Anthologie noire (Compilation)
- Frozen Dead's Kingdom
- Under the Carpathian Yoke
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands
- Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple
- Under the Carpathian Yoke
- Diabolical Reaps
- Misery Fear and Storm Hunger
- Wladimir's March
- War Funeral March
- Walachian Tyrant
- Dans Notre Chute... / Returning to My Old Battlegrounds
- From the Celtic Moonfrost
- Bestial Lust
- Raven's Hike
- Abyssic & Funeral Symphony: An Ode to Our Ruin
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Tepes: The Unweeping
- Nos terribles pensées
- Our Soul's Worries
- Desecrate Jesus Name
- The Dark Promise
- Under Ardaillès Night
- Twilight of the Black Holocaust
- Transylvania
- Voarmérpébre uatr vèrmyapre
- Rehearsal 1
- Rehearsal 2
- Rehearsal 3
- Rehearsal 4
- Rehearsal 5
A Catharsis For Human Illness (Compilation)
Holocaust Side
War Funeral March
- War Funeral March
- From the Celtic Moonfrost
- Walachian Tyrant
- Returning to My Old Battlegrounds
- Frozen Dead's Kingdom
The Return Of The Unweeping
- Frozen Dead's Kingdom
- Under the Carpathian Yoke
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands
- Chaos
- Frozen Dead's Kingdom
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands
- Under the Carpathian Yoke
Celtic Poetry
- Fall - Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple
- Under the Carpathian Yoke
- Diabolical Reaps
- Misery, Fear And Storm Hunger - Fallen
Into Frosty Madness
- Wladimir's March
- War Funeral March
- Walachian Tyrant
- Bestial Lust
- Dans Nôtre Chute...
- Returning to My Old Battlegrounds
- From the Celtic Moonfrost
- Dvoerskrèb
Dans Notre Chute...
- Raven's Hike
- Abyssic & Funeral Symphony - An Ode to Our Ruin
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Tepes - The Unweeping
- Nos terribles pensées
- Our Soul's Worries
Black Legions Metals
- Raven's Hike
- Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands
- Warmoon Lord
- Abyssic And Funeral Symphony - An Ode To Our Ruin
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Tepes - The Unweeping
- Desecrate Jesus Name
- The Dark Promise
- Under Ardaillès Night
- Twilight of the Black Holocaust
- Transylvania
- Borarp !
- Voarmtréèrvèb Uatr Vèrmyapre
Morte Lune
The Drakksteim Sessions (Compilation)
Chapter I
- Raven's Hike
- Abyssic & Funeral Symphony - An Ode to Our Ruin
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness
- Tepes - The Unweeping
- Szaèmdre
- Massacre Song from the Devastated Lands
- Vladre
- Warmoon Lord
Chapter II
- Dans Notre Chute... / Misery, Fear & Storm Hunger
- Desecrate Jss Name
- The Dark Promise
- Under Ardaillès Night
- Twilight of the Black Holocaust
- Transylvania
- Borarp ! / Voarmtréèrvèb Uatr Vèrmyapre
- Massacre Song From the Devastated Lands (von Infernal Necromancy)
- Emvandre èrkl Vèrhzléyavbtre
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness (von Recluse)
- Raven's Hike (von Chris Brokaw)
Mehr Songtexte

- War Funeral March in the Grey Mist of a Fullmoon Night
- Wladimir March
- Dans Notre Chute
- Under Carpathian Yoke
- Diabolical Realm
- Massacre Song From the Devastated Lands (Winter rehearsal - 1993)
- Walachian Tyrant (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- I Died from a Vampyric Grief
- From the Celtic Moonforest (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- War Funeral March (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- Diabolical Reaps (Celtic Poetry - demo)
- Misery, Fear and Storm Hunger (Celtic Poetry - demo)
- Under the Carpathian Yoke (Return of the Weeping - demo)
- Dans Notre Chute (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- Under the Carpathian Yoke (Celtic Poetry - demo)
- Bestial Lust (Bathory Cover) (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- Frozen Dead's Kingdom (Return of the Weeping - demo)
- Massacre Song From the Devastated Lands (Return of the Weeping - demo)
- Returning to My Old Battlegrounds (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- Vladimirs March (Into Frosty Madness - demo)
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness (Winter rehearsal - 1993)
- Under the Carpathian Yoke (Winter rehearsal - 1993)
- Frozen Dead's Kingdom (Winter rehearsal - 1993)
- In Holocaust to the Natural Darkness (Return of the Weeping - demo)
- Drink the Poetry of the Celtic Disciple (Celtic Poetry - demo)
- Abyssic & Funeral Symphony: An Ode to Our Ruin
- Szaèmdre Aœrh
- Untitled
- Abyssic Funeral Symphony
- Desecrate Jesus Name (Mütiilation cover)
- Misery Fear and Storm Hunger - Fallen
- The Dark Promise (Belketre cover)
- Abyssic and Funeral Symphony (An Ode to Our Ruin)
- Twilight of the Black Holocaust (Belketre cover)
- Transylvania (Mütiilation cover)
- Under Ardailles Night (Mütiilation cover)
- Voarmérpébre uatr vèrmyapre (Brenoritvrezorkre cover)
- Bestial Lust (Bathory cover)
- Tepes the Unweeping