
This Is the Life Songtext
von Amy Macdonald

This Is the Life Songtext

Oh the wind whistles down
The cold dark street tonight
And the people they were
Dancing to the music vibe
And the boys chase the girls
With the curls in their hair
While the shy tormented youth sit way over there
And the songs they get louder
Each one better than before

And you′re singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

So you′re heading down the road
In your taxi for four
And you're waiting outside Jimmy's front door
But nobody′s in and nobody′s home 'til four
So you′re sitting there with nothing to do
Talking about Robert Riger and his motley crew
And where you're gonna go and
Where you′re gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you′re singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning and
Your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you're singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And you′re singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
And you′re singing the songs
Thinking this is the life
And you wake up in the morning
And your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go? Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

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Fenja Muthmann

I love you and the song too<3

Das dieses Lied mich schon über die Hälfte meines Lebens begleitet ist schon krass. Trage es gerne noch lange weiter mit mir rum. Feels like coming home. <3


ist gut geiignet zum singen und zum zuhören ;))


I love u very much


Das man ein Lied welches gerade mal 13 Zeilen normalen Text und aus 49 Zeilen Refrain besteht gut finden kann. Naja ich tu's nicht. Da hat Amy schon besseres gebracht.... Hat aber den Vorteil das man nicht lange üben muss um den Text zu lernen.

In welcher Jury sitzt Dieter Bohlen?


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