
Gründung 1996, Auflösung 2022


Mehr Songtexte

  1. (Something), Version 2
  2. Where It's Hotter, Part 3
  3. I'm Getting Cold
  4. I'll Be In The Air
  5. Tonight There'll Be Clouds
  6. It Wouldn't
  7. I'm In Hell
  8. Don't Wake Me Up
  9. "Map" Verison
  10. The Glow, Part 2
  11. Headless Horsemen
  12. Where Lies My Tarp
  13. I Hope You Wish You'd Die
  14. I'm Like You, Tree
  15. The Glow, Part 2 (sequel)
  16. We're Here To
  17. Map Moon
  18. My Roots...
  19. The Mooooon
  20. Drums That No One Played: El Niño
  21. Soundwaves
  22. Microphone, Part 1
  23. Mt. Eerie
  24. Oval Face
  25. Round Face
  26. Long Face
  27. Square Face
  28. Heart-Shape Face
  29. Wide Face
  30. Diamond-Shape Face
  31. [untitled]
  32. Don't Smoke
  33. Get Off the Internet
  34. Excerpt I
  35. Excerpt II
  36. Excerpt III
  37. Excerpt IV
  38. Excerpt V
  39. Excerpt VI
  40. Excerpt VII
  41. Excerpt VIII
  42. Excerpt IX
  43. Instrumental 2
  44. Something
  45. Pre Amp
  46. [interview]
  47. Goodbye My Air
  48. Quickly Forgotten
  49. Two Braids Gold and Long
  50. Open-Handed
  51. More of a Mountain This Time
  52. Window
  53. Moon Moon Moon
  54. Let's Get Out of the Romance
  55. Cover Me Up
  56. I Am a Rock
  57. Ocean
  58. Human Human 1
  59. Drums and Birds
  60. Heart Lake Rd.
  61. October
  62. Katy Song (by the Red House Painters)
  63. Love Day
  64. In The Way
  65. Blizzard
  66. Painting of A Cat
  67. Shredded Pants, Stinky Breath, Palm Trees, & White Foam Water
  68. Iceberg
  69. Sun Window
  70. Hot Chocolate (early)
  71. Dem Hard Blues (w/ Leica)
  72. Come See About Me (by the Supremes)
  73. Beautiful Face (early)
  74. Florida Land
  75. Pain Runnin' (Microphones version--by Karl Blau)
  76. Club Theme (From Zombies Ahoy)
  77. Radio Beach (Microphones version--by the Piranhas)
  78. Retarded Twin
  79. Moog Town 2
  80. My Sweetie
  81. Teeth (1st 4-track ever)
  82. Ghost Town
  83. Nightly (nice)
  84. Perfect Situation
  85. Josh Young (early)
  86. Manhole Pie
  87. Mouth & Eye Disease (w/ Bronwyn)
  88. I Watched You From Above
  89. Part VII
  90. Big Black Cloud
  91. Part I
  92. Black Night
  93. Part IV
  94. Big Black Death
  95. Part VI
  96. Part V
  97. What Do You Want?
  98. Do You Really Think There's Anybody Out There?
  99. Universe / Mt. Eerie
  100. Part II
  101. Part III
  102. I Was Afraid All of the Day
  103. I'm Like You Tree
  104. I Show You Myself As A Fruit Tree
  105. I Can See the Glowing Core in You
  106. Fist Beats Chest
  107. Three Steps
  108. The Glow, Part 2 Sequel
  109. I Got Stabbed
  110. Who Would Want To Hear What I Have To Say?
  111. We're Here To Listen
  112. Can I Bring This Bloom Inside?
  113. I'd Like A Truce
  114. the Water is Wide
  115. Underlying Tone of Threat
  116. I'll Not Contain You (piano)
  117. When Traveling I Used To See
  118. Drums That No One Played/El Niño
  119. Universe/Mount Eerie
  120. bird in Santa Cruz
  121. Archipelago by Mirah
  122. Pollen by Mirah
  123. drums from "Dark of the Male, Light of the Female"
  124. Don't Worry Baby by the Thunderclouds
  125. Where It's Hotter pt. 3
  126. Gaping Hole conclusion
  127. organs & pianos from "the Moon"
  128. Feedback (life, love loop)
  129. Map being made up
  130. the Glow pt. 4
  131. Drums and Bass
  132. choir from "the Sun"
  133. Where It's Hotter pts. 1, 2 & 3
  134. Samurai Sword being made up
  135. Cranberry Road by Dennis Driscoll
  136. All Is Full Of Love (organ)
  137. I Felt My Size (piano)
  138. horns from "So I Finally Belong To The Night"
  139. applause
  140. Blood
  141. the Gleam pt. 2 (piano)
  142. Thank You Microphones
  143. Loops W/ Booms And Peaks
  144. Phil Elverum's Will
  145. Sand (Eric's Trip)
  146. Where It's Hotter Pts. 1, 2, 3
  147. Last Part Of One Long Song
  148. 10_I'm A Pearl Diver_piano
  149. 06_Weird Storm_singing, guitar, distortion
  150. 01_I Want Wind To Blow_bounced guitars L
  151. 14_Universe_humming R drums R
  152. 03_You'll Be in the Air_singing
  153. 15_Mount Eerie_guide guitar, pump organ
  154. 04_the Gleam_cymbal singing, 2nd half of descending scale
  155. 03_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 3, tape L
  156. 01_the Glow pt. 2_high organ L
  157. 05_Map_kyle singing piano
  158. 15_the Glow_singing, bass pedals R, organ
  159. 01_Ocean 1 2 3guitar, tympani, bass drum
  160. 04_(something) 2_high noise L
  161. Eight Months In Olympia_04guitar
  162. 05_Bass Drum Dream_record R, guitar 1, singing 2
  163. 09_I Felt My Size_bass drum
  164. 14_I Want Wind To Blow_pre bounce cabasa L
  165. 02_(something)_acoustic guitar
  166. 08_Feedback (life love loop)_bass pedals R, singing R
  167. September 20th (1995)
  168. cassette experiment (1995)
  169. 14_Mount Eerie_singing stars R, singing R, hiss R
  170. 03_Ice_floor tom / record static
  171. I Cut My Hands Off (2002)
  172. 02_I'm Getting Cold_bass
  173. 15_the Gleam pt. 2_piano L
  174. 32_Microphones in 2020_acoustic guitar 1
  175. 06_Heart Lake Rd._singing
  176. 06_I Want Wind To Blow_singing center piano R
  177. 02_Moon Moon Moon_backwards guitar
  178. 04_I Listen Close_organ R
  179. 08_the Breeze_guitar
  180. 01_the Button to Record_bass drum
  181. 34_Microphones in 2020_acoustic gutiar 3 R
  182. 01_You Were in the Air_bass
  183. instrumental #1 (1995)
  184. 08_I Felt My Size_guitar and singing singing
  185. 06_Karl Blau_singing
  186. 02_You Were in the Air_guitar
  187. 06_You'll Be in the Air_steel drum chords
  188. This Thing (1998)
  189. 06_Universe (2)_big horn L choir L
  190. 01_the Moon (version)_distant distorted bass L
  191. 02_I Cut My Hands Off_02_I Cut My Hands Off_room
  192. 12_the Glow pt. 2_distorted guitar R drums R
  193. 05_I Felt My Size_singing Khaela R
  194. 11_Karl Blau (alt)_11acoustic guitar R
  195. 13_Mount Eerie_singing stars L, singing L, hiss L
  196. Darren Wait
  197. 08_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil)
  198. 08_Ocean 1 2 3bass, guitar, tympani, bass
  199. 02_Karl Blau_piano from 4 track
  200. 06_Samurai Sword_bass
  201. 05_instrumental_piano
  202. 04_I'm A Pearl Diver_phil singing
  203. Hot Chocolate (4 track) (1996)
  204. 07_Where It's Hotter pt3_drums and organs L
  205. I've Seen Tomorrow
  206. 14_the Glow_singing, footsteps R, door, bass pedals L
  207. 06_Where It's Hotter pt3_main singing, tympani
  208. 05_Universe_acoustic guitar L feedback L choir L
  209. 03_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
  210. 06_(something) 2_high chime
  211. 02_What Happened To You?_radio, bass drum, Rapmaster
  212. 33_Microphones in 2020_acoustic guitar 2 L
  213. 01_the Breeze_bass drum
  214. 06_the Breeze_guitar
  215. 07_Lanterns_guide vocal
  216. 07_Universe_aaah rumble
  217. 12_Universe_drums R
  218. the Glow pt. 2 sequel
  219. 06_Moon Moon Moon_drums L
  220. 08_Lanterns_singing
  221. 02_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 2, tympani
  222. 15_My Warm Blood_drums
  223. 08_I Lost My Wind_singing with Dennis R
  224. Ut Oh, It's Mourning Time Again
  225. Where Is My Tarp?
  226. 01_instrumental 2_tape L
  227. 02_instrumental 2_tape R
  228. 12_Microphones in 2020_main guitar L
  229. 11_the Glow pt. 2_distorted guitar L drums L
  230. 08_I'll Not Contain You_tympani
  231. 03_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl sings
  232. 08_Weird Storm_bass pedals
  233. 03_Heart Lake Rd._backwards organ
  234. 05_Lanterns_chorus L
  235. 03_the Glow_singing, F loop, drums R, switched singing high
  236. 01_Lanterns_drums L
  237. 01_(something)_drums L
  238. 01_I Am Bored_guitar solo L
  239. 09_Mount Eerie_oooh low R, Kyle breaths, passing samba
  240. 04_Moon Moon_main singing
  241. 12_Karl Blau (alt)_12singing
  242. 02_the Pull_drums distorted
  243. 12_Antlers_singing L
  244. 07_the Button to Record_distorted organ
  245. 12_I Want To Be Cold_guitar, bounced pianos L
  246. 07_Microphones in 2020_hi hat 1
  247. interview 3
  248. In Sleep I Float Around (vocal version) (1998)
  249. 08_Antlers_singing R
  250. 08_Moon Moon_singing
  251. 03_Microphones in 2020_guitar from 2019 R
  252. 01_the Gleam_bass drum
  253. 08_Where Is My Tarp?_singing
  254. 03_the Button to Record_snare
  255. 11_the Glow_guitar R, wind R
  256. 10_I Want Wind To Blow_accordian
  257. 11_the Moon_afloor tom cymbal
  258. 02_the Moon (version)_distant distorted bass R
  259. 06_Antlers_singing
  260. 04_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil) R
  261. 08_Mount Eerie_oooh low L, Kyle breaths, passing samba
  262. 02_instrumental_xylophone
  263. 06_Ocean 1 2 3keyboard, xylophone, singing
  264. 07_Karl Blau (alt)_07singing (Anna)
  265. 04_the Glow pt. 2_organ R
  266. 15_the Sun_drone and horns R bass pedals L drums
  267. 08_the Glow_singing, organ R, drums, the Glow's reply
  268. 06_Feedback (life love loop)_records, singing scrap
  269. the Button to Record (1997)
  270. 03_the Gleam_high hat singing, 2nd half of descending scale
  271. 05_instrumental_breathing
  272. 07_Mount Eerie_singing, Kyle breaths L
  273. 06_Pre Amp_Bronwyn sings
  274. 05_Little Songs_singing
  275. 08_I'm Getting Cold_aaah 2
  276. 08_the Moon_afarfisa
  277. 07_Bass Drum Dream_mix L
  278. Eight Months In Olympia_02drums - guitar
  279. 03_the Mansion_guitar G
  280. 08_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil percussion
  281. 10_Solar System_hiss R percussion R
  282. 15_You'll Be in the Air_guide guitar
  283. 03_Don't Smoke_organ R
  284. 04_I Want To Be Cold_unbounced piano R
  285. 03_I'm Getting Cold_drums
  286. Plans (1998)
  287. 04_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil Rhodes
  288. 01_Solar System_bounced mix L
  289. (I Love You So Much)
  290. 06_Microphones in 2020_drums 1
  291. 02_Weird Storm_guitar, snare, singing
  292. 05_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_bass R
  293. 08_(something) 2_other bass loop
  294. 03_I Want Wind To Blow_percussion L
  295. 15_I Want Wind To Blow_pre bounce cabasa R
  296. 06_Sand_khaela sings 2
  297. 07_I'm In Hell_main singing
  298. 12_I Want Wind To Blow_echo guitar R
  299. 05_the Gleam_cymbal bell L
  300. 06_My Warm Blood_guitar L
  301. 16_the Moon_apiano bass L
  302. 03_I Cut My Hands Off_03_I Cut My Hands Off_guitar
  303. 08_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_singing (Khaela)
  304. 09_the Glow pt. 2_guide guitar high guitar
  305. 13_Solar System_electric guitar L
  306. 01_I Listen Close_bass drum
  307. 01_instrumental_xylophone
  308. 13_Universe_humming L drums L
  309. 04_Antlers_main guitar and singing
  310. 04_Universe (2)_flutes and drums R
  311. 03_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_guitar L
  312. 01_Universe Conclusion_take 1
  313. 01_Weird Storm_bass drum
  314. 25_Microphones in 2020_electric guitar L
  315. 02_Lanterns_drums R
  316. 16_I Felt My Size_piano
  317. 05_(something) 2_high noise R
  318. 01_the Sun_noise, beats, drums L guitar L
  319. 08_I'm In Hell_bass
  320. Square Face (1996)
  321. 15_Microphones in 2020_one line
  322. 02_the Glow pt. 2_high organ R
  323. 02_Antlers_Gurdjieff CD R
  324. 07_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl bass
  325. 01_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_bass L
  326. 15_Universe (2)_choir 5 R
  327. 04_I Lost My Wind_main singing
  328. 01_Samurai Sword_humming L
  329. (guitar)
  330. 12_Karl Blau_clapping
  331. 08_Samurai Sword_drums R
  332. 02_Little Songs_floor tom
  333. Eight Months In Olympia (1998)
  334. 07_Samurai Sword_drums L
  335. 16_Mount Eerie_singing stars
  336. 14_You'll Be in the Air_organ
  337. 06_I'm In Hell_doll, singing
  338. 12_My Warm Blood_piano R
  339. 06_Universe_acoustic guitar R feedback R choir R
  340. 12_I'm A Pearl Diver_flute
  341. 03_Little Songs_snare
  342. 07_My Warm Blood_guitar R
  343. 08_Universe (2)_choir 2 L
  344. 08_the Button to Record_bass
  345. 06_the Gleam_cymbal bell R
  346. I Felt Your Shape (alt. take) (2001)
  347. 01_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl drums L
  348. 07_the Mansion_foghorn tape loop
  349. 11_My Warm Blood_piano L
  350. 09_Ice_electric guitar L
  351. 04_Sand_main singing
  352. 02_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_five organs R
  353. In Sleep I Float Around (1998)
  354. 06_(something)_clanging pipe
  355. 07_What Happened To You?_keyboard flute
  356. 05_the Glow pt. 2_organ bass
  357. 13_Lanterns_bass L
  358. 07_Don't Wake Me Up_Bronwyn singing
  359. 05_Moon Moon Moon_guitar
  360. 40_Microphones in 2020_organ
  361. Eight Months In Olympia_03singing
  362. 08_Karl Blau (alt)_08singing (Anna)
  363. 07_the Glow_singing, organ L, piano, backward guitar R, switched singing low 2
  364. 10_Antlers_singing R
  365. 01_Mount Eerie_pump organ L, drums L
  366. 03_instrumental_piano
  367. 08_the Mansion_bass
  368. 07_Don't Smoke_drums L
  369. 08_You'll Be in the Air_room L
  370. 07_I Want Wind To Blow_main singing piano
  371. 14_the Sun_horn, crowd choir R bass pedals R trumpets buzzing drums R
  372. 02_Samurai Sword_humming R
  373. 08_the Gleam_xylophone R electric guitar R descending scale R
  374. Eight Months In Olympia_07bass 2
  375. 08_Karl Blau_main singing
  376. Cobweb the Fox (1996)
  377. 05_the Moon (version)_guitar and singing
  378. 08_Heart Lake Rd._electric guitar
  379. 01_the Glow_singing, bass, bass drum, tape loop L
  380. 02_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano L
  381. 02_I Want To Be Cold_acoustic guitar
  382. 13_You'll Be in the Air_room R
  383. 07_Moon Moon_Khaela sings
  384. 11_Universe (2)_choir 3 R
  385. 05_What Happened To You?_singing, guitar
  386. 05_Where Is My Tarp?_organ R singing R
  387. 06_I Lost My Wind_guitar fingers
  388. 06_the Moon (version)_piano and singing
  389. 10_the Moon_asnare
  390. 16_Ice_pump organ R
  391. instrumental #2 (1995)
  392. 05_Microphones in 2020_big drums 1
  393. 06_I'll Not Contain You_bass R
  394. 03_Samurai Sword_singing
  395. 08_instrumental_piano
  396. 02_I Want Wind To Blow_bounced guitars R.wav
  397. 03_reggae experiment_drums overhead
  398. 08_Oh Anna_bass
  399. 14_Karl Blau (alt)_14singing
  400. 14_the Gleam pt. 2_bounced pianos
  401. 09_the Breeze_acoustic guitar (guide)
  402. 04_Where Is My Tarp?_organ L singing L
  403. Boomerang (1996)
  404. 05_Karl Blau (alt)_05organ R
  405. 06_instrumental_xylophone
  406. 03_Universe (2)_flutes and drums L
  407. 12_Mount Eerie_kyle rapping, hiss
  408. 11_I Want Wind To Blow_echo guitar L
  409. 12_the Gleam pt. 2_pump organ R
  410. 04_I Am Bored_piano L
  411. 10_Universe_gated swiping R khaela R piano cymbal R
  412. 11_Karl Blau_clapping
  413. 01_reggae experiment_bass drum.wav
  414. 16_the Glow pt. 2_bass drum bass
  415. 04_the Mansion_singing
  416. 02_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_clapping loop
  417. 02_I Listen Close_drums
  418. 05_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Khaela)
  419. 01_the Pull_bass drum
  420. 12_the Sun_water L choir L bass pedals dulcimer R trumpets buzzing R
  421. 09_My Warm Blood_piano L
  422. 04_Heart Lake Rd._guitar 2
  423. 01_the Gleam pt. 2_guitar L
  424. 06_Don't Smoke_guitars R
  425. 04_instrumental_cymbal
  426. 05_(something)_guitar, backwards echo, misc
  427. 02_reggae experiment_snare
  428. 02_Moon Moon_singing, guitar L
  429. 15_Lanterns_click
  430. 05_the Breeze_guitar
  431. playing and talking
  432. 04_Ocean 1 2 3singing, cymbal, organ, harmonies
  433. 06_You Were in the Air_acoustic guitar, singing
  434. Assault on Tape Deck Mountain
  435. 04_Bass Drum Dream_record L, guitar 2, singing 3
  436. 08_the Pull_singing
  437. Karl Blau (alternate version) (2000)
  438. 07_Feedback (life love loop)_bass pedals L, singing L
  439. 07_You'll Be in the Air_guitars and piano descending
  440. 02_I Am Bored_singing
  441. 07_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
  442. 06_Moon Moon_guitar fingers
  443. 11_I Felt My Size_bass
  444. 04_Little Songs_acoustic guitar L
  445. 02_Get Off The Internet_singing
  446. 06_I'm Getting Cold_singing
  447. 04_I Cut My Hands Off_04_I Cut My Hands Off_singing
  448. 05_I'll Not Contain You_bass L
  449. 07_(something)_mix L
  450. instrumental (organ) (1996)
  451. Iceberg (1996)
  452. 06_Where Is My Tarp?_cassette siniging L
  453. 06_Don't Wake Me Up_singing 2
  454. Eight Months In Olympia_05radio static
  455. 10_Karl Blau_bass drum
  456. 02_the Moon_aacoustic guitars R
  457. 02_Oh Anna_floor tom
  458. 01_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_five organs L
  459. 10_instrumental_guitar middle R
  460. 04_Florida Beach_04singing 2
  461. 15_Universe_rumble piano singing (alt)
  462. 01_I Cut My Hands Off_01_I Cut My Hands Off_drums (Adam)
  463. 08_Ice_cymbal crashes R record static
  464. 07_the Glow pt. 2_guide guitar singing guitar
  465. 10_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 5&6
  466. 13_Universe (2)_choir 4 R
  467. 16_the Gleam pt. 2_piano R
  468. 13_the Moon_afarfisa
  469. 06_I Listen Close_mainsinging
  470. 02_(something)_drums R
  471. 11_I'm A Pearl Diver_flute
  472. 06_the Moon_asaxophone (Karl Blau)
  473. 09_instrumental_guitar L
  474. 10_the Pull_guitar 2
  475. 12_Lanterns_guitar R
  476. 04_the Button to Record_tap organ
  477. 01_What Happened To You?_guitar
  478. 14_the Pull_distorted electric guitar R
  479. 13_I Want To Be Cold_guitar, bounced pianos R
  480. 05_Get Off The Internet_clarinets L
  481. 03_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano R
  482. 14_the Moon_afarfisa
  483. 13_the Pull_distorted electric guitar L
  484. 04_the Glow_singing, C loop, main singing
  485. 19_Microphones in 2020_bass flourish
  486. 06_the Pull_harmonies with Mirah
  487. 09_the Moon_abass drum
  488. 10_Lanterns_singing (Jenn) R
  489. 11_Universe_drums L
  490. 14_the Gleam_bass L murky high notes L
  491. 12_the Moon_atom
  492. 05_I'm In Hell_doll, singing
  493. 24_Microphones in 2020_electric guitar
  494. 07_instrumental_snare
  495. 10_Microphones in 2020_piano R
  496. 06_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
  497. 08_Florida Beach_08mix R
  498. 04_the Breeze_guitar
  499. 06_the Glow pt. 2_guitar L
  500. 05_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_singing
  501. 41_Microphones in 2020_organs, bounced compressed 1
  502. 14_I Felt My Size_guitar R
  503. 14_the Glow pt. 2_drums L piano L guitar L
  504. 04_Pre Amp_acoustic guitar
  505. 02_Don't Wake Me Up_guitar L
  506. Plans_01singing
  507. Eight Months In Olympia_01drums
  508. 01_Pre Amp_bass drum
  509. 07_Moon Moon Moon_drums R
  510. Shredded Pants (1995)
  511. 16_Karl Blau_piano from 4 track
  512. 01_Karl Blau (alt)_01bass drum
  513. 12_the Breeze_backwards reverb + echo
  514. 01_Karl Blau_drums from 4 track
  515. 03_I Felt My Size_echoey steel drum
  516. 02_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
  517. 04_Solar System_feedback guitar singing (Mirah & Phil) R
  518. 05_Mount Eerie_oooh L, receding drums L
  519. 04_I Felt My Size_singing Khaela L
  520. 08_My Warm Blood_guitar
  521. 2 Blonde Braids
  522. 01_My Warm Blood_heartbeat
  523. 14_the Breeze_melodica
  524. 01_Little Songs_bass drum
  525. 21_Microphones in 2020_distorted bass L
  526. 03_(something)_bowed bass
  527. Day One (1995)
  528. 09_Solar System_hiss L percussion L
  529. 05_Moon Moon_guitar hole
  530. 01_instrumental_drums bounced
  531. 14_Lanterns_bass R
  532. 03_the Breeze_cymbals
  533. 04_Moon Moon Moon_singing 2
  534. 04_(something)_bass drum
  535. 13_the Breeze_melodica
  536. 03_Solar System_feedback guitar singing (Mirah & Phil) L
  537. 05_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Karl sings 2
  538. 06_Map_phil singing
  539. 03_the Sun_samba parade, bass, organ, guitar L
  540. 01_Bass Drum Dream_bass
  541. 07_I Am Bored_guitar mess R
  542. 11_Solar System_snare hiss L
  543. 09_the Gleam_xylophone loop
  544. 10_the Glow_guitar L, hiss, saw R, organ R, wind L
  545. 02_the Breeze_snare
  546. 04_Universe_bells R bass R calvin R phil R choir R
  547. 01_You'll Be in the Air_singing 2
  548. Cold Fingers (1995)
  549. 14_Universe (2)_choir 5 L
  550. 05_the Sun_bass drum L guitar singing
  551. 37_Microphones in 2020_organ R
  552. 12_Universe (2)_choir 4 L
  553. 01_Where It's Hotter pt3_bass
  554. Bomb on Tape Deck Mountain
  555. 01_Heart Lake Rd._guitar
  556. 03_the Gleam pt. 2_steel drum L singing
  557. 03_You Were in the Air_singing, guitar
  558. 12_You'll Be in the Air_room R
  559. 11_Antlers_singing
  560. I Felt My Size (acoustic) (2001)
  561. 20_Microphones in 2020_distorted bass
  562. 11_the Gleam pt. 2_pump organ L
  563. 06_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Khaela)
  564. 01_I'm Getting Cold_piano
  565. 07_I'm Getting Cold_aaah 1
  566. 05_the Moon_asaxophone (Karl Blau)
  567. 05_I Listen Close_guitar
  568. Universe / Mount Eerie
  569. 11_the Pull_bells slowed down L
  570. 09_the Gleam pt. 2_bass drum
  571. 02_the Glow_drums L, tape loop R
  572. 08_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Amber)
  573. 05_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 5, tape R
  574. 07_I Want To Be Cold_humming
  575. 06_Mount Eerie_oooh R, receding drums R
  576. 04_You'll Be in the Air_steel drum L
  577. 03_I Felt You_main singing
  578. 05_Solar System_feedback guitar singing (Mirah & Phil)
  579. 04_the Moon_asaxophone (Karl Blau)
  580. 05_I Cut My Hands Off_05_I Cut My Hands Off_high singing L
  581. 04_Don't Smoke_singing, guitar solo
  582. Sun Window (1996)
  583. 16_My Warm Blood_drums
  584. 08_I Am Bored_guitar solo L
  585. 01_(something) 2_bass loop
  586. 01_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
  587. 03_Universe_bells L bass L calvin L phil L choir L
  588. 28_Microphones in 2020_electric 12 string R
  589. 02_Feedback (life love loop)_drums
  590. 13_Karl Blau (alt)_13singing
  591. 05_I Want Wind To Blow_singing L piano L
  592. 04_Feedback (life love loop)_tamborine and bell, organ
  593. 02_Solar System_bounced mix R.wav
  594. 04_Map_chord organ R
  595. 07_Oh Anna_Rhodes, toy piano
  596. 11_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 3&4
  597. 07_Karl Blau_singing
  598. 13_the Glow pt. 2_acoustic guitar R electric guitar L
  599. 04_My Warm Blood_humming
  600. 03_My Warm Blood_humming
  601. 02_My Warm Blood_humming
  602. 05_(something)_organ
  603. I Have Been Told That My Skin Is Exceptionally Smooth
  604. 10_the Gleam pt. 2_snare
  605. 08_Little Songs_bass
  606. 13_I Felt My Size_guitar L
  607. 04_reggae experiment_snare rim
  608. 15_the Moon_asinging
  609. 03_Map_dischord (organs, flutes, guitars)
  610. 03_(something) 2_messy bass R
  611. 09_You'll Be in the Air_room L
  612. 06_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil sings
  613. 43_Microphones in 2020_night R
  614. 14_My Warm Blood_drums
  615. 02_Ice_drums pump organ L
  616. 01_Don't Smoke_guitars L.wav
  617. 04_I'm In Hell_triangle, singing
  618. In The Way (1996)
  619. 08_Universe_main singing
  620. 10_Universe (2)_choir 3 L
  621. 02_Universe Conclusion_take 2
  622. interview snippet on moving to Norway (Aug. 2002)
  623. 05_Feedback (life love loop)_organ
  624. 05_Antlers_guitar and singing R
  625. 38_Microphones in 2020_organ L
  626. 11_Lanterns_guitar L
  627. 02_the Gleam_big snare drum
  628. 04_Karl Blau (alt)_04organ L
  629. 16_the Breeze_bass
  630. 01_I Felt Your Shape_guitar and singing
  631. 04_I Want Wind To Blow_percussion R
  632. 03_Don't Wake Me Up_guitar R
  633. 11_instrumental_guitar middle L
  634. 05_Weird Storm_delay guitar
  635. 03_Sand_melodica
  636. 06_instrumental_piano
  637. 10_the Breeze_guitar
  638. 01_I Felt You_guitar
  639. 14_Microphones in 2020_SINGING
  640. 12_the Pull_bells slowed down R
  641. 06_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_electric guitars R
  642. 07_the Gleam_xylophone L electric guitar L descending scale L
  643. 01_the Mansion_guitar A
  644. 06_the Glow_singing, wind R, piano, backward guitar L, switched singing low
  645. 15_Karl Blau (alt)_16singing
  646. 03_Bass Drum Dream_organ 2, guitar 3
  647. 12_Solar System_snare hiss R
  648. 08_You Were in the Air_mix R
  649. 05_You Were in the Air_singing
  650. 02_I Felt You_Eric's Trip record
  651. 02_Map_guitars and organs
  652. 04_the Gleam pt. 2_steel drum R
  653. 09_Karl Blau_singing
  654. Eight Months In Olympia_08bass 1
  655. 02_I'm A Pearl Diver_Chamberlin Rhythmate
  656. 01_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano
  657. 05_the Button to Record_singing
  658. interview 1
  659. interview 5
  660. 06_I Cut My Hands Off_06_I Cut My Hands Off_high singing R
  661. 06_I Want To Be Cold_humming
  662. 13_Antlers_singing R
  663. 05_reggae experiment_organ
  664. 06_Lanterns_chorus R
  665. 03_Karl Blau_piano from 4 track
  666. 08_I Want Wind To Blow_singing R distorted drums
  667. 11_the Gleam_phil singing misc notes singing L
  668. 06_(something)_guitar, saw, misc
  669. 07_instrumental 2_feedback R humming
  670. Mean Things (1996)
  671. 03_Antlers_guitar and singing L
  672. 01_I'm In Hell_drums
  673. 16_the Gleam_bass R murky high notes R
  674. 07_Ice_cymbal crashes L record static
  675. 16_I Want Wind To Blow_pre bounce snare
  676. 36_Microphones in 2020_organ L
  677. 15_the Glow pt. 2_drums R piano R
  678. 14_Karl Blau_clapping
  679. 05_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
  680. 30_Microphones in 2020_interlude singing
  681. 07_Pre Amp_farfisa
  682. 06_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
  683. I Cut My Hands Off
  684. 08_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
  685. 04_I'm Getting Cold_bass drum
  686. 04_What Happened To You?_singing, guitar
  687. 03_Mount Eerie_singers L, Karl Blau vulture tape L
  688. 02_I Felt My Size_organs
  689. guitar (1996)
  690. 12_instrumental_guitar R
  691. 03_I'm In Hell_cymbal, singing
  692. 02_the Mansion_guitar F
  693. 11_I Want To Be Cold_drums R
  694. 01_Where Is My Tarp?_trumpets L choir L guitar L
  695. 05_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
  696. 03_I Listen Close_organ L
  697. 04_Mount Eerie_singers R, Karl Blau vulture tape R
  698. 02_ORGANS_five organs R
  699. 10_Karl Blau (alt)_10acoustic guitar L
  700. 02_Universe_drums R feedback R calvin R phil R bass R
  701. 08_What Happened To You?_bass
  702. 08_I Felt You_Calvin and Phil singing
  703. I'll Shut Up
  704. 09_Antlers_singing L
  705. 08_the Sun_cymbal choir L main singing
  706. Head Cleaner (1998)
  707. 04_Samurai Sword_guitar L
  708. 13_the Sun_water R choir bass pedals trumpets buzzing drums L
  709. 27_Microphones in 2020_electric 12 string L
  710. 04_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_piano
  711. 26_Microphones in 2020_electric guitar R
  712. 07_the Breeze_guitar
  713. 10_the Sun_bass pedals R choir R organ R trumpets hiss
  714. 05_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_electric guitars L
  715. 11_the Sun_drone and horns L dulcimer L trumpets buzzing L
  716. 01_Universe (2)_men's choir L
  717. 03_Moon Moon_singing, guitar R
  718. 07_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_singing (Phil)
  719. 08_(something)_mix R
  720. 02_Florida Beach_02guitarR
  721. 03_Get Off The Internet_guitar L
  722. 05_Don't Wake Me Up_singing
  723. 03_the Pull_floor tom
  724. 05_Ocean 1 2 3keyboard, guitar
  725. 04_Weird Storm_guitar room
  726. 04_(something)_wind R, backwards echo, misc
  727. 04_Karl Blau_cabasa distorted
  728. 08_I Listen Close_bass
  729. 14_instrumental_bass
  730. 06_reggae experiment_guitar
  731. 08_Don't Wake Me Up_drums and harmonies
  732. 03_Where Is My Tarp?_bass pedals singing R
  733. 05_Florida Beach_05singing 3
  734. 05_Don't Smoke_singing, guitar solo
  735. 06_I Am Bored_drums L
  736. 14_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_drums R
  737. 12_the Gleam_khaela sings one line electric guitar R misc notes singing R
  738. 04_instrumental 2_compressed guitar R feedack humming
  739. 04_I'll Not Contain You_guitar and singing
  740. 07_Solar System_singing (Mirah & Phil) R
  741. 09_Where Is My Tarp?_drums
  742. 03_Feedback (life love loop)_bass drum
  743. 05_I Want To Be Cold_humming
  744. 02_Ocean 1 2 3singing, breathing, drums
  745. 08_Solar System_singing
  746. 03_Florida Beach_03singing
  747. 02_Headless Horseman_singing
  748. 05_Heart Lake Rd._guitar 3
  749. 03_Oh Anna_snare
  750. 06_What Happened To You?_main singing
  751. 39_Microphones in 2020_organ R
  752. 12_I Felt My Size_bass bedals
  753. 01_Universe_drums L feedback L calvin L phil L bass L
  754. 07_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil)
  755. 07_Get Off The Internet_singers L
  756. 05_Ice_drums L xylophone L
  757. 07_instrumental_mix L
  758. 09_I Want Wind To Blow_Chamberlin Rhythmate bass drum
  759. 10_Ice_electric guitar R
  760. 03_the Moon (version)_singing (Mirah and Phil) L
  761. 05_Karl Blau_tamborines distorted
  762. 05_I'm Getting Cold_Rhodes
  763. 03_(something)_wind L, Khaela sings
  764. 02_I'm In Hell_tympani, singing
  765. 04_instrumental_xylophone
  766. 04_Don't Wake Me Up_acoustic guitar
  767. 12_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 1&2
  768. 05_Oh Anna_guitars and piano
  769. 04_Get Off The Internet_guitar R
  770. 08_I Want To Be Cold_main singing
  771. 10_My Warm Blood_piano R
  772. 09_I'm A Pearl Diver_"drum solo" from cassette
  773. 01_Map_drums
  774. 01_(something)_click track
  775. 01_Oh Anna_bass drum
  776. 08_the Glow pt. 2_main singing guitar
  777. 10_I Felt My Size_drums
  778. 06_Get Off The Internet_clarinets R
  779. 01_I Felt My Size_slide whistles bounced
  780. 10_I Want To Be Cold_drums L
  781. Do I Close My Home For Goodness?
  782. 07_I'm A Pearl Diver_singing (Phil & Khaela)
  783. 02_Drums That No One Played_El Niño_Phil drums R
  784. 01_Get Off The Internet_kalimba
  785. 07_(something)_foghorn tape loop
  786. Orchestra (1996)
  787. 04_the Sun_bass, guitar, organ R
  788. 08_(something)_wind, bass
  789. 01_Sand_chamberlin rhythmate
  790. 13_instrumental_pump organ
  791. 18_Microphones in 2020_bass
  792. 07_(something) 2_low chime
  793. 07_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_drums
  794. 09_I Want To Be Cold_bass drum
  795. 07_I Felt My Size_singing
  796. the Blow pt. 2
  797. 03_Lanterns_chorus R
  798. 05_Universe (2)_main singing
  799. 06_instrumental 2_feedback humming
  800. 01_(something)_bowed bass
  801. 05_You'll Be in the Air_steel drum R
  802. 09_Microphones in 2020_piano L
  803. 16_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_Chamberlin Rhythmate
  804. 07_the Pull_harmonies with Mirah
  805. 03_Pre Amp_snare
  806. 08_Don't Smoke_drums R
  807. 31_Microphones in 2020_interlude guitar
  808. 06_(something)_bowed bass
  809. 13_the Gleam_low organ singing low F
  810. 06_the Sun_bass drum R sampled guitar
  811. 13_the Glow_singing, footsteps L, group singing R, wind R
  812. 07_the Gleam pt. 2_unbounced piano
  813. Plans_04guitar
  814. 13_My Warm Blood_drums
  815. pre-tour announcement, Track House, Olympia (Aug. 19th, 2000)
  816. 11_Ice_acoustic guitar L
  817. 09_Universe_gated swiping L khaela L piano cymbal L
  818. 03_the Moon_asinging (alt)
  819. 04_I Lost My Wind pt. 2_guitar R
  820. 10_You'll Be in the Air_room L
  821. 07_I Lost My Wind_singing with Dennis L
  822. Josh Young (acoustic) (1995)
  823. 08_Pre Amp_bass
  824. 07_(something)_singing, guitar
  825. 02_Where Is My Tarp?_trumpets R choir R guitar R
  826. 02_the Gleam pt. 2_guitar R
  827. 06_Oh Anna_Khaela sings
  828. 13_Karl Blau_clapping
  829. 12_Ice_acoustic guitar R
  830. 07_I'll Not Contain You_cymbal
  831. 01_Don't Wake Me Up_bass
  832. 08_(something)_scratch guitar
  833. Microphones in 2020 (organs) (2020)
  834. 05_instrumental 2_feedback humming
  835. 06_Florida Beach_06bass
  836. 06_Ice_drums R xylophone R
  837. 09_the Sun_bass pedals L choir R organ L trumpets casio hiss
  838. 01_Feedback (life love loop)_drums with hum
  839. 08_Map_tympani, piano, xylophone
  840. 01_Moon Moon_singing, bass
  841. 07_You Were in the Air_mix L
  842. 03_I Am Bored_piano R
  843. 01_Headless Horseman (alt)_guitar
  844. 08_Get Off The Internet_singers R
  845. Get The Hell Out Of The Way Of The Volcano
  846. 02_Pre Amp_floor tom
  847. 09_Karl Blau (alt)_09singing
  848. 07_I Listen Close_singing
  849. 03_I'm A Pearl Diver_guitar
  850. 22_Microphones in 2020_distorted bass R
  851. 10_Mount Eerie_singers L, Kyle grunts, passing samba
  852. 03_(something)_floor tom
  853. 03_What Happened To You?_radio, rimshot
  854. 01_Antlers_Gurdjieff CD L
  855. 02_You'll Be in the Air_singing
  856. March Through Hell (1996)
  857. 01_I Want To Be Cold_muffled guitar
  858. 05_Samurai Sword_guitar R
  859. 02_Karl Blau (alt)_02snare
  860. 11_Mount Eerie_singers R, Kyle rapping, passing samba
  861. 03_instrumental 2_compressed guitar L whistling
  862. 06_Bass Drum Dream_main singing
  863. 08_Bass Drum Dream_mix R
  864. 10_the Glow pt. 2_acoustic guitar L bass drum
  865. 05_the Pull_second vocal
  866. 07_Little Songs_Rhodes
  867. interview 2
  868. interview 6
  869. instrumental from Zombies Ahoy (1997)
  870. 17_Microphones in 2020_backup singing R
  871. talking
  872. 02_Universe (2)_men's choir R
  873. 01_Florida Beach_01guitarL
  874. 11_the Breeze_backwards reverb
  875. 06_Solar System_singing (Mirah & Phil) L
  876. 07_Universe (2)_big horn R choir R
  877. 07_reggae experiment_bass
  878. 04_Where It's Hotter pt3_singing 4
  879. 07_the Moon_apiano bass R
  880. 09_the Pull_guitar
  881. 02_instrumental_drums bounced 2
  882. 02_Heart Lake Rd._Mirah sings, organ
  883. 06_the Mansion_backup singing
  884. Plans_02xylophone
  885. 02_Microphones in 2020_guitar from 2019 L
  886. 03_the Glow pt. 2_organ L
  887. 07_Where Is My Tarp?_singing R
  888. 06_Karl Blau (alt)_06bass singing
  889. 03_Karl Blau (alt)_03singing cymbal
  890. 02_Mount Eerie_pump organ R, drums R
  891. 06_the Button to Record_acoustic guitar
  892. 14_Solar System_electric guitar R
  893. 07_Heart Lake Rd._singing, guitar
  894. 04_Lanterns_chorus L
  895. 02_(something)_bowed bass
  896. 16_Microphones in 2020_backup singing L
  897. reggae experiment (1999)
  898. 06_I Felt My Size_singing
  899. 13_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_drums L
  900. 07_Ocean 1 2 3drums, guitar
  901. 13_I Want Wind To Blow_percussion
  902. Eight Months In Olympia_06bass 3
  903. 02_Bass Drum Dream_organ 1, guitar 4
  904. 14_I Want To Be Cold_bass
  905. 04_Microphones in 2020_F# throb
  906. 05_the Mansion_backwards guitar A
  907. 02_(something) 2_messy bass L
  908. 01_Moon Moon Moon_bass
  909. 02_Don't Smoke_organ L
  910. 04_Oh Anna_room
  911. 07_Weird Storm_acoustic guitar
  912. 01_ORGANS_five organs L
  913. 05_I Lost My Wind_guitar hole
  914. 14_Ice_singing (Khaela)
  915. 06_My Roots Are Strong And Deep_singing
  916. Plans_03guitar
  917. 02_Headless Horseman (alt)_singing
  918. 01_Headless Horseman_guitar
  919. Death on Tape Deck Mountain
  920. 02_Sand_organ
  921. 04_Ice_snare record static
  922. 03_Ocean 1 2 3singing, tympani, bass, harmonies
  923. 09_Lanterns_singing (Jenn) L
  924. 03_Weird Storm_singing 2
  925. 05_My Warm Blood_singing
  926. I Lost My Wind pt. 2 (1999)
  927. 03_instrumental_xylophone
  928. 06_Little Songs_guitar
  929. 04_I Felt You_Mirah and Phil singing
  930. 05_Sand_khaela sings
  931. 05_(something)_bowed bass
  932. 07_the Sun_dulcimer singing (alt.) choir L singing
  933. 05_Pre Amp_Phil sings, electric guitar
  934. Sleep In Hell (1996)
  935. 03_Moon Moon Moon_main singing
  936. 09_Between Your Ear and the Other Ear_guitars 7&8
  937. 12_the Glow_singing, C loop, group singing L, wind L
  938. 07_Map_khaela singing
  939. 08_Where It's Hotter pt3_drums and organs R
  940. 02_the Button to Record_floor tom
  941. 10_the Gleam_high organ singing low C
  942. 09_the Glow_main singing, Mirah sings, saw L, organ L
  943. 05_the Glow_singing, wind L, organ, bass, switched singing
  944. 02_the Sun_noise, beats, drums R guitar R
  945. I Felt Your Shape pts. 1 & 2
  946. 13_Ice_singing
  947. 04_(something)_bowed bass
  948. 08_instrumental_mix R
  949. 04_You Were in the Air_singing, Korg
  950. 15_I Felt My Size_piano
  951. 13_Microphones in 2020_main guitar R
  952. 07_Florida Beach_07mix L
  953. 01_the Moon_acoustic guitars L
  954. 09_Universe (2)_choir 2 R
  955. 05_I Am Bored_drums R
  956. Black Night (Universe Conclusion)
  957. 03_I Want To Be Cold_humming, piano L
  958. 42_Microphones in 2020_night L
  959. 11_You'll Be in the Air_room R
  960. 01_Ice_bass
  961. 07_Antlers_sinigng L
  962. 03_Universe Conclusion_take 3


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