Alan Jenkins Songtexte
Emile Zola
The Chrysanthemums
The Creams
Culpho Dog Gymkhana
The Deep Freeze Mice
Alan Jenkins and The Kettering Vampires
The Melamine Division Plates
Ruth’s Refrigerator
Thurston Lava Tube
Yeah Yeah Noh
Alan Jenkins: Pope of the Underground
- Alabaster Frog (von The Deep Freeze Mice)
- Gro Harlem Brundtland Wants Some Fish (von Ruth’s Refrigerator)
- Lovely Rabbit Builds Super Highways
- Emile Zola
- Why Can't We Hit These Stupid Porcupines? (von The Creams)
- I Walk the Lion
- Something Else Instead (von The Deep Freeze Mice)
- Buzzing Unobtrusively (von The Creams)
- Sub Sub (von The Creams)
- Double "O" Gauge Dogs (von The Chrysanthemums)
- The Morozovo Meteorite (von The Melamine Division Plates)
- Santa Says (von The Creams)
- Moulted Fur (von The Moths)
- The Asteroid Fourteen (von Culpho Dog Gymkhana)
- You've Been Standing in the Middle of Rooms (von The Creams)
- Irreversible Syntax Errors (von The Chrysanthemums)
- The Little Green House (von The Creams)
- George Bailey Lassoes a Refrigerator (von The Deep Freeze Mice)
- 1e4 Nc6 (von Thurston Lava Tube)
- Dogs Are From Pluto (von Thurston Lava Tube)
- Teenage Head in My Refrigerator (von The Deep Freeze Mice)
- The Totem Pole of Magnetic Insects
- Examine the Insects and Hit Them (von Ruth’s Refrigerator)
- The Wrong Side of Town
Culpho Dog Gymkhana 3
Disaster Cake Interrogation Bunny
- Emile Zola
- Control Jones Something
- The First Word in This Song Is Cat
- Domesticated Fowl
- Tape Glider
- There’s Your Crypto‐Fascist Bullshit Dave
- Citizens of Nowhere
- Aboard the Tragedy Bus
- The Goddess of Glue Two
- Universal Solvent Plan
- The Goddess of Glue
- Search and Destroy
- Stegosaurus Nation
- The Wrong Side of Town
- Ear Wars
Free Surf Music #1
- Freak Saturn Tatoo (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Pour Qoui Pas Moo (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Hairy Japanese Bastards (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Gargling With Shelves (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Bees (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Free Surf Music No.1 (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Tell Out My Soul (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Plague of Cows (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Pies, Pies, the Sky Is All Pies (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Chewing Gum for the Spine (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- The Machines Just Set Up for Poisonous Foam (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Lumpy Gravy (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- Frequent Moderate Violence (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)
- A Murderer, a Mass Murderer and a Man in a Bri-Nylon Shirt (von Alan Jenkins & The Thurston Lava Tube)