
Stern deutsche Übersetzung
von Eisblume

Stern Lyrics Übersetzung

Such tired eyes - an empty gaze
Where is the fire
Who took your light
You rose - fell deeply
Alone with you;
And shadows, they don't save

I take you in my arms
What happend in all those years
Why didn't I notice the clouds

You are my star
You show me the way
I want to go along it
I'm your star
In the darkest times
And a milion tears away

The childhood passed such a long time ago
Put your hand on mine
Hold tightly

We dive into the sea made of tears
The soul burns - the heart cries within

I will not let you go
The clocks stopped
Life will forgive you your fear

You are my star
You show me the way
I want to go along it
I'm your star
In the darkest times
And a milion tears away

zuletzt bearbeitet von Cassiopeya (Cassiopeya) am 2. Juni 2022, 16:10

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