the Microphones Songtexte
Headless Horseman
Microphone pt. 2
Long Face
Microphone, Part 2
Gründung 1996, Auflösung 2022
the Glow pt. 2 (Other Songs & Destroyed Versions) (Compilation)
- Where Lies My Tarp?
- I Felt My Size (acoustic)
- I Hope You Wish You’d Die
- I’m Like You, Tree
- the Glow pt. 2 (sequel)
- We’re Here To Listen
- Sleepy Hollow
- Lanterns (version)
- Map/Moon (version)
- the Glow pt. 2 (version)
- I Want Wind to Blow (backwards)
- Instrumental (version)
- the Moon (version)
- Samurai Sword (version)
- the Gleam pt. 2 (version)
- My Roots Are Strong and Deep (version)
- I Felt My Size (version)
- My Warm Blood (humming)
- You’ll Be in the Air (version)
- the Moooooon (version)
Mehr Songtexte
- (Something), Version 2
- Where It's Hotter, Part 3
- I'm Getting Cold
- I'll Be In The Air
- Tonight There'll Be Clouds
- It Wouldn't
- I'm In Hell
- Don't Wake Me Up
- "Map" Verison
- The Glow, Part 2
- Headless Horsemen
- Where Lies My Tarp
- I Hope You Wish You'd Die
- I'm Like You, Tree
- The Glow, Part 2 (sequel)
- We're Here To
- Map Moon
- My Roots...
- The Mooooon
- Drums That No One Played: El Niño
- Soundwaves
- Microphone, Part 1
- Mt. Eerie
- Oval Face
- Round Face
- Long Face
- Square Face
- Heart-Shape Face
- Wide Face
- Diamond-Shape Face
- [untitled]
- Don't Smoke
- Get Off the Internet
- Excerpt I
- Excerpt II
- Excerpt III
- Excerpt IV
- Excerpt V
- Excerpt VI
- Excerpt VII
- Excerpt VIII
- Excerpt IX
- Instrumental 2
- Something
- Pre Amp
- [interview]
- Goodbye My Air
- Quickly Forgotten
- Two Braids Gold and Long
- Open-Handed
- More of a Mountain This Time
- Window
- Moon Moon Moon
- Let's Get Out of the Romance
- Cover Me Up
- I Am a Rock
- Ocean
- Human Human 1
- Drums and Birds
- Heart Lake Rd.
- October
- Katy Song (by the Red House Painters)
- Love Day
- In The Way
- Blizzard
- Painting of A Cat
- Shredded Pants, Stinky Breath, Palm Trees, & White Foam Water
- Iceberg
- Sun Window
- Hot Chocolate (early)
- Dem Hard Blues (w/ Leica)
- Come See About Me (by the Supremes)
- Beautiful Face (early)
- Florida Land
- Pain Runnin' (Microphones version--by Karl Blau)
- Club Theme (From Zombies Ahoy)
- Radio Beach (Microphones version--by the Piranhas)
- Retarded Twin
- Moog Town 2
- My Sweetie
- Teeth (1st 4-track ever)
- Ghost Town
- Nightly (nice)
- Perfect Situation
- Josh Young (early)
- Manhole Pie
- Mouth & Eye Disease (w/ Bronwyn)
- I Watched You From Above
- Part VII
- Big Black Cloud
- Part I
- Black Night
- Part IV
- Big Black Death
- Part VI
- Part V
- What Do You Want?
- Do You Really Think There's Anybody Out There?
- Universe / Mt. Eerie
- Part II
- Part III
- I Was Afraid All of the Day
- I'm Like You Tree
- I Show You Myself As A Fruit Tree
- I Can See the Glowing Core in You
- Fist Beats Chest
- Three Steps
- The Glow, Part 2 Sequel
- I Got Stabbed
- Who Would Want To Hear What I Have To Say?
- We're Here To Listen
- Can I Bring This Bloom Inside?
- I'd Like A Truce
- the Water is Wide
- Underlying Tone of Threat
- I'll Not Contain You (piano)
- When Traveling I Used To See
- Drums That No One Played/El Niño
- Universe/Mount Eerie
- bird in Santa Cruz
- Archipelago by Mirah
- Pollen by Mirah
- drums from "Dark of the Male, Light of the Female"
- Don't Worry Baby by the Thunderclouds
- Where It's Hotter pt. 3
- Gaping Hole conclusion
- organs & pianos from "the Moon"
- Feedback (life, love loop)
- Map being made up
- the Glow pt. 4
- Drums and Bass
- choir from "the Sun"
- Where It's Hotter pts. 1, 2 & 3
- Samurai Sword being made up
- Cranberry Road by Dennis Driscoll
- All Is Full Of Love (organ)
- I Felt My Size (piano)
- horns from "So I Finally Belong To The Night"
- applause
- Blood
- the Gleam pt. 2 (piano)
- Thank You Microphones
- Loops W/ Booms And Peaks
- Phil Elverum's Will
- Sand (Eric's Trip)
- Where It's Hotter Pts. 1, 2, 3
- Last Part Of One Long Song
- 10_I'm A Pearl Diver_piano
- 06_Weird Storm_singing, guitar, distortion
- 01_I Want Wind To Blow_bounced guitars L
- 14_Universe_humming R drums R
- 03_You'll Be in the Air_singing
- 15_Mount Eerie_guide guitar, pump organ
- 04_the Gleam_cymbal singing, 2nd half of descending scale
- 03_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 3, tape L
- 01_the Glow pt. 2_high organ L
- 05_Map_kyle singing piano
- 15_the Glow_singing, bass pedals R, organ
- 01_Ocean 1 2 3guitar, tympani, bass drum
- 04_(something) 2_high noise L
- Eight Months In Olympia_04guitar
- 05_Bass Drum Dream_record R, guitar 1, singing 2
- 09_I Felt My Size_bass drum
- 14_I Want Wind To Blow_pre bounce cabasa L
- 02_(something)_acoustic guitar
- 08_Feedback (life love loop)_bass pedals R, singing R
- September 20th (1995)
- cassette experiment (1995)
- 14_Mount Eerie_singing stars R, singing R, hiss R
- 03_Ice_floor tom / record static
- I Cut My Hands Off (2002)
- 02_I'm Getting Cold_bass
- 15_the Gleam pt. 2_piano L
- 32_Microphones in 2020_acoustic guitar 1
- 06_Heart Lake Rd._singing
- 06_I Want Wind To Blow_singing center piano R
- 02_Moon Moon Moon_backwards guitar
- 04_I Listen Close_organ R
- 08_the Breeze_guitar
- 01_the Button to Record_bass drum
- 34_Microphones in 2020_acoustic gutiar 3 R
- 01_You Were in the Air_bass
- instrumental #1 (1995)
- 08_I Felt My Size_guitar and singing singing
- 06_Karl Blau_singing
- 02_You Were in the Air_guitar
- 06_You'll Be in the Air_steel drum chords
- This Thing (1998)
- 06_Universe (2)_big horn L choir L
- 01_the Moon (version)_distant distorted bass L
- 02_I Cut My Hands Off_02_I Cut My Hands Off_room
- 12_the Glow pt. 2_distorted guitar R drums R
- 05_I Felt My Size_singing Khaela R
- 11_Karl Blau (alt)_11acoustic guitar R
- 13_Mount Eerie_singing stars L, singing L, hiss L
- Darren Wait
- 08_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil)
- 08_Ocean 1 2 3bass, guitar, tympani, bass
- 02_Karl Blau_piano from 4 track
- 06_Samurai Sword_bass
- 05_instrumental_piano
- 04_I'm A Pearl Diver_phil singing
- Hot Chocolate (4 track) (1996)
- 07_Where It's Hotter pt3_drums and organs L
- I've Seen Tomorrow
- 14_the Glow_singing, footsteps R, door, bass pedals L
- 06_Where It's Hotter pt3_main singing, tympani
- 05_Universe_acoustic guitar L feedback L choir L
- 03_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
- 06_(something) 2_high chime
- 02_What Happened To You?_radio, bass drum, Rapmaster
- 33_Microphones in 2020_acoustic guitar 2 L
- 01_the Breeze_bass drum
- 06_the Breeze_guitar
- 07_Lanterns_guide vocal
- 07_Universe_aaah rumble
- 12_Universe_drums R
- the Glow pt. 2 sequel
- 06_Moon Moon Moon_drums L
- 08_Lanterns_singing
- 02_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 2, tympani
- 15_My Warm Blood_drums
- 08_I Lost My Wind_singing with Dennis R
- Ut Oh, It's Mourning Time Again
- Where Is My Tarp?
- 01_instrumental 2_tape L
- 02_instrumental 2_tape R
- 12_Microphones in 2020_main guitar L
- 11_the Glow pt. 2_distorted guitar L drums L
- 08_I'll Not Contain You_tympani
- 03_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl sings
- 08_Weird Storm_bass pedals
- 03_Heart Lake Rd._backwards organ
- 05_Lanterns_chorus L
- 03_the Glow_singing, F loop, drums R, switched singing high
- 01_Lanterns_drums L
- 01_(something)_drums L
- 01_I Am Bored_guitar solo L
- 09_Mount Eerie_oooh low R, Kyle breaths, passing samba
- 04_Moon Moon_main singing
- 12_Karl Blau (alt)_12singing
- 02_the Pull_drums distorted
- 12_Antlers_singing L
- 07_the Button to Record_distorted organ
- 12_I Want To Be Cold_guitar, bounced pianos L
- 07_Microphones in 2020_hi hat 1
- interview 3
- In Sleep I Float Around (vocal version) (1998)
- 08_Antlers_singing R
- 08_Moon Moon_singing
- 03_Microphones in 2020_guitar from 2019 R
- 01_the Gleam_bass drum
- 08_Where Is My Tarp?_singing
- 03_the Button to Record_snare
- 11_the Glow_guitar R, wind R
- 10_I Want Wind To Blow_accordian
- 11_the Moon_afloor tom cymbal
- 02_the Moon (version)_distant distorted bass R
- 06_Antlers_singing
- 04_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil) R
- 08_Mount Eerie_oooh low L, Kyle breaths, passing samba
- 02_instrumental_xylophone
- 06_Ocean 1 2 3keyboard, xylophone, singing
- 07_Karl Blau (alt)_07singing (Anna)
- 04_the Glow pt. 2_organ R
- 15_the Sun_drone and horns R bass pedals L drums
- 08_the Glow_singing, organ R, drums, the Glow's reply
- 06_Feedback (life love loop)_records, singing scrap
- the Button to Record (1997)
- 03_the Gleam_high hat singing, 2nd half of descending scale
- 05_instrumental_breathing
- 07_Mount Eerie_singing, Kyle breaths L
- 06_Pre Amp_Bronwyn sings
- 05_Little Songs_singing
- 08_I'm Getting Cold_aaah 2
- 08_the Moon_afarfisa
- 07_Bass Drum Dream_mix L
- Eight Months In Olympia_02drums - guitar
- 03_the Mansion_guitar G
- 08_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil percussion
- 10_Solar System_hiss R percussion R
- 15_You'll Be in the Air_guide guitar
- 03_Don't Smoke_organ R
- 04_I Want To Be Cold_unbounced piano R
- 03_I'm Getting Cold_drums
- Plans (1998)
- 04_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil Rhodes
- 01_Solar System_bounced mix L
- (I Love You So Much)
- 06_Microphones in 2020_drums 1
- 02_Weird Storm_guitar, snare, singing
- 05_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_bass R
- 08_(something) 2_other bass loop
- 03_I Want Wind To Blow_percussion L
- 15_I Want Wind To Blow_pre bounce cabasa R
- 06_Sand_khaela sings 2
- 07_I'm In Hell_main singing
- 12_I Want Wind To Blow_echo guitar R
- 05_the Gleam_cymbal bell L
- 06_My Warm Blood_guitar L
- 16_the Moon_apiano bass L
- 03_I Cut My Hands Off_03_I Cut My Hands Off_guitar
- 08_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_singing (Khaela)
- 09_the Glow pt. 2_guide guitar high guitar
- 13_Solar System_electric guitar L
- 01_I Listen Close_bass drum
- 01_instrumental_xylophone
- 13_Universe_humming L drums L
- 04_Antlers_main guitar and singing
- 04_Universe (2)_flutes and drums R
- 03_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_guitar L
- 01_Universe Conclusion_take 1
- 01_Weird Storm_bass drum
- 25_Microphones in 2020_electric guitar L
- 02_Lanterns_drums R
- 16_I Felt My Size_piano
- 05_(something) 2_high noise R
- 01_the Sun_noise, beats, drums L guitar L
- 08_I'm In Hell_bass
- Square Face (1996)
- 15_Microphones in 2020_one line
- 02_the Glow pt. 2_high organ R
- 02_Antlers_Gurdjieff CD R
- 07_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl bass
- 01_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_bass L
- 15_Universe (2)_choir 5 R
- 04_I Lost My Wind_main singing
- 01_Samurai Sword_humming L
- (guitar)
- 12_Karl Blau_clapping
- 08_Samurai Sword_drums R
- 02_Little Songs_floor tom
- Eight Months In Olympia (1998)
- 07_Samurai Sword_drums L
- 16_Mount Eerie_singing stars
- 14_You'll Be in the Air_organ
- 06_I'm In Hell_doll, singing
- 12_My Warm Blood_piano R
- 06_Universe_acoustic guitar R feedback R choir R
- 12_I'm A Pearl Diver_flute
- 03_Little Songs_snare
- 07_My Warm Blood_guitar R
- 08_Universe (2)_choir 2 L
- 08_the Button to Record_bass
- 06_the Gleam_cymbal bell R
- I Felt Your Shape (alt. take) (2001)
- 01_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl drums L
- 07_the Mansion_foghorn tape loop
- 11_My Warm Blood_piano L
- 09_Ice_electric guitar L
- 04_Sand_main singing
- 02_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_five organs R
- In Sleep I Float Around (1998)
- 06_(something)_clanging pipe
- 07_What Happened To You?_keyboard flute
- 05_the Glow pt. 2_organ bass
- 13_Lanterns_bass L
- 07_Don't Wake Me Up_Bronwyn singing
- 05_Moon Moon Moon_guitar
- 40_Microphones in 2020_organ
- Eight Months In Olympia_03singing
- 08_Karl Blau (alt)_08singing (Anna)
- 07_the Glow_singing, organ L, piano, backward guitar R, switched singing low 2
- 10_Antlers_singing R
- 01_Mount Eerie_pump organ L, drums L
- 03_instrumental_piano
- 08_the Mansion_bass
- 07_Don't Smoke_drums L
- 08_You'll Be in the Air_room L
- 07_I Want Wind To Blow_main singing piano
- 14_the Sun_horn, crowd choir R bass pedals R trumpets buzzing drums R
- 02_Samurai Sword_humming R
- 08_the Gleam_xylophone R electric guitar R descending scale R
- Eight Months In Olympia_07bass 2
- 08_Karl Blau_main singing
- Cobweb the Fox (1996)
- 05_the Moon (version)_guitar and singing
- 08_Heart Lake Rd._electric guitar
- 01_the Glow_singing, bass, bass drum, tape loop L
- 02_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano L
- 02_I Want To Be Cold_acoustic guitar
- 13_You'll Be in the Air_room R
- 07_Moon Moon_Khaela sings
- 11_Universe (2)_choir 3 R
- 05_What Happened To You?_singing, guitar
- 05_Where Is My Tarp?_organ R singing R
- 06_I Lost My Wind_guitar fingers
- 06_the Moon (version)_piano and singing
- 10_the Moon_asnare
- 16_Ice_pump organ R
- instrumental #2 (1995)
- 05_Microphones in 2020_big drums 1
- 06_I'll Not Contain You_bass R
- 03_Samurai Sword_singing
- 08_instrumental_piano
- 02_I Want Wind To Blow_bounced guitars R.wav
- 03_reggae experiment_drums overhead
- 08_Oh Anna_bass
- 14_Karl Blau (alt)_14singing
- 14_the Gleam pt. 2_bounced pianos
- 09_the Breeze_acoustic guitar (guide)
- 04_Where Is My Tarp?_organ L singing L
- Boomerang (1996)
- 05_Karl Blau (alt)_05organ R
- 06_instrumental_xylophone
- 03_Universe (2)_flutes and drums L
- 12_Mount Eerie_kyle rapping, hiss
- 11_I Want Wind To Blow_echo guitar L
- 12_the Gleam pt. 2_pump organ R
- 04_I Am Bored_piano L
- 10_Universe_gated swiping R khaela R piano cymbal R
- 11_Karl Blau_clapping
- 01_reggae experiment_bass drum.wav
- 16_the Glow pt. 2_bass drum bass
- 04_the Mansion_singing
- 02_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_clapping loop
- 02_I Listen Close_drums
- 05_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Khaela)
- 01_the Pull_bass drum
- 12_the Sun_water L choir L bass pedals dulcimer R trumpets buzzing R
- 09_My Warm Blood_piano L
- 04_Heart Lake Rd._guitar 2
- 01_the Gleam pt. 2_guitar L
- 06_Don't Smoke_guitars R
- 04_instrumental_cymbal
- 05_(something)_guitar, backwards echo, misc
- 02_reggae experiment_snare
- 02_Moon Moon_singing, guitar L
- 15_Lanterns_click
- 05_the Breeze_guitar
- playing and talking
- 04_Ocean 1 2 3singing, cymbal, organ, harmonies
- 06_You Were in the Air_acoustic guitar, singing
- Assault on Tape Deck Mountain
- 04_Bass Drum Dream_record L, guitar 2, singing 3
- 08_the Pull_singing
- Karl Blau (alternate version) (2000)
- 07_Feedback (life love loop)_bass pedals L, singing L
- 07_You'll Be in the Air_guitars and piano descending
- 02_I Am Bored_singing
- 07_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
- 06_Moon Moon_guitar fingers
- 11_I Felt My Size_bass
- 04_Little Songs_acoustic guitar L
- 02_Get Off The Internet_singing
- 06_I'm Getting Cold_singing
- 04_I Cut My Hands Off_04_I Cut My Hands Off_singing
- 05_I'll Not Contain You_bass L
- 07_(something)_mix L
- instrumental (organ) (1996)
- Iceberg (1996)
- 06_Where Is My Tarp?_cassette siniging L
- 06_Don't Wake Me Up_singing 2
- Eight Months In Olympia_05radio static
- 10_Karl Blau_bass drum
- 02_the Moon_aacoustic guitars R
- 02_Oh Anna_floor tom
- 01_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_five organs L
- 10_instrumental_guitar middle R
- 04_Florida Beach_04singing 2
- 15_Universe_rumble piano singing (alt)
- 01_I Cut My Hands Off_01_I Cut My Hands Off_drums (Adam)
- 08_Ice_cymbal crashes R record static
- 07_the Glow pt. 2_guide guitar singing guitar
- 10_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 5&6
- 13_Universe (2)_choir 4 R
- 16_the Gleam pt. 2_piano R
- 13_the Moon_afarfisa
- 06_I Listen Close_mainsinging
- 02_(something)_drums R
- 11_I'm A Pearl Diver_flute
- 06_the Moon_asaxophone (Karl Blau)
- 09_instrumental_guitar L
- 10_the Pull_guitar 2
- 12_Lanterns_guitar R
- 04_the Button to Record_tap organ
- 01_What Happened To You?_guitar
- 14_the Pull_distorted electric guitar R
- 13_I Want To Be Cold_guitar, bounced pianos R
- 05_Get Off The Internet_clarinets L
- 03_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano R
- 14_the Moon_afarfisa
- 13_the Pull_distorted electric guitar L
- 04_the Glow_singing, C loop, main singing
- 19_Microphones in 2020_bass flourish
- 06_the Pull_harmonies with Mirah
- 09_the Moon_abass drum
- 10_Lanterns_singing (Jenn) R
- 11_Universe_drums L
- 14_the Gleam_bass L murky high notes L
- 12_the Moon_atom
- 05_I'm In Hell_doll, singing
- 24_Microphones in 2020_electric guitar
- 07_instrumental_snare
- 10_Microphones in 2020_piano R
- 06_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
- 08_Florida Beach_08mix R
- 04_the Breeze_guitar
- 06_the Glow pt. 2_guitar L
- 05_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_singing
- 41_Microphones in 2020_organs, bounced compressed 1
- 14_I Felt My Size_guitar R
- 14_the Glow pt. 2_drums L piano L guitar L
- 04_Pre Amp_acoustic guitar
- 02_Don't Wake Me Up_guitar L
- Plans_01singing
- Eight Months In Olympia_01drums
- 01_Pre Amp_bass drum
- 07_Moon Moon Moon_drums R
- Shredded Pants (1995)
- 16_Karl Blau_piano from 4 track
- 01_Karl Blau (alt)_01bass drum
- 12_the Breeze_backwards reverb + echo
- 01_Karl Blau_drums from 4 track
- 03_I Felt My Size_echoey steel drum
- 02_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
- 04_Solar System_feedback guitar singing (Mirah & Phil) R
- 05_Mount Eerie_oooh L, receding drums L
- 04_I Felt My Size_singing Khaela L
- 08_My Warm Blood_guitar
- 2 Blonde Braids
- 01_My Warm Blood_heartbeat
- 14_the Breeze_melodica
- 01_Little Songs_bass drum
- 21_Microphones in 2020_distorted bass L
- 03_(something)_bowed bass
- Day One (1995)
- 09_Solar System_hiss L percussion L
- 05_Moon Moon_guitar hole
- 01_instrumental_drums bounced
- 14_Lanterns_bass R
- 03_the Breeze_cymbals
- 04_Moon Moon Moon_singing 2
- 04_(something)_bass drum
- 13_the Breeze_melodica
- 03_Solar System_feedback guitar singing (Mirah & Phil) L
- 05_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl sings 2
- 06_Map_phil singing
- 03_the Sun_samba parade, bass, organ, guitar L
- 01_Bass Drum Dream_bass
- 07_I Am Bored_guitar mess R
- 11_Solar System_snare hiss L
- 09_the Gleam_xylophone loop
- 10_the Glow_guitar L, hiss, saw R, organ R, wind L
- 02_the Breeze_snare
- 04_Universe_bells R bass R calvin R phil R choir R
- 01_You'll Be in the Air_singing 2
- Cold Fingers (1995)
- 14_Universe (2)_choir 5 L
- 05_the Sun_bass drum L guitar singing
- 37_Microphones in 2020_organ R
- 12_Universe (2)_choir 4 L
- 01_Where It's Hotter pt3_bass
- Bomb on Tape Deck Mountain
- 01_Heart Lake Rd._guitar
- 03_the Gleam pt. 2_steel drum L singing
- 03_You Were in the Air_singing, guitar
- 12_You'll Be in the Air_room R
- 11_Antlers_singing
- I Felt My Size (acoustic) (2001)
- 20_Microphones in 2020_distorted bass
- 11_the Gleam pt. 2_pump organ L
- 06_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Khaela)
- 01_I'm Getting Cold_piano
- 07_I'm Getting Cold_aaah 1
- 05_the Moon_asaxophone (Karl Blau)
- 05_I Listen Close_guitar
- Universe / Mount Eerie
- 11_the Pull_bells slowed down L
- 09_the Gleam pt. 2_bass drum
- 02_the Glow_drums L, tape loop R
- 08_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Amber)
- 05_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 5, tape R
- 07_I Want To Be Cold_humming
- 06_Mount Eerie_oooh R, receding drums R
- 04_You'll Be in the Air_steel drum L
- 03_I Felt You_main singing
- 05_Solar System_feedback guitar singing (Mirah & Phil)
- 04_the Moon_asaxophone (Karl Blau)
- 05_I Cut My Hands Off_05_I Cut My Hands Off_high singing L
- 04_Don't Smoke_singing, guitar solo
- Sun Window (1996)
- 16_My Warm Blood_drums
- 08_I Am Bored_guitar solo L
- 01_(something) 2_bass loop
- 01_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
- 03_Universe_bells L bass L calvin L phil L choir L
- 28_Microphones in 2020_electric 12 string R
- 02_Feedback (life love loop)_drums
- 13_Karl Blau (alt)_13singing
- 05_I Want Wind To Blow_singing L piano L
- 04_Feedback (life love loop)_tamborine and bell, organ
- 02_Solar System_bounced mix R.wav
- 04_Map_chord organ R
- 07_Oh Anna_Rhodes, toy piano
- 11_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 3&4
- 07_Karl Blau_singing
- 13_the Glow pt. 2_acoustic guitar R electric guitar L
- 04_My Warm Blood_humming
- 03_My Warm Blood_humming
- 02_My Warm Blood_humming
- 05_(something)_organ
- I Have Been Told That My Skin Is Exceptionally Smooth
- 10_the Gleam pt. 2_snare
- 08_Little Songs_bass
- 13_I Felt My Size_guitar L
- 04_reggae experiment_snare rim
- 15_the Moon_asinging
- 03_Map_dischord (organs, flutes, guitars)
- 03_(something) 2_messy bass R
- 09_You'll Be in the Air_room L
- 06_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil sings
- 43_Microphones in 2020_night R
- 14_My Warm Blood_drums
- 02_Ice_drums pump organ L
- 01_Don't Smoke_guitars L.wav
- 04_I'm In Hell_triangle, singing
- In The Way (1996)
- 08_Universe_main singing
- 10_Universe (2)_choir 3 L
- 02_Universe Conclusion_take 2
- interview snippet on moving to Norway (Aug. 2002)
- 05_Feedback (life love loop)_organ
- 05_Antlers_guitar and singing R
- 38_Microphones in 2020_organ L
- 11_Lanterns_guitar L
- 02_the Gleam_big snare drum
- 04_Karl Blau (alt)_04organ L
- 16_the Breeze_bass
- 01_I Felt Your Shape_guitar and singing
- 04_I Want Wind To Blow_percussion R
- 03_Don't Wake Me Up_guitar R
- 11_instrumental_guitar middle L
- 05_Weird Storm_delay guitar
- 03_Sand_melodica
- 06_instrumental_piano
- 10_the Breeze_guitar
- 01_I Felt You_guitar
- 14_Microphones in 2020_SINGING
- 12_the Pull_bells slowed down R
- 06_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_electric guitars R
- 07_the Gleam_xylophone L electric guitar L descending scale L
- 01_the Mansion_guitar A
- 06_the Glow_singing, wind R, piano, backward guitar L, switched singing low
- 15_Karl Blau (alt)_16singing
- 03_Bass Drum Dream_organ 2, guitar 3
- 12_Solar System_snare hiss R
- 08_You Were in the Air_mix R
- 05_You Were in the Air_singing
- 02_I Felt You_Eric's Trip record
- 02_Map_guitars and organs
- 04_the Gleam pt. 2_steel drum R
- 09_Karl Blau_singing
- Eight Months In Olympia_08bass 1
- 02_I'm A Pearl Diver_Chamberlin Rhythmate
- 01_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano
- 05_the Button to Record_singing
- interview 1
- interview 5
- 06_I Cut My Hands Off_06_I Cut My Hands Off_high singing R
- 06_I Want To Be Cold_humming
- 13_Antlers_singing R
- 05_reggae experiment_organ
- 06_Lanterns_chorus R
- 03_Karl Blau_piano from 4 track
- 08_I Want Wind To Blow_singing R distorted drums
- 11_the Gleam_phil singing misc notes singing L
- 06_(something)_guitar, saw, misc
- 07_instrumental 2_feedback R humming
- Mean Things (1996)
- 03_Antlers_guitar and singing L
- 01_I'm In Hell_drums
- 16_the Gleam_bass R murky high notes R
- 07_Ice_cymbal crashes L record static
- 16_I Want Wind To Blow_pre bounce snare
- 36_Microphones in 2020_organ L
- 15_the Glow pt. 2_drums R piano R
- 14_Karl Blau_clapping
- 05_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
- 30_Microphones in 2020_interlude singing
- 07_Pre Amp_farfisa
- 06_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
- I Cut My Hands Off
- 08_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
- 04_I'm Getting Cold_bass drum
- 04_What Happened To You?_singing, guitar
- 03_Mount Eerie_singers L, Karl Blau vulture tape L
- 02_I Felt My Size_organs
- guitar (1996)
- 12_instrumental_guitar R
- 03_I'm In Hell_cymbal, singing
- 02_the Mansion_guitar F
- 11_I Want To Be Cold_drums R
- 01_Where Is My Tarp?_trumpets L choir L guitar L
- 05_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
- 03_I Listen Close_organ L
- 04_Mount Eerie_singers R, Karl Blau vulture tape R
- 02_ORGANS_five organs R
- 10_Karl Blau (alt)_10acoustic guitar L
- 02_Universe_drums R feedback R calvin R phil R bass R
- 08_What Happened To You?_bass
- 08_I Felt You_Calvin and Phil singing
- I'll Shut Up
- 09_Antlers_singing L
- 08_the Sun_cymbal choir L main singing
- Head Cleaner (1998)
- 04_Samurai Sword_guitar L
- 13_the Sun_water R choir bass pedals trumpets buzzing drums L
- 27_Microphones in 2020_electric 12 string L
- 04_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano
- 26_Microphones in 2020_electric guitar R
- 07_the Breeze_guitar
- 10_the Sun_bass pedals R choir R organ R trumpets hiss
- 05_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_electric guitars L
- 11_the Sun_drone and horns L dulcimer L trumpets buzzing L
- 01_Universe (2)_men's choir L
- 03_Moon Moon_singing, guitar R
- 07_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_singing (Phil)
- 08_(something)_mix R
- 02_Florida Beach_02guitarR
- 03_Get Off The Internet_guitar L
- 05_Don't Wake Me Up_singing
- 03_the Pull_floor tom
- 05_Ocean 1 2 3keyboard, guitar
- 04_Weird Storm_guitar room
- 04_(something)_wind R, backwards echo, misc
- 04_Karl Blau_cabasa distorted
- 08_I Listen Close_bass
- 14_instrumental_bass
- 06_reggae experiment_guitar
- 08_Don't Wake Me Up_drums and harmonies
- 03_Where Is My Tarp?_bass pedals singing R
- 05_Florida Beach_05singing 3
- 05_Don't Smoke_singing, guitar solo
- 06_I Am Bored_drums L
- 14_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_drums R
- 12_the Gleam_khaela sings one line electric guitar R misc notes singing R
- 04_instrumental 2_compressed guitar R feedack humming
- 04_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
- 07_Solar System_singing (Mirah & Phil) R
- 09_Where Is My Tarp?_drums
- 03_Feedback (life love loop)_bass drum
- 05_I Want To Be Cold_humming
- 02_Ocean 1 2 3singing, breathing, drums
- 08_Solar System_singing
- 03_Florida Beach_03singing
- 02_Headless Horseman_singing
- 05_Heart Lake Rd._guitar 3
- 03_Oh Anna_snare
- 06_What Happened To You?_main singing
- 39_Microphones in 2020_organ R
- 12_I Felt My Size_bass bedals
- 01_Universe_drums L feedback L calvin L phil L bass L
- 07_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil)
- 07_Get Off The Internet_singers L
- 05_Ice_drums L xylophone L
- 07_instrumental_mix L
- 09_I Want Wind To Blow_Chamberlin Rhythmate bass drum
- 10_Ice_electric guitar R
- 03_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil) L
- 05_Karl Blau_tamborines distorted
- 05_I'm Getting Cold_Rhodes
- 03_(something)_wind L, Khaela sings
- 02_I'm In Hell_tympani, singing
- 04_instrumental_xylophone
- 04_Don't Wake Me Up_acoustic guitar
- 12_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 1&2
- 05_Oh Anna_guitars and piano
- 04_Get Off The Internet_guitar R
- 08_I Want To Be Cold_main singing
- 10_My Warm Blood_piano R
- 09_I'm A Pearl Diver_"drum solo" from cassette
- 01_Map_drums
- 01_(something)_click track
- 01_Oh Anna_bass drum
- 08_the Glow pt. 2_main singing guitar
- 10_I Felt My Size_drums
- 06_Get Off The Internet_clarinets R
- 01_I Felt My Size_slide whistles bounced
- 10_I Want To Be Cold_drums L
- Do I Close My Home For Goodness?
- 07_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Khaela)
- 02_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil drums R
- 01_Get Off The Internet_kalimba
- 07_(something)_foghorn tape loop
- Orchestra (1996)
- 04_the Sun_bass, guitar, organ R
- 08_(something)_wind, bass
- 01_Sand_chamberlin rhythmate
- 13_instrumental_pump organ
- 18_Microphones in 2020_bass
- 07_(something) 2_low chime
- 07_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_drums
- 09_I Want To Be Cold_bass drum
- 07_I Felt My Size_singing
- the Blow pt. 2
- 03_Lanterns_chorus R
- 05_Universe (2)_main singing
- 06_instrumental 2_feedback humming
- 01_(something)_bowed bass
- 05_You'll Be in the Air_steel drum R
- 09_Microphones in 2020_piano L
- 16_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_Chamberlin Rhythmate
- 07_the Pull_harmonies with Mirah
- 03_Pre Amp_snare
- 08_Don't Smoke_drums R
- 31_Microphones in 2020_interlude guitar
- 06_(something)_bowed bass
- 13_the Gleam_low organ singing low F
- 06_the Sun_bass drum R sampled guitar
- 13_the Glow_singing, footsteps L, group singing R, wind R
- 07_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
- Plans_04guitar
- 13_My Warm Blood_drums
- pre-tour announcement, Track House, Olympia (Aug. 19th, 2000)
- 11_Ice_acoustic guitar L
- 09_Universe_gated swiping L khaela L piano cymbal L
- 03_the Moon_asinging (alt)
- 04_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_guitar R
- 10_You'll Be in the Air_room L
- 07_I Lost My Wind_singing with Dennis L
- Josh Young (acoustic) (1995)
- 08_Pre Amp_bass
- 07_(something)_singing, guitar
- 02_Where Is My Tarp?_trumpets R choir R guitar R
- 02_the Gleam pt. 2_guitar R
- 06_Oh Anna_Khaela sings
- 13_Karl Blau_clapping
- 12_Ice_acoustic guitar R
- 07_I'll Not Contain You_cymbal
- 01_Don't Wake Me Up_bass
- 08_(something)_scratch guitar
- Microphones in 2020 (organs) (2020)
- 05_instrumental 2_feedback humming
- 06_Florida Beach_06bass
- 06_Ice_drums R xylophone R
- 09_the Sun_bass pedals L choir R organ L trumpets casio hiss
- 01_Feedback (life love loop)_drums with hum
- 08_Map_tympani, piano, xylophone
- 01_Moon Moon_singing, bass
- 07_You Were in the Air_mix L
- 03_I Am Bored_piano R
- 01_Headless Horseman (alt)_guitar
- 08_Get Off The Internet_singers R
- Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Volcano
- 02_Pre Amp_floor tom
- 09_Karl Blau (alt)_09singing
- 07_I Listen Close_singing
- 03_I'm A Pearl Diver_guitar
- 22_Microphones in 2020_distorted bass R
- 10_Mount Eerie_singers L, Kyle grunts, passing samba
- 03_(something)_floor tom
- 03_What Happened To You?_radio, rimshot
- 01_Antlers_Gurdjieff CD L
- 02_You'll Be in the Air_singing
- March Through Hell (1996)
- 01_I Want To Be Cold_muffled guitar
- 05_Samurai Sword_guitar R
- 02_Karl Blau (alt)_02snare
- 11_Mount Eerie_singers R, Kyle rapping, passing samba
- 03_instrumental 2_compressed guitar L whistling
- 06_Bass Drum Dream_main singing
- 08_Bass Drum Dream_mix R
- 10_the Glow pt. 2_acoustic guitar L bass drum
- 05_the Pull_second vocal
- 07_Little Songs_Rhodes
- interview 2
- interview 6
- instrumental from Zombies Ahoy (1997)
- 17_Microphones in 2020_backup singing R
- talking
- 02_Universe (2)_men's choir R
- 01_Florida Beach_01guitarL
- 11_the Breeze_backwards reverb
- 06_Solar System_singing (Mirah & Phil) L
- 07_Universe (2)_big horn R choir R
- 07_reggae experiment_bass
- 04_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 4
- 07_the Moon_apiano bass R
- 09_the Pull_guitar
- 02_instrumental_drums bounced 2
- 02_Heart Lake Rd._Mirah sings, organ
- 06_the Mansion_backup singing
- Plans_02xylophone
- 02_Microphones in 2020_guitar from 2019 L
- 03_the Glow pt. 2_organ L
- 07_Where Is My Tarp?_singing R
- 06_Karl Blau (alt)_06bass singing
- 03_Karl Blau (alt)_03singing cymbal
- 02_Mount Eerie_pump organ R, drums R
- 06_the Button to Record_acoustic guitar
- 14_Solar System_electric guitar R
- 07_Heart Lake Rd._singing, guitar
- 04_Lanterns_chorus L
- 02_(something)_bowed bass
- 16_Microphones in 2020_backup singing L
- reggae experiment (1999)
- 06_I Felt My Size_singing
- 13_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_drums L
- 07_Ocean 1 2 3drums, guitar
- 13_I Want Wind To Blow_percussion
- Eight Months In Olympia_06bass 3
- 02_Bass Drum Dream_organ 1, guitar 4
- 14_I Want To Be Cold_bass
- 04_Microphones in 2020_F# throb
- 05_the Mansion_backwards guitar A
- 02_(something) 2_messy bass L
- 01_Moon Moon Moon_bass
- 02_Don't Smoke_organ L
- 04_Oh Anna_room
- 07_Weird Storm_acoustic guitar
- 01_ORGANS_five organs L
- 05_I Lost My Wind_guitar hole
- 14_Ice_singing (Khaela)
- 06_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_singing
- Plans_03guitar
- 02_Headless Horseman (alt)_singing
- 01_Headless Horseman_guitar
- Death on Tape Deck Mountain
- 02_Sand_organ
- 04_Ice_snare record static
- 03_Ocean 1 2 3singing, tympani, bass, harmonies
- 09_Lanterns_singing (Jenn) L
- 03_Weird Storm_singing 2
- 05_My Warm Blood_singing
- I Lost My Wind pt. 2 (1999)
- 03_instrumental_xylophone
- 06_Little Songs_guitar
- 04_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
- 05_Sand_khaela sings
- 05_(something)_bowed bass
- 07_the Sun_dulcimer singing (alt.) choir L singing
- 05_Pre Amp_Phil sings, electric guitar
- Sleep In Hell (1996)
- 03_Moon Moon Moon_main singing
- 09_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 7&8
- 12_the Glow_singing, C loop, group singing L, wind L
- 07_Map_khaela singing
- 08_Where It's Hotter pt3_drums and organs R
- 02_the Button to Record_floor tom
- 10_the Gleam_high organ singing low C
- 09_the Glow_main singing, Mirah sings, saw L, organ L
- 05_the Glow_singing, wind L, organ, bass, switched singing
- 02_the Sun_noise, beats, drums R guitar R
- I Felt Your Shape pts. 1 & 2
- 13_Ice_singing
- 04_(something)_bowed bass
- 08_instrumental_mix R
- 04_You Were in the Air_singing, Korg
- 15_I Felt My Size_piano
- 13_Microphones in 2020_main guitar R
- 07_Florida Beach_07mix L
- 01_the Moon_acoustic guitars L
- 09_Universe (2)_choir 2 R
- 05_I Am Bored_drums R
- Black Night (Universe Conclusion)
- 03_I Want To Be Cold_humming, piano L
- 42_Microphones in 2020_night L
- 11_You'll Be in the Air_room R
- 01_Ice_bass
- 07_Antlers_sinigng L
- 03_Universe Conclusion_take 3