Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 Songtexte
Blank Eyed Devil
Gründung 1986
Paul Bergmann
Mark Davies
Anne Eickelberg
Brian Hageman
Jay Paget
Gino Robair
Hugh Swarts
Bob Dinners and Larry Noodles present Tubby Turdner's Celebrity Avalanche
I Hope It Lands
- The Poem
- A Lamb's Lullaby
- Empty Cup
- I Hope It Lands
- Lizard's Dream
- Cornad Adrift Toward Mars
- Elgin Miller
- Hudson Bottom Dance
- Jagged Ambush Bug
- Brains
- Rampaging Fuckers of Anything on the Crazy Shitting Planet of the Vomit Atmosphere
- Cuckoo at the World
- Inspector Fat Ass
- The Arbeiter
- Triple X
- Booth Delirium
- Hills
- Four O'Clocker 2
- Not This World
- Nail in the Head
- Green Eyed Lady
- Mother Uncle Delicious Tasty
- The Streets Vibrated With Traffic and Power Tools
- Mark My Words
- Push
- More Glee
- Big Hands
- The Marshall
- Sinking Boats
- Motorin' Flarey Jenkins
- 2x4s
- Nothing Solid
- Maverick
- Wonderbread Display
- The Meat Display
- Strife Is Good
- The Marshall's Boonts
- The World Is Changing for Good
- The Demise of Craig