
Geboren am 28. Juni 1912, Gestorben am 14. August 1996

Celibidache Edition - Sacred Music & Opera (Compilation)

J.S. Bach

  1. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Kyrie eleison (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Mass in B minor - Duet: Christe eleison (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Kyrie eleison (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Gloria in excelsis (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Et in terra pax (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Mass in B minor - Aria: Laudamus te (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Gratias agimus tibi (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Mass in B minor - Duet: Domine Deus (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Qui tollis peccata mundi (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Mass in B minor - Aria: Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. Mass in B minor - Aria: Quoniam tu solus sanctus (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Cum Sancto Spiritu (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)

J.S. Bach

  1. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Credo in unum Deum (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Credo in unum Deum, patrem omnipotentem (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Mass in B minor - Duet: Et in unum Dominum (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Et incarnatus est (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Crucifixus (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Et resurrexit (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Mass in B minor - Aria: Et in Spiritum Sanctum (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Confiteor (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Et exspecto resurrectionem (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Sanctus (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Osanna in excelsis (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. Mass in B minor - Aria: Benedictus qui venit (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  13. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Osanna (da capo) (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  14. Mass in B minor - Aria: Agnus Dei (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  15. Mass in B minor - Chorus: Dona nobis pacem (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)


  1. Applause
  2. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Introitus: Requiem (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  3. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Kyrie (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  4. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sequentia: I. Dies irae (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  5. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sequentia: II. Tuba mirum (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  6. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sequentia: III. Rex tremendae (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  7. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sequentia: IV. Recordare (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  8. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sequentia: V. Confutatis (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  9. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sequentia: VI. Lacrimosa (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  10. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Offertorium: I. Domine jeus (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  11. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Offertorium: II. Hostias (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  12. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Sanctus (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  13. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Benedictus (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  14. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Agnus Dei (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  15. Requiem in D minor KV626 - Communio: Lux aeterna (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  16. Applause


  1. Applause
  2. Messa da Requiem - I. Requiem aeternam (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Dies irae (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Tuba mirum (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Liber scriptus (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Quid sum miser (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Rex tremendae majestatis (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Recordare (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Ingemisco (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Confutatis (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. Messa da Requiem - II. Dies Irae: Lacrimosa (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. Messa da Requiem - III. Offertorio: Domine Jesu Christe (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  13. Messa da Requiem - III. Offertorio: Versus. Hostias (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)

Verdi · Brahms

  1. Messa da Requiem - IV. Sanctus (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Messa da Requiem - V. Agnus Dei (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Messa da Requiem - VI. Lux aeterna (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Messa da Requiem - VII. Libera me: Libera me (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Messa da Requiem - VII. Libera me: Dies irae (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Messa da Requiem - VII. Libera me: Requiem aeternam (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Messa da Requiem - VII. Libera me: Libera me (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Applause
  9. Ein deutsches Requiem - I. Selig sind, die da Leid tragen
  10. Ein deutsches Requiem - II. Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras


  1. Ein deutsches Requiem - III. Herr, lehre doch mich
  2. Ein deutsches Requiem - IV. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen
  3. Ein deutsches Requiem - V. Ihr habt nun Traurigkeit
  4. Ein deutsches Requiem - VI. Den wir haben hier keine bleibende Statt
  5. Ein deutsches Requiem - VII. Selig sind die Toten

Fauré · Stravinsky

  1. Applause
  2. Requiem op. 48 - I. Introit et Kyrie (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  3. Requiem op. 48 - II. Offertoire (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  4. Requiem op. 48 - III. Sanctus (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  5. Requiem op. 48 - IV. Pie Jesu (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  6. Requiem op. 48 - V. Agnus Dei (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  7. Requiem op. 48 - VI. Libera me (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  8. Requiem op. 48 - VII. In paradisum (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  9. Applause
  10. Symphony of Psalms - I. Exaudi orationem meam, Domine (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  11. Symphony of Psalms - II. Exspectans exspectavi Dominum (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  12. Symphony of Psalms - III. Alleluia: Laudate Dominum (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  13. Applause

Italian Opera · Overtures

  1. Applause
  2. Guillaume Tell: Overture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  3. Applause
  4. Semiramide: Overture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  5. Applause
  6. The Silken Ladder: Overture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  7. Applause
  8. The Thieving Magpie: Overture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  9. Applause
  10. La forza del destino: Overture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  11. Applause
  12. Don Giovanni: Overture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  13. Applause


  1. Le Carnaval Romain Op.9 (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  2. Applause
  3. Die Hebriden Op.26 (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  4. Applause
  5. Ein Sommernachtstraum Op.21 (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  6. Applause
  7. Rosamunde D644 (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  8. Applause
  9. Vltava from 'Ma vlast' (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  10. Applause
  11. Die Fledermaus: Ouvertüre (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  12. Applause

Weber · Wagner

  1. Oberon Ouverture (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  2. Applause
  3. Parsifal - Good Friday Music (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  4. Applause
  5. Tristan und Isolde - Prelude (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  6. Tristan und Isolde - Liebestod (von Sergiu Celibidache, Münchner Philharmoniker)
  7. Applause


  1. Applause
  2. Die Meistersinger von Nurnberg - Vorspiel zum ersten Aufzug (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Applause
  4. Siegfried-Idyll (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Applause
  6. Gotterdammerung - Trauermarsch (3. Aufzug) (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Applause
  8. Tannhauser - Ouverture (von Münchner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Applause

Great Conductors of the 20th Century: Sergiu Celibidache (Compilation)

  1. Maskarade: Overture
  2. Symphony no. 3 in C: I. Allegro fuocoso (von Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 3 in C: II. Adagio - Scherzo. Allegro assai - Adagio (von Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 3 in C: III. Finale, presto (von Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90 "Italian": I. Allegro vivace (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90 "Italian": II. Andante con moto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90 "Italian": III. Con moto moderato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90 "Italian": IV. Saltarello. Presto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Nutcracker Suite, op. 71a: I. Marche (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Nutcracker Suite, op. 71a: II. Danse russe (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. Nutcracker Suite, op. 71a: III. Danse chinoise (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. Nutcracker Suite, op. 71a: IV. Danse des mirlitons (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Marionetter: Overture (von Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Hamlet-Suite, op. 30: I. Vorspiel
  3. Hamlet-Suite, op. 30: II. Ophelias Tod
  4. Hamlet-Suite, op. 30: III. Totenmarsch
  5. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, K. 183: I. Allegro con brio (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, K. 183: II. Andante (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, K. 183: III. Menuetto - Trio (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, K. 183: IV. Allegro (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Symphony no. 1, op. 25 "Classical": I. Allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Symphony no. 1, op. 25 "Classical": II. Larghetto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. Symphony no. 1, op. 25 "Classical": III. Gavotte. Non troppo allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. Symphony no. 1, op. 25 "Classical": IV. Finale. Molto vivace (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  13. Die Fledermaus: Overture
  14. Annen-Polka, op. 117
  15. Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, op. 214
  16. Radetzky-Marsch, op. 228

Sergiu Celibidache: 10 CD-Set (Compilation)

  1. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, KV 183: I. Allegro con brio (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, KV 183: II. Andante (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, KV 183: III. Menuetto & trio (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 25 in G minor, KV 183: IV. Allegro (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Symphony no. 94 in G major, "Surprise": I. Adagio cantabile - Vivace assai (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Symphony no. 94 in G major, "Surprise": II. Andante (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Symphony no. 94 in G major, "Surprise": III. Menuetto: Allegro molto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Symphony no. 94 in G major, "Surprise": IV. Finale: Allegro di molto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Symphony no.104 in D major, "London": I. Adagio - Allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Symphony no.104 in D major, "London": II. Andante (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. Symphony no.104 in D major, "London": III. Menuetto: Allegretto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. Symphony no.104 in D major, "London": IV. Finale: Spiritoso (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Overture no.3 in C major, op.72, "Lenore III" (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Overture, op. 21, "Le Corsaire" (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90, "Italian": I. Allegro vivace (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90, "Italian": II. Andante con moto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90, "Italian": III. Con moto moderato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Symphony no. 4 in A major, op. 90, "Italian": IV. Saltarello: Presto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 73: I. Allegro non troppo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 73: II. Adagio non troppo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 73: III. Allegro grazioso (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 2 in D major, op. 73: IV. Allegro con spirito (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: I. Allegro non troppo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: II. Andante moderato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: III. Allegro giocoso - Poco meno presto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: IV. Allegro energico e passionato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Cello Concerto in B minor, op.104: I. Allegro
  4. Cello Concerto in B minor, op.104: II. Adagio ma non troppo
  5. Cello Concerto in B minor, op.104: III. Finale: Allegro moderato
  1. Symphony no. 2 in C minor, op.17, "Little Russian": I. Andante sostenuto - Allegro vivo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 2 in C minor, op.17, "Little Russian": II. Andantino marziale, quasi moderato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 2 in C minor, op.17, "Little Russian": III. Scherzo: Allegro molto vivace (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 2 in C minor, op.17, "Little Russian": IV. Moderato assai - Allegro vivo - Presto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Overture (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: March (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Trepak (Russian Dance) (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Arabian Dance (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Chinese Dance (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  11. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Dance of the Mirlitons (Reed Flutes) (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  12. "The Nutcracker" Ballet Suite, op. 71a: Waltz of the Flowers (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Symphony no. 5 in E minor, op. 64: I. Andante - Allegro con anima (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 5 in E minor, op. 64: II. Andante cantabile (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 5 in E minor, op. 64: III. Valse: Allegro moderato (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 5 in E minor, op. 64: IV. Finale: Allegro maestoso - Allegro vivace (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. "Romeo and Juliet" Fantasy Overture for Orchestra in B minor (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. La Mer: I. De l'aube a midi sur la mer (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. La Mer: II. Jeux de vagues (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. La Mer: III. Diualogue du vent de la mer (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Jeux (von London Philharmonic Orchestra, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Violin Concerto in D major, op. 35a: I. Allegro moderato (von Siegfried Borries, Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Violin Concerto in D major, op. 35a: II. Quasi andante (von Siegfried Borries, Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Violin Concerto in D major, op. 35a: III. Allegro impetuoso (von Siegfried Borries, Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Piano Concerto: I. Máig schnell
  2. Piano Concerto: II. Langsam
  3. Piano Concerto: III. Medley: Tre Fontane (Medieval Dance)
  4. Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20: I. Lacrymosa (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20: II. Dies Irae (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20: III. Requiem aeternam (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Concerto for coloratura soprano and orchestra, op. 82
  1. Symphony no. 7 in C major, op. 60, "Leningrad": I. Allegretto (The War) (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 7 in C major, op. 60, "Leningrad": II. Moderato poco allegretto (Memories) (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 7 in C major, op. 60, "Leningrad": III. Adagio (My native field) (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 7 in C major, op. 60, "Leningrad": IV. Allegro non troppo (Victory) (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Symphony no. 9 in E-flat major, op. 70: I. Allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 9 in E-flat major, op. 70: II. Moderato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 9 in E-flat major, op. 70: III. Presto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 9 in E-flat major, op. 70: IV. Largo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Symphony no. 9 in E-flat major, op. 70: V. Allegretto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": I. Allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": II. Larghetto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": III. Gavotta: Non troppo allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": IV. Finale: Molto vivace (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Jeu de cartes (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)

Sergiu Celibidache: From the Collection of Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv: Berlin Philharmonic Concerts (Compilation)

  1. Leonore Overture no. 3, op. 72b (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: I. Allegro non troppo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: II. Andante moderato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: III. Allegro giocoso (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98: IV. Allegro energico e passionato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. "Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche", op. 28, TrV 171 (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Cello Concerto in B minor, op. 104, B. 191: I. Allegro (von Tibor de Machula, Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Cello Concerto in B minor, op. 104, B. 191: II. Adagio ma non troppo (von Tibor de Machula, Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Cello Concerto in B minor, op. 104, B. 191: III. Finale: Allegro moderato (von Tibor de Machula, Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20: I. Lacrymosa: Andante ben misurato (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20: II. Dies Irae: Allegro con fuoco (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Sinfonia da Requiem, op. 20: III. Requiem aeternam: Andante molto tranquillo (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": I. Allegro con brio (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": II. Larghetto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": III. Gavotte: Non troppo allegro (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Symphony no. 1 in D major, op. 25, "Classical": IV. Finale: Molto vivace (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  1. Symphony no. 94 in G major, Hob. I:94, "The Surprise": I. Adagio cantabile Vivace assai (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  2. Symphony no. 94 in G major, Hob. I:94, "The Surprise": II. Andante (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Symphony no. 94 in G major, Hob. I:94, "The Surprise": III. Menuetto: Allegro molto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Symphony no. 94 in G major, Hob. I:94, "The Surprise": IV. Finale: Allegro molto (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Le Carnaval romain, op. 9 (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. La Mer: I. De l'aube a midi sur la mer (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. La Mer: II. Jeux de vagues (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. La Mer: III. Dialogue du vent et de la mer (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Nocturnes: No. 2. Fêtes (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Coloratura Soprano Concerto, op. 82: I. Andante
  1. Coloratura Soprano Concerto, op. 82: II. Allegro
  2. Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture (3rd version, 1880) (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  3. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: I. The Montagues and the Capulets (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  4. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: II. Juliet as a Young Girl (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  5. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: III. Friar Laurence (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  6. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: IV. Dance (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  7. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: V. Romeo Bids Juliet Farewell Before Parting (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  8. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: VI. Dance of the Maids with Lillies (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  9. Romeo and Juliet Suite no. 2, op. 64ter: VII. Romeo at Juliet's Grave (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)
  10. Berceuse elegiaque, op. 42 (von Berliner Philharmoniker, Sergiu Celibidache)


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