Be Grateful to Everyone (Live)
- Shambhala Audio introduction
- Introduction to the Retreat
- The History of Lojong
- Unbroken Lineage
- Create Two Lists: Love and Compassion
- First, Train in the Preliminaries [1.1]
- Point 2: The Main Practice, Which Is Training in Bodhichitta
- Regard All Dharmas as Dreams [2.2]
- Examine the Nature of Unborn Awareness [2.3]
- Self-liberate Even the Antidote [2.4]
- Rest in the Nature of Alaya, the Essence [2.5]
- In Postmeditation, Be a Child of Illusion [2.6]
- Exercise: Giving Practice
- The Relative Bodhichitta Slogans
- Three Objects, Three Poisons, Three Seeds Virtue [2.8]
- Practice the Three Difficulties [7.44]
- Acknowledging the Three Poisons as the Seeds of Empathy
- Sending and Taking Should Be Practiced Alternately. These Two Should Ride the Breath [2.7]
- Begin the Sequence of Sending and Taking With Yourself [2.10]
- In All Activities, Train With the Slogans [2.9]
- Q & A, Part 1
- Q & A, Part 2
- Introduction: The Meaning of the Word Bodhichitta
- Point 3: Transformation of Bad Circumstances Into the Way of Enlightenment
- When the World Is Filled With Evil, Transform All Mishaps Into the Path of Bodhi [3.11]
- Drive All Blames Into One [3.12]
- Difficulties as Opportunities for Awakening
- Be Grateful to Everyone [3.13]
- Whatever You Meet Unexpectedly, Join With Meditation [3.16]
- Exercises: Sharing Enjoyment Practice and Same Boat Practice
- Overview of Tonglen: Exchanging Oneself With Others
- The Essence of Tonglen
- Instructions on the Three Stages of Tonglen
- Guided Tonglen Practice
- Exercise: On-rhe-spot Tonglen Practice
- Point 4: The Five Strengths
- Practice the Five Strengths, the Condensed Heart Instructions [4.17]. The Mahayana Instruction on Ho, Part 1
- Practice the Five Strengths, the Condensed Heart Instructions [4.17]: The Mahayana Instruction on Ho, Part 2
- Practice the Five Strengths, the Condensed Heart Instructions [4.17]: The Mahayana Instruction on Ho, Part 3
- Practice the Five Strengths, the Condensed Heart Instructions [4.17]: The Mahayana Instruction on Ho, Part 4
- Practice the Five Strengths, the Condensed Heart Instructions [4.17]: The Mahayana Instruction on Ho, Part 5
- Q & A, Part 1
- Q & A, Part 2
- Q & A, Part 3
- Q & A, Part 4
- Exercise: Equanimity Practice
- The Three Types of Courage
- Point 5: The Evaluation of Mind Training
- All Dharmas Agree at One Point
- Of the Two Witnesses, Hold the Principal One
- Always Maintain a Joyful Mind
- If You Can Practice Even When Distracted You're Well Trained
- Don't Ponder Others
- Don't Be Jealous
- Don't Expect Applause
- How Am I Blocking My Own Happiness?
- The Bodhisattva Vow
- Compassionate Aspirations
- The Don't Slogans [6.25, 6.26, 6.27, 6.30, 6.31]
- All Activities Should Be Done With One Intention [7.39] / Correct All Wrongs With One Intention [7.40]
- Two Activities: One at the Beginning, One at the End [7.41]
- Train Without Bias in All Areas. It Is Crucial Always to Do This Pervasively and Wholeheartedly [7.4]
- Always Train in Whatever Provokes Resentment [7.49]
- Conclusion: We're All in the Same Boat
Getting Unstuck (Live)
- Introduction to Session 1: Learning to Stay (von Tami Simon)
- The Challenge of Being Present
- Stop Scratching
- Ego: The Root of the Problem
- Exploring the Itch
- The Open Awareness of Your Mind
- Listening Meditation Practice
- The Doorway to Liberation
- Introduction to Session 2: The Habit of Distraction (von Tami Simon)
- Recognizing Patterns of Habituation
- Shenpa: How We Get Hooked
- Catching Your Shenpa in Action
- Addictions and Our Fundamental Uneasiness
- Engaging Shenpa in Meditation
- Recognizing, Refraining, Relaxing and Resolving
- Introduction to Session 3: Meditation, the Path to Enlightenment (von Tami Simon)
- It's Not Bad to Have Thoughts
- Degrees of Shenpa
- Using the Breath to Get Unstuck
- Q & A: Addressing Trauma in Meditation
- Q & A: The Most Important Thing
- Introduction to Session 4: Enjoying the Process (von Tami Simon)
- Lightening Things Up
- Getting Curious About Your World
- Making Daily Aspirations
- The Balance of Gloriousness and Wretchedness
- Seeing Yourself Clearly
- Keeping a Bigger Perspective
- The Tender Heart
- Introduction to Session 5: Tools for Liberation (von Tami Simon)
- How to Uncover Your True Nature
- Stop Kicking the Wheel
- Melting Into Emptiness
- Teaching yourself the dharma
- Relative Practices, Absolute View
- Encountering the Ineffable
- Introduction to Session 6: Taking Your Practice Into the World (von Tami Simon)
- Coming Back to the Present
- Activism Without Aggression
- Delusion Vs. Illusion
- Bowing to Your Thoughts
- Letting Go of Resistance
- Q & A: Having Compassion, Drawing Boundaries
- Q & A: An Alternative to Outrage
- An Aspiration for World Peace
Perfect Just as You Are (Live)
- Shambhala Audio Presents
- Introduction
- Four Limitless Ones Chant
- Overview of Loving-kindness
- Overview of Compassion
- Overview of Joy
- Overview of Equanimity
- Overview of Bodhichitta
- Exercises
- Q & A
- Shamatha Meditation Instructions
- Shamatha Meditation
- Understanding Loving-kindness
- Ceen
- Looking at Our Emotions
- Loving-kindness Instructions
- Loving-kindness Meditation
- Q & A
- Exercises
- Instructions on the Seven Stages of Meditation
- Shamatha Meditation
- Seven-Stage Loving-kindness Meditation
- Shamatha Instructions
- Shamatha Meditation
- Understanding Compassion and Bodhichitta
- Ceen
- Freeflowing Bodhichitta Is Always There
- A Living Retreat
- Staying With What Is Difficult
- Practicing the Seven Steps
- Exercises
- Greeting the Present Moment
- Strengthening Our Positive Habits
- Foundations of Tonglen
- Being Curious About Impermanence
- Understanding Joy
- Rejoicing Instructions
- Exercises
- Q & A
Pure Meditation
- Introduction
- Mindfullness Awareness Practice
- Meditation Technique: posture, breath, thought
- Lojong Practice and the Illusion of Thought
- Absolute Truth
- Shunyata: the open dimension of our being
- Bodhichitta: awakened heart
- Softening Fear
- The Seed of Spaciousness and Warmth Is Within Us
- Resistance to Letting Go of Thoughts
- Introduction
- Why Meditate?
- Cultivating Loyalty To Self
- Maitri: Loving Kindness For One's Self
- The Quality Of Clear Seeing
- Transformation Through Experiencing Emotional Distress
- Attention To The Moment
- No Big Deal: Flexibility And Acceptance
- Bodhicitta: Open Heart And Mind
- The Uncertain Nature Of Reality
- Great Suffering Brings Great Compassion