Dreamfall Chapters - Original Soundtrack
Draugen - Original Soundtrack
- Den dag kjem aldri (von Ingvild Hasund)
- Main Theme
- Welcome to Graavik
- Opening credits
- The farmhouse
- In the mist
- A beautiful day
- We are cursed
- Landhandel
- Fredrik's letter
- Under the cliff
- The dead
- Ruth's room
- Stavkirke
- A goodbye to all the things
- The church book
- Come back to me
- Conversations
- Where she has gone
- What they found
- A voice in the mist
- Clifftop conversation
- There you are
- End credits
- Story trailer (bonus track)
Dustborn (Soundtrack)
- The Dust Born - We're The Dust Born
- The Dust Born - Chasing Echoes
- The Dust Born - The Gig Grind
- The Dust Born - Influence Apocalypse
- Simon Poole - Main Theme
- Simon Poole - The Getaway
- Simon Poole - The Horned Riders
- Simon Poole - Welcome to Liberty
- Simon Poole - Ghosts of the Past
- Simon Poole - Combat Mix
- Simon Poole - Exploration, Pt. I
- Simon Poole - Strange Visitors
- Trailer Park
- The Promised Land
- The Ashes
- Squid Gig
- Bituman the Asphalt God
- Saying Goodbye
- Exploration, Pt. II
- Owl's Head
- The Herald
- Aftermath
- Journey's End
- Main Theme (Trailer Version)
- Charlotte Hatherley - Good Ways to Cry
Mehr Songtexte
- St. Petersburg
- The Factory
- Abnaxus
- Payback
- The Undreaming is unchained
- The Void
- Mumbai underground
- End Titles
- A room with a view
- The longest journey home
- Dreaming and Undreaming
- The Enclave
- Morning in Marcuria
- Shifts
- The Prophet
- Night falls on Marcuria
- A farewell to Wonkers
- Rush Redux
- Through the looking glass
- The Dream Vortex
- The raid
- Realms
- Bird on a search
- Rebel-rousing
- The Yaga
- Propast blowback
- Revelations
- Attack on the Enclave
- Breaking point
- Dreaming shards
- The ceremony begins
- Rebels
- Marcuria by night
- Southwards
- The Purple Mountains
- Fever dreams