VIOVir
- VirVir
- VirVis
- VisVit
- VitViv
- VivVIZ
- VIZVog
- VogVoi
- VoiVol
- Volvon
- vonVoo
- VooVox
- Voxvs
- VSvve
- VVEvze
- VIZE, Tokio Hotel & FOURTY
- VIZE, Walker, Alan, Artem'ev, Eduard feat. Leony
- Vizediktator
- Vizelj
- Vizir (Cosmic Rock band)
- Vizzio
- Vizzion
- Vizzion feat. Taktikka
- Vizzo, Thelma La
- Vještice
- VLA, The ("Damages" TV show theme song)
- Vlaar
- Vlad (French Black Metal band)
- Vlad in Tears
- Vlad, DJ & Dirty Harry
- Vladana (Montenegrin singer Vladana Vučinić)
- Vladimir 518
- Vladimir Cauchemar
- Vladimir Cauchemar & alyona alyona
- Vladimír Mišík & Etc...band
- Vladimir Shafranov & George Mraz
- Vladislav Delay
- Vladusic, Ivan
- Vlassis, Scott (Singer-Songwriter)
- Vliegende Panters, De
- Vliet, Jeff van
- Vliet, van, Paul
- VLMV (fka ALMA - UK group; ambient / post rock)
- Vlok Nel, Gert (South African poet)
- Vlossom
- Vltava
- Vltimas
- Vluarr
- vlush
- VMP (Marco Vampa)
- VMU Nation
- VNM (polish MC)
- VNSSA (dance music)
- VNT (South Korean girl group)
- VNTM (Thomas van de Ven)
- VNV Nation
- Vo Williams
- Vo, Phillip
- Voca People
- VocabuLearn
- Vocal Few
- Vocal Line (Danish contemporary a cappella choir)
- Vocal Majority, The (Barbershop Chorus)
- Vocal Sampling
- Vocal Six
- Vocal Song
- Vocal Spectrum (Barbershop Quartet)
- Vocal Union, The
- Vocalbouy (Natukunda Denis)
- Vocaleers, The
- VocalEssence
- VocaLoca
- Vocalosity
- Voce di Corsica
- Voce, Soto
- Voces Amigas
- Voces8
- Vocifer
- Vocoder (Italo-Disco, Electro)
- Voctave (A Cappella Group)
- Voctave feat. Kirstin & Jeremy Michael Lewis
- Vodicka, Ladislav (Czech country singer)
- Vodka (2000s Italodance)
- Vodka Juniors
- Vodoo rage
- Voegele, Kate
- Voes
- Voez
- VOF de Kunst (Dutch pop group, internationally known as The Art Company)
- Vogado Projects Vol. 1, The (performance name of Chris Vogado)
- Vögel (Icelandic progressive death metal band)
- Vögel die Erde essen
- Vogel, Allan (oboist)
- Vogel, Cristian
- Vögel, Die
- Vogel, Heidi
- Vogel, Maike Rosa
- Vogelfrei (Germany)
- Vogelfrey
- Vogelsang, Sören
- Vogelsinger, Hélène
- Vogelweide, von der, Walther
- Voggue (female disco vocal duo)