- On the Green: Round Dance
- In the Tavern: Olim lacus colueram
- The Court of Love: Veni, veni venias
- The Court of Love: Tempus est locundum
- The Court of Love: Circa mea pectora
- On the Green: Dance
- Spring: Omnia Sol temperat
- Spring: Varis leta facies
- The Court of Love: Si puer cum puellula
- The Court of Love: In trutina
- In the Tavern: In taberna quando sumus
- On the Green: Floret silva nobilis
- In the Tavern: Estuans inerius
- On the Green: Were diu werlt alle mien
- On the Green: Chramer, gip die varwe mir
- The Court of Love: Dulclissime
- The Court of Love: Stetit puella
- The Court of Love: Dies, nox et omnia
- Blanchefleur and Helen: Ave, formosissima
- In the Tavern: Ego sum abbas
- Spring: Ecce graccum
- Fortune, Empress of the World: Fortuna plango vulnera
- The Court of Love: Amor volat undique
- Fortune, Empress of the World: O Fortuna