- NN
- NNa
- NaNad
- NadNah
- NahNaj
- NajNak
- NakNam
- Namnan
- NanNap
- NapNar
- NarNar
- NarNas
- NasNas
- NasNas
- NNat
- NatNat
- NatNat
- NatNau
- NauNav
- NavNay
- NayNde
- NdeNeb
- NebNed
- NedNeg
- NegNei
- NeiNek
- NekNel
- NelNel
- NelNel
- NelNEM
- NemNeo
- NepNer
- NerNes
- NesNeu
- NeuNev
- NevNew
- NewNew
- NewNew
- NewNew
- NewNew
- NewNew
- NewNGH
- NGHNic
- NiCNic
- NicNic
- NicNie
- NieNig
- NigNig
- NigNig
- nigNij
- NijNIL
- NilNim
- NimNin
- NinNin
- NinNir
- NirNit
- NitNix
- NixNNS
- NONo
- NoNo
- NoNoa
- NoaNoc
- NocNoe
- NoeNoi
- NoiNOK
- NolNom
- NomNoo
- NooNor
- NorNor
- NorNor
- NorNos
- NOTNot
- NotNov
- NovNov
- NovNox
- NoxNu
- NuNue
- NueNum
- NumNur
- NurNVL
- NvmNyl
- NylNzl
- November-7
- Novembers Doom
- Novembersoundsbetter (Finnish post-hardcore band)
- Novembre (Italian progressive gothic/doom/death metal, ex‐Catacomb)
- Novembre, Mario
- Novembre, Mario & Bujupi, Ardian
- Novembre, Tom
- Novena (UK progressive metal band)
- Noveria
- Noverte
- Novi fosili
- Novice
- Novick, Billy
- Novik, Billi
- Novika (Polish electronic vocalist, DJ & producer)
- Novika (Indonisian)
- Novillero
- Novis, Donald
- Novis, Donald and Disney Studio Chorus
- Novković, Boris
- Novković, Boris & Cetinski, Tony
- Novl.
- Novo Amor
- Novo Amor & Tullett, Ed
- Novo Som
- Novo Tom
- Novoa, Cora
- Novoa, Tete (Vocalista)
- Novos Baianos
- Novrasli, Shahin
- Novulent
- Novus spero
- Novustory
- Novvel
- Novy vs. Eniac
- Novy vs. Eniac
- Novy, Tom
- Novy, Tom & Marshall, Michael
- Novy, Tom feat. Bailey, Abigail
- Novy, Tom feat. Lima
- Novy, Tom feat. Marshall, Michael
- Novy, Tom vs. Ades, Jean‐Claude
- Novy, Tom vs. Eniac
- Novy, Tom vs. Eniac
- Now and On Earth (ex-Skip the Foreplay)
- Now Everything Fades
- Now Feeling, The
- Now It’s Overhead
- Now More Than Ever
- NOW ON AIR (J-pop voice actress group)
- Now or Never (International Heavy Metal band)
- Now United (Pop group)
- Now, Now
- Now, Now Every Children
- now, say (needanamebro)
- Now, The (Seattle band)
- NOWADAYS (South Korean boy group)
- Nowak, Die
- NoWay!
- NoWayOut (Spanish punk-rock group)
- Nowhere Boys
- Nowhere Left (Contemporary American post-hardcore group)
- Nowhere Man and a Whiskey Girl (Bisbee, Arizona)
- nowisee
- Nowl
- Nowlu
- Nowosad, Curtis
- Nox (Hungarian group)
- Nox (Dutch death metal band)
- Nox Aeterna
- Nox Arcana
- Nox Aurea
- Nox Boys
- Nox Doloris
- Nox Interna
- Nox Novacula
- Nox Sinister (Metal band from Los Angeles)
- Nox Vahn
- Nox Vahn & Marsh
- Nox Vahn, Marsh feat. Page, Mimi
- Nox Vorago
- Noxa (Indonesian Deathgrind)
- Noxfilia
- NOXIN feat. MK Scratch & Buli 2b
- NOXIN feat. Rato & MK Scratch
- NoxInBox
- Noxious Emotion
- Noxious Foxes