- Benedicite: Badgers and Hedgehogs
- Sweet Was the Song
- Missa brevis: Agnus Dei
- Mary’s Magnificat
- Stille nacht
- Horizons: Crossing the Bar
- Benedicite: Green Things
- Steal Away
- Missa brevis: Gloria
- Hodie Christus natus est
- Te Deum: All Creatures
- Deep Peace
- No Man Is an Island
- Beauty for Ashes: For as the Earth Bringeth Forth
- Te Deum: Day by Day
- Horizons: Now Voyager Depart, Finale - But Now, Obey Thy Cherished, Secret Wish
- Make Me Merry
- God Be in My Head
- Benedicite: O All Ye Works of the Lord
- Spanish Carol
- The Light of the World
- A Maiden Most Gentle
- Lullay My Liking
- Trumpet Tune