A Love Unfulfilled
- Beyond The...
- Horizons
- The Way It Used To Be (And Ever Will Be)
- Short Story Of Death
- Nightmare
- Invocation
- Burning Bridges
- Venus
- Transition 1
- Who Thinks Of Love?
- Serum
- Transition 2
- Self-Destructive
- Still Closer
- C.T.D. - Experience
- Transition 3
- Transition 4
- Transition 5
- Transition 6
- Transition 7
- Transition 8
- Transition 9
- Transition 10
Mehr Songtexte
- Funkdation
- Turbobeat
- Publicity
- Mini Break
- D.Y.S.O.T.S
- Mini Break (original Break)
- D.Y.S.O.T.S (original)
- Real Body Shock
- My Life
- Desperado
- Autostop
- For All
- Paranoia
- Drive Me Crazy
- People Get Up!
- Black
- Red
- The Hammer
- Morphology
- Freeze Frame
- Lucky Bitches
- Lucky Bitches (Original)
- Blood
- Funk You
- Resonance
- The Remains of the Day
- The Tower Feat. Tune Crashers
- Guardians at the Gate