Toki Tori 2 (Soundtrack)
- The Egg Is Hatching (logo jingle)
- Welcome to Toki’s World
- All Is Nice and Quiet, or So It Seems
- Sunny Side Up
- High Up in the Clouds
- Watery (interlude)
- Oil Panic
- One Chick Too Many
- Bottomless
- Wet, Dark & Hollow
- Where’s a Glowy Berrybug When You Need One
- Take These Broken Wings
- Cooking Crystal
- How Much Is That Eggy in the Window
- If Chicks Could Fly
- Dark and Hot
- All Will Be Lost, Like… Frogs… In… Rain…
- The Secret in the Forest
- In the Picture
- Island Manufacturing
- It’s Easy Being Yellow (cave interlude)
- Egg Yolk Holiday
- Sunny Side Up (unplugged at Eggby Road)
- Take Me to Toki Town
- Tokidisco
- Wet, Dark & Hollow (scrambled eggs remix)
- It’s Easy Being Yellow
- Omelette du fromage
- Een ogenblik geduld alstublieft
- Henhouse
- Made It!
- Tokidubstep
- Tokihardcore
Mehr Songtexte
- Clunk's Machinery
- Juno's Travels to Planet DX7
- Bagpipin' Blastfest
- Killing Spree Vinnie & Spike
- Character Theme Voltar the Omniscient
- Character Theme Yuri
- Character Theme Sherriff Lonestar
- Character Theme Raelynn
- Character Theme Derpl Zork
- Character Theme Froggy G
- Killing Spree Voltar the Omniscient
- Killing Spree Yuri
- Killing Spree Gnaw
- Character Theme Coco Nebulon
- Killing Spree Coco Nebulon
- Character Theme Gnaw
- Character Theme Genji
- Character Theme Skølldir
- Killing Spree Leon Chameleon
- Killing Spree Sherriff Lonestar
- Killing Spree Raelynn
- Character Theme Leon Chameleon
- Killing Spree Clunk
- Killing Spree Skølldir
- Character Theme Vinnie & Spike
- Killing Spree Froggy G
- The Eye of Aiguillon
- Killing Spree Derpl Zork
- Killing Spree Genji
- Character Theme Clunk
- Awesomenauts in Concert
- It's easy being yellow (cave interlude)
- Sunny side up, featuring the Royal Eggbert Choir
- It's easy being yellow
- Welcome to Toki's world
- Where's a glowy berrybug when you need one
- Character Theme Ayla
- Killing Spree Ayla
- Character Theme Admiral Swiggins
- Character Theme Penny Fox
- Killing Spree Penny Fox
- Character Theme Sentry X-58
- Spanking Stars
- Character Theme Ted McPain
- I'll Make You a Star, Baby
- Killing Spree Admiral Swiggins
- Killing Spree Sentry X-58
- Killing Spree Skree
- Character Theme Skree
- Killing Spree Ted McPain
- Character Theme Scoop
- Sirens Before the Storm
- Killing Spree Scoop
- Killing Spree Nibbs
- Character Theme Nibbs
- Killing Spree Gnariachi
- Character Theme Gnariachi
- Remembering
- Character Theme Chucho Krokk
- One Happy Galaxy
- Killing Spree Rocco
- Character Theme Ksenia
- Killing Spree Max Focus
- Character Theme Electronic Supersonic Cybertronic Rocco
- Touch
- Character Theme Jimmy and the LUX5000
- Killing Spree Jimmy and the LUX5000
- Character Theme Scourge Captain McPain
- You + Mother
- Killing Spree Ix the Interloper
- Killing Spree Professor Milton Yoolip
- Killing Spree Scourge Captain McPain
- Killing Spree Electronic Supersonic Cybertronic Rocco
- Birth
- Character Theme Ix the Interloper
- Character Theme Max Focus
- Becoming
- Killing Spree Chucho Krokk
- Conception
- Character Theme Rocco
- Killing Spree 8-Bit Yoolip
- Character Theme Professor Milton Yoolip
- Character Theme 8-Bit Yoolip
- Killing Spree Ksenia
- Killing Spree Deadlift
- Character Theme Smiles
- Roflnauts Get Ready to ROFL (Fin Send)
- Character Theme Commander Rocket
- Killing Spree Smiles
- Character Theme Deadlift
- Character Theme Snork Gunk
- Killing Spree Dizzy
- Character Theme Dizzy
- Roflnauts Prematchmusic (Fin Send)
- Awesomenauts in Concert (LUDWIG Ensemble)
- I’ll Make You a Star, Baby
- Character Jingle Qi’Tara
- Killing Spree Snork Gunk
- Killing Spree Commander Rocket
- Killing Spree Qi’Tara
- Juno’s Travels to Planet DX7 in Concert (Residentie Orkest)
- Get Ready for Action!
- Sad Victory