Alan Jenkins and The Kettering Vampires Songtexte
Be My Enemy £1
- Everybody Is Rowing
- My Phone
- Snake Weed
- National Identity Panic
- Talking Penguins
- The Wrong Barry Wong
- Wir stellen Herr Drachen vor
- Johnny Speed Is Invisible to Dogs
- Unrumble
- We Shouldn't Make the Brexiteers Wear Badges
- Playing Black
- Talking About the Tins
- Lenny's Imaginary Boat
- Wooden Icing
- Living in the Judgement of Paris
- Flying Coleopterists
- Card Games in Space
- The Multibear
Minds as Different From Those of Humans as Human Minds Are From Those of Spiders
- This Isn't Your Desk
- Machine B
- Tubenose
- The Devil Whale of Lake Tota
- Sonic Disaster Channel
- You Must Now Decide
- Coming Over
- In the Field #1
- How Far to Henry Town?
- Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire
- Jerry
- Biblical Patience in Traffic
- Poly and Laurel Glucoside
- The Deck Chair Spider
- The Emperor
- One in Five Crows
- Das Mädchen aus dem Autohandel
Nosetown & Ratville
Painting the Horse’s Nose in the Wrong Place
Alfred Disc
- Featherless Ostriches
- Bioengineered Christ Fish
- Your Works Are So Perculiar
- Painting the Horse’s Nose
- The Set of Box of Fear
- Pink Space
- Head Cheese
- The Gates of Mouse School
- Your Wooden Dog
- I Am the Socket
- Landing on the Angel Islington
- Eldorado
- Alphabetical List of Human Flies
- Mit unserer Liebe