La Chanson de Roland
Mehr Songtexte

- -8
- X-Static
- Christabel
- Azoth
- Kubla Khan
- +8
- Plaid (Bang Bang + Nova Nova dub)
- Plaid (Aqua Bassino dub)
- Pump! (Minimal Matter)
- Pump!
- Prisoner's Song
- Ex-El-Echo
- Aleph (Exp: 2 <<Silence & Supernova mix>>)
- Falicpa (Exp: 4 <<Apache & Spatial Lacrymas mix>>)
- Agapé (Exp: 3 <<Terra & Corpus mix>>)
- U
- Zehyrel II (Exp: 5 <<Acid Sphere in Meta-Access>>)
- Tones
- Zephyrel I (Exp: 1 <<Sophia Sphere in Meta-Progress>>)
- Tristesse
- Torres
- Island
- do something that scares you
- everything changes
- london rain
- i wanna be your light
- sugar
- all i need
- heart and shoulder
- make you mine
- until the race is run
- turn the compass round
- walk this world
- winterblue
- higher ground
- moon
- beautiful ride
- ride
- fool for you
- save a little piece of tomorrow
- like lovers do
- Prisoner’s Song
- Rosalie