The Creams Songtexte
I Wish Marvin Gaye's Father Had Shot Me Instead
Gründung 1991, Auflösung 1999
Robyn Gibson
Martin Howells
Alan Jenkins
Sherree Lawrence
Jonathan Lemon
Alison Mackinder
Ruth Miller
Peter Pengwyn
Ariadne Metal-Cream Pie
Blodwyn P. Teabag
Are You Real or Just Some Sort of Disgusting Fridge Magnet?
- Mostly Crap
- Something Else Instead
- Gro Haarlem Brundtland Wants Some Fish
- Me and the Gaae
- Big Binoculars
- Your Eyes Are Better Than Mine
- The Planted Monogrammed Handkerchief
- The Ecological Matador
- Mice
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes
- Sub Sub
- You've Been Standing in the Middle of Rooms
- Echoes Myron
- Hell With No Sun Cream
- Marlene Dietrich's Make-Up Man
- Is This the Dream
- What More Can I Do?
- The Little List Song
- Don't Eat Aluminium
- I Wish Marvin Gaye's Father Had Shot Me Instead
- The Unpronounceable Finn
- Hello Anne of Green Poplars
- Unusual Blue Moss
- Overture
- Best, Banting, McLeod and Their Dog, Margery
- Unusual Calls
- The Metaphor List Song
- "Moonphase" For Strings, Percussion and Woodwind
- Why Did the Turkey Boil His Radio?
- Investigating a Crime
- No, I Don't Own Any Mechanical Crushing Equipment
- Me and the G.A.A.E.
- If Drum Machines Were Fish
- If Fish Were Drum Machines
- Poems That Are Disappearing
- The Answering Machine Song
- Hell With No Sun Cream
- The Eagle Hates Your Poetry
- The Planted Monogrammed Handkerchief
- Mr. Green Was Found Outside Your House
- Ariadne Dreams About Big Lobsters Climbing Up the World to Get to the North Pole
- ie
- Methaphor List Song Reprise