Grand Belial's Key Songtexte
Prayer Shawl Of The First Born Donkey
Two Forks And A Muttering Diviner
Fiscus Judaicus
Serpent Bibliomancy
The Shitagogue
Gründung 1992
Castrate the Redeemer (Compilation)
- Foul Parody of the Lords Supper
- Shemhamforash
- Reflections of the Coffin Lid
- The Slums of Jerusalem
- Castrate the Redeemer
- Sumerian Fairytale
- At the Blessed Grotto
- Savoring the Virgin's Pessary
- Demonarchy
- The Centaur
- Conspicuous Imagery Adorns the Nunnery
- The Seventh Enochian Key
- The Holocaust Trumpeter
- Mourners Flock to Gethsemane
- Goat of a Thousand Young
- The Hexenhaus Vigil