Silence, As Long as a Thought, While the Executioners Are Reloading
Mehr Songtexte
- Salz der Erde
- Re_Format
- Siegesstimme
- Radioaktivität
- Lichtende
- Dial Teddybear 6-6-6
- Rink O' Fear
- Deaf to Your Rant
- Ticking Bomb Scenario
- My First Rifle
- Schweineherbst
- Geheimer Ort (Moorloch Fest)
- Stagnation Is Dead
- Meteor Impact Helps None
- Gießen (Ak44)
- Itzehoe (Panoptikum)
- Innsbruck (P.m.k.)
- Thirteen Minutes [Explicit]
- Hamburg (Gaußplatz)
- The Chips Are Down
- Ram It Down
- Hamburg (Lobusch)
- Oldenburg (Alhambra)
- Warendorf (Hot)
- White Ghosts
- Rothenburg (Villa)
- Endlosrille
- In the God Old Days It Used to Be _ Worse
- The Butcher of Petrograd
- Prolog
- Schwerin (Komplex)
- Flatties
- Hamburg (Ms Hedi)
- Münster (Baracke)
- Kiel (Blitz Records)