
OverClocked ReMix Forums Songtexte
Dark Wing Duck

Mega Man: The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011

Round 1

  1. She's a Squirter (Splash Woman in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Brandon Strader)
  2. Don't Make Me Cut You (Blade Man in Wily Castle 10-1)
  3. Totally Rad Winter (Blizzard Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Sir_NutS)
  4. Double Doctors (Gemini Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Main Finger)
  5. The Knight Who Says ROCK! (Knight Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Lidawg)
  6. Burn the Castle (Pirate Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von AMT)
  7. The Last of the Clan (Yamato Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Jason Covenant)
  8. Two Minds Without a Single Thought (Search Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Zerothemaster)
  9. Dubious Brother (Snake Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von Ben Briggs)
  10. Under Construction (Needle Man in Wily Castle 10-1) (von SuperiorX)

Round 2

  1. The Root of All Things (Plant Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Rexy)
  2. Wily's Inferno (Napalm Man in Wily Castle 2-1)
  3. Attracted to Power (Magnet Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Gario)
  4. Mr. X Was Wily the WHOLE TIME (Tomahawk Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Geoffio)
  5. Smooth Heat (Heat Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Obtuse)
  6. Glacial Age (Frost Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Mr. L)
  7. Light Your Way (Flash Man in Wily Castle 2-1)
  8. Far From Home (Cold Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von AkumajoBelmont)
  9. Shadows of Wily (Shadow Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Amphibious)
  10. whatever.jpg (Bubble Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Emunator)
  11. No Ticket! (Charge Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Phonetic Hero)
  12. Glitch in the System (Crash Man in Wily Castle 2-1) (von Chernabogue)

Round 3

  1. Sting Operation (Hornet Man in Wily Castle 5) (von Lemonectric)
  2. Air Man in a G String (Air Man in Wily Castle 5)
  3. Unto Dust (Dust Man in Wily Castle 5) (von prophetik music)
  4. Running With Scissors (Cut Man in Wily Castle 5) (von Nekofrog)
  5. Power Outage (Spark Man in Wily Castle 5) (von Xarnax42)
  6. Tripping Through (Tornado Man in Wily Castle 5) (von Jewbei)
  7. Topsy Turvy (Top Man in Wily Castle 5) (von Flexstyle)
  8. Riding the Avalanche (Chill Man in Wily Castle 5) (von C7)
  9. Electric Sleep (Elec Man in Wily Castle 5) (von ectogemia)
  10. Solidity (Crystal Man in Wily Castle 5) (von Rozovian)

Round 4

  1. Liquid Metal (Splash Woman in Mr. X Fortress 6)
  2. Satch Man (Blade Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von halc feat. WillRock)
  3. Cold Dreams (Blizzard Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Sir_NutS)
  4. I Didn't Have Time to Make This Song the Song (Gemini Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Main Finger)
  5. Passing of the Knight (Knight Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Lidawg)
  6. Electrostatic (Spark Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Xarnax42)
  7. The Death of Mr. X (Pirate Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von AMT)
  8. Dayquil, Nyquil (Yamato Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Jason Covenant)
  9. I Dreamt of a Man With Two Heads (Search Man in Mr. X Fortress)
  10. Copperhead Drumstep (Snake Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Ben Briggs)
  11. Smooth Operator (Needle Man in Mr. X Fortress 6)
  12. ZERO to ROBO (Crash Man in Mr. X Fortress 6) (von Chernabogue)

Round 5

  1. Hornet of Legend (Hornet Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Lemonectric)
  2. Blast Counter (Napalm Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Nutritious)
  3. Dr. Wiwwy, Polarized (Magnet Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Gario)
  4. Proud Warrior of a Forgotten Kingdom (Tomahawk Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Geoffio)
  5. Bring the Heat (Heat Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Obtuse)
  6. Tower Power Boogie (Spark Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Xarnax42)
  7. Shining Groove (Flash Man in Wily Tower 8-2)
  8. The Fall (Cold Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von AkumajoBelmont)
  9. Robot Lounge (Shadow Man in Wily Tower 8-2)
  10. Wily's Bubble Bath (Bubble Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von TheGuitahHeroe)
  11. Planes, Trains, and Auto 'n' Beat (Charge Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Phonetic Hero)
  12. Combustive Implosion (Grenade Man in Wily Tower 8-2) (von Jakesnke17)

Round 6

  1. Red Chamomile (Plant Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2)
  2. Air-Cossacks! (Air Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von WillRock)
  3. Twenty-Six Alpha (Dust Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von prophetik music)
  4. Northern Lights (Frost Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von Mr. L)
  5. Eye of the Storm (Tornado Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von Jewbei)
  6. Standing on Top (Top Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von Flexstyle & Jason Covenant)
  7. License to Chill (Chill Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von C7)
  8. Groove, Swing, March (Elec Man Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von ectogemia)
  9. No Time for Doctors (Crystal Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von Rozovian)
  10. Villainous Revelry (Grenade Man in Cossack Fortress 4-2) (von Jakesnke17)

Round 7

  1. A Swarm of Voxels (Hornet Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Lemonectric)
  2. Totally Tubular Fortress (Blizzard Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Sir_NutS)
  3. WHICH ONE DO I SHOOT⁈ (Gemini Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Main Finger)
  4. Mega Man Awesome (Heat Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Obtuse)
  5. Call the Fire Department (Fire Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Zach72)
  6. Wily's Ruin (Pirate Man in Wily Castle 7-4) (von AMT)
  7. When the Moon Cries (Yamato Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Jason Covenant)
  8. Black Alleycat (Shadow Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von Amphibious)
  9. Float (Bubble Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von TheGuitahHeroe)
  10. Halite (Crystal Man in Wily Stage 7-4)
  11. Skull Shield (Skull Man in Wily Stage 7-4) (von LuketheXjesse)

Round 8

  1. Synthesize This! (Plant Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von Rexy)
  2. Cruise Control (Napalm Man in Wily Tower 1-1)
  3. Drag Me Up (To Heaven) (Magnet Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von Gario)
  4. Tomahawk's Final Chapter (Tomahawk Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von Geoffio)
  5. Towering Shade (Shade Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von Cyril the Wolf)
  6. Subarctic Nightfall (Frost Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von Mr. L)
  7. Ivory Tower (Chill Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von C7)
  8. Current Events (Elec Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von ectogemia)
  9. Electropuncture (Needle Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von SuperiorX)
  10. The Return of Gangsta Man (Crash Man in Wily Tower 1-1) (von Chernabogue)

Round 9

  1. Splash Damage (Splash Woman in Wily Stage 9-2) (von Brandon Strader)
  2. Mega Breeze (Air Man in Wily Stage 9-2) (von WillRock)
  3. Flames of Youth (Dust Man in Wily's Stage 2) (von prophetik music)
  4. Final Stand in the Castle (Knight Man in Wily Stage 9-2)
  5. We Were Once Robots; Then We Took a Mega Man to the Knee (Fire Man in Wily Stage 9-2) (von Zach72)
  6. Disconnect (Cold Man in Wily Stage 9-2)
  7. Night Train to the Deep Jungle (Search Man in Wily Stage 9-2) (von Zerothemaster)
  8. Raging Reptile (Snake Man in Wily Stage 9-2) (von Ben Briggs)
  9. Derailed at Wily Temple (Charge Man in Wily Stage 9-2) (von Phonetic Hero)

Round 10

  1. Sweet Wet Nectar (Bad Guy Robots From Mega Man vs. Wily Machine #6)
  2. In the Reading of This Title, You Hereby Agree That All Your Base Are Belong to Wily (Block Rockman Beats vs. Wily Machine #6)
  3. Magnus Divinicus Chiptunicus (Blue Bomber Brotherhood vs. Wily Machine #3) (von Gario)
  4. Shinespark Glacier (Energy Tank vs. Wily Machine #6) (von Mr. L)
  5. When Robots Collide (The Gentlemasters club vs. Wily Machine #5)
  6. Bubble Man's Requiem (The Hard Men vs. Wily Machine #10) (von Ben Briggs)
  7. Amp (The Mega Ballers vs. Wily Machine #5)
  8. From the East (The Skull Men vs. Wily Machine #10)

Final Fantasy: Crystal Clash (Remix)

Light Bracket - Round 1

  1. The Only Uncertain Thing is I worked as hard as anyone! (Amarant vs. Barret) (von Garpocalypse)
  2. Gun-Armed Bandit (Barret vs. Amarant) (von Hollow)
  3. Blue Wind [Speak Up, I Can't Hiryuu] (Hiryuu vs. Strago) (von MindWanderer)
  4. Loss of Sorrow (Beatrix vs. Kain) (von Cash)
  5. Skies aren't for Us (Kain vs. Beatrix) (von Avaris)
  6. Side Effects of Afro Include Memory Loss (Freya vs. Sazh) (von Arrow)
  7. SazhaFreyaSazh (Sazh vs. Freya) (von TheShaggyFreak)
  8. Fulminating Darkness (Basch vs. Vivi) (von Ivan Hakštok)
  9. Unfinished Wizardry (Vivi vs. Basch) (von Trism)
  10. She Stole His Heart… Then His Wallet (Lenna vs. Locke) (von Tuberz McGee)
  11. LOCKEDUPLENNA (Locke vs. Lenna) (von GrapplingHook)

Darkness Bracket - Round 2

  1. Hopeless (WIP) (Hope vs. Terra) (von Brandon Strader)
  2. Toteutukoon toiveesi (Lulu vs. Serrah) (von Eino Keskitalo)
  3. Sweet-N-Sour (Serah vs. Lulu) (von Final Kingdom)
  4. Edward Penelo's Waltz (Edward vs. Penelo) (von Chimpazilla)
  5. Crystal Gradient (Penelo vs. Edward) (von timaeus222)
  6. Black Magic Dice (Zorn and Thorn vs. Setzer) (von Sterling Ortiz)
  7. MachineGun MegaPhone Wankage (Laguna vs. Cait Sith) (von HoboKa)
  8. Better than Nyan (Cait Sith Vs. Laguna) (von Esperado)
  9. La Ambiente (Gogo vs. Auron) (von Chernabogue feat. XPRTNovice)

Light Bracket - Round 3

  1. Falling from Heaven to Earth (Amarant vs. Hiryuu) (von Garpocalypse)
  2. Winged Salamander (Hiryuu vs. Amarant) (von MindWanderer)
  3. Eclipse (Kain vs. Sazh) (von Avaris)
  4. Brother From Another Mother (Sazh vs. Kain) (von TheShaggyFreak)
  5. Scars of the Earth (Lenna vs. Basche) (von Tuberz McGee)

Darkness Bracket - Round 4

  1. Ivory (Hope vs. Lulu) (von Brandon Strader)
  2. Katumus (Lulu vs. Hope) (von Eino Keskitalo)
  3. Edward Zorn Gets A Haircut (Edward vs. Zorn and Thorn) (von Chimpazilla)
  4. The Gogo Cat Experience (Live at Gold Saucer 2013) (Gogo vs. Cait Sith) (von Chernabogue)

Light Bracket - Round 5

  1. Mysterious (Kain vs. Gilgamesh) (von Avaris)
  2. Ladies Who Dress Like Men (Lenna vs. Gilgamesh) (von Tuberz McGee)

Darkness Bracket - Round 6

  1. Luja (Lulu vs. Kuja) (von Eino Keskitalo)
  2. This Battle Cannot Be Won (Gogo vs. Kuja) (von Chernabogue)


  1. Morning Always Comes (Lenna vs. Lulu) (von Tuberz McGee)
  2. Sovitus (Lulu vs. Lenna) (von Eino Keskitalo)

Mega Man & Sonic the Hedgehog: The Blue Bomber Blue Blur Collision Competition (Remix)

Round 1

  1. Prison of Needles (Needle Man in the Prison Lane) (von Yami)
  2. Checkmate (Needle Man in the Prison Lane) (von Tuberz McGee)
  3. Chrome (Burst Man in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von Mr. L)
  4. Spin Like Turbo Man (Turbo Man in the Toxic Caves) (von jnWake)
  5. TurboTox (Turbo Man in the Toxic Caves) (von therex)
  6. Quicker Than Marbles (Quick Man in the Marble Zone) (von Cash and Change)
  7. The Waking of Sha Wujing (Mega Water S in the Aquatic Base) (von MindWanderer)
  8. Soul Aquas (Mega Water S in the Aquatic Base) (von Cosmic Sounds)

Round 2

  1. Needle Man, Conductor of the Hopeful Flame (Needle Man in the Aquatic Base) (von Cosmic Sounds)
  2. Burstin Outta Prison Yoloswag (Burst Man in Prison Lane) (von Tuberz McGee)
  3. Chroma Car Keys (Turbo Man in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von jnWake)
  4. Cruisin' on Skywave Road (Turbo Man in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von Mr. L)
  5. Neptune's Brave March Through the Toxins (Neptune in the Toxic Caves) (von Zerothemaster)
  6. Club Neptune (Neptune in the Toxic Caves) (von therex)
  7. Amy and the Water Devil (Mega Water S in the Marble Zone) (von MindWanderer)
  8. Funky Marbles Just Got Wet (Mega Water S in the Marble Zone) (von Cash and Change)

Round 3

  1. Marbles in a Needle Stack (Needle Man in the Marble Zone) (von Cash and Change)
  2. Burst Man Comes Back (Burst Man in the Aquatic Base)
  3. Soul Aquas: Rise Above the Clouds (Burst Man in the Aquatic Base) (von Cosmic Sounds)
  4. Speeding Ticket (Turbo Man in the Prison Lane) (von jnWake)
  5. Fantasia ~ Op. 1 № 1 Deve Andare Veloce (Turbo Man in the Prison Lane) (von Tuberz McGee)
  6. Submerged (Neptune in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von Mr. L)
  7. I Am the Quick Man (Quick Man in the Toxic Caves) (von Xarnax42)
  8. The Soulful Sonata of Dr. Kwick Mann (Quick Man in the Toxic Caves) (von therex)
  9. Sex With Squirrels (Mega Water S in the Green Grove Zone) (von MindWanderer)

Round 4

  1. Difficulty Spikes (Burst Man in the Marble Zone)
  2. The Bursting of Marble Man (Burst Man in the Marble Zone) (von Cash and Change)
  3. H2Oil (Turbo Man in the Aquatic Base) (von jnWake)
  4. Velocity X - Race Chaos Turbo (Turbo Man in the Aquatic Base) (von Cosmic Sounds)
  5. Don't Drop the Soap (Neptune in the Prison Lane) (von Tuberz McGee)
  6. Into the Future (Quick Man in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von Mr. L)
  7. Don't Drink the Water (Mega Water S in the Toxic Caves) (von MindWanderer)

Round 5

  1. Fiesta Con Las Ardillas y El Hombre Ra faga (Burst Man in the Green Grove Zone)
  2. Burst Grove Man Zone 3D (Burst Man in the Green Grove Zone) (von Theory of N)
  3. Neptune's Voyage to Atlantis (Neptune Man in the Aquatic Base) (von Cosmic Sounds)
  4. Do Not Pass Go Do Not Collect $200 (Quick Man in the Prison Lane) (von Tuberz McGee)
  5. Rainfall in Eco-Dome Viridian (Mega Water S in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von Mr. L)

Round 6

  1. Chrome Cafe (Needle Man in the Chrome Gadget Zone) (von Mr. L)
  2. Mosfungus Bombs (Burst Man in the Toxic Caves)
  3. Mega Yeezus Man (Neptune in the Marble Zone) (von Zerothemaster)
  4. Eighth Marble From the Sun (Neptune in the Marble Zone) (von Cash and Change)
  5. Hydroplane Zone (Turbo Man in the Aquatic Base) (von Cosmic Sounds)
  6. A Gaol of Strings (Mega Water S in the Prison Lane) (von MindWanderer)
  7. Out With a Bang (Mega Water S in the Prison Lane) (von Tuberz McGee)

Mega Man X: The Grand Maverick Remix Battle 2012

  1. Vicious Liquids (Rainy Turtloid vs. Shieldner Sheldon) (von SuperiorX)
  2. Shell Bros (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Rainy Turtloid) (von Phonetic Hero)
  3. Snail-Gator Jive #5 (Wheel Gator vs. Crystal Snail) (von Tuberz McGee)
  4. Sluggish Revolution (Crystal Snail vs. Wheel Gator) (von Jakesnke17)
  5. A Good Question (Flame Stag vs. Blizzard Wolfang) (von AMT)
  6. Blizzard (Blizzard Wolfang vs. Flame Stag) (von Mr. L)
  7. Lone Journey (Blast Hornet vs. Vanishing Gungaroo) (von BlackPanther)
  8. Ostriches Flying Over The Crescent Moon (Overdrive Ostrich vs. Crescent Grizzly) (von Cash and Change)
  9. and what Comes around, will stay down (Frost Walrus vs. Optic Sunflower) (von urdailywater)
  10. kuwangawanga (Boomer Kuwanger vs. Magna Centipede) (von ladyWildfire)
  11. Beetle Brawl (Magna Centipede vs. Boomer Kuwanger) (von Ben Briggs)
  12. Vector Point Engineering Volt Buffalo (Volt Catfish vs. Blizzard Buffalo) (von Jason Covenant)
  13. Air Cooled Magma Flow (Magma Dragoon vs. Storm Owl) (von Yami)
  14. Infrared Ultrasonic (Storm Owl vs. Magma Dragoon) (von Ivan Hakštok)
  15. So Now Satan's Hiring Sponges As Demons What's Next Buckets (Infinity Mijinion vs. Wire Sponge) (von Zerothemaster)
  16. Forever a Sponge (Wire Sponge vs. Infinity Mijinion) (von jnWake)
  17. Sting Chameleon Takes a Bubble Bath (Sting Chameleon vs. Bubble Crab) (von Theory of N)
  18. Nightmare Machinus (Bubble Crab vs. Sting Chameleon) (von ectogemia)
  19. Reborn (Spike Rosered vs. Toxic Seahorse) (von Trism)
  20. Dreamhorse (Toxic Seahorse vs. Spike Rosered) (von ProjectSpam)
  21. Hot Slice of Beast (Slash Beast vs Blaze Heatnix) (von Amphibious)
  22. Race the Phoenix (Blaze Heatnix vs. Slash Beast) (von Gario)
  23. Breaking the Ice (Armored Armadillo vs. Chill Penguin) (von pixelwave)
  24. Sense, Plan, and Act (Chill Penguin vs. Armored Armadillo) (von Sir_NutS)
  25. Dephased Dissonance (Flame Mammoth vs. Crush Crawfish) (von Metal Man)
  26. MASS Production of Sharp Scissors (Crush Crawfish vs. Flame Mammoth) (von SilvernixSP)
  27. Electric Storm (Storm Eagle vs. Spark Mandrill) (von TheRexAsaurous)
  28. Damn Nature, You Scary! (Magna Centipede vs. Volt Catfish) (von Ben Briggs)
  29. Vector Point Engineering Volt Centipede (Volt Catfish vs. Magna Centipede) (von Jason Covenant)
  30. Strange Place (Blast Hornet vs. Frost Walrus) (von BlackPanther)
  31. Snowman Sonata (Blizzard Wolfang vs. Shieldner Sheldon) (von Mr. L)
  32. Arctic Odyssey (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Blizzard Wolfang) (von Phonetic Hero)
  33. Ostriches and Snails Can't Fly (Overdrive Ostrich vs. Crystal Snail) (von Cash and Change)
  34. Stealth Chameleon (Sting Chameleon vs. Blaze Heatnix) (von Theory of N)
  35. Unfazed (Blaze Heatnix vs. Sting Chameleon) (von Gario)
  36. I Am Terror (Storm Owl vs. Flame Mammoth) (von Ivan Hakštok)
  37. Knowledge Representation (Chill Penguin vs. Wire Sponge) (von Sir_NutS)
  38. Superconductivity (Wire Sponge vs. Chill Penguin) (von jnWake)
  39. Seahorses, FOREVEH (Storm Eagle vs. Toxic Seahorse) (von TheRexAsaurous)
  40. Drifter (Toxic Seahorse vs. Storm Eagle) (von ProjectSpam)
  41. Ostrich and Catfish Eggs (Overdrive Ostrich vs. Volt Catfish) (von Cash and Change)
  42. Vector Point Engineering Volt Ostrich (Volt Catfish vs. Overdrive Ostrich) (von Jason Covenant)
  43. Stinging Peril (Blast Hornet vs. Shieldner Sheldon) (von BlackPanther)
  44. A Hornet and a Clam (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Blast Hornet) (von Phonetic Hero)
  45. At Least I Made Something (Sting Chameleon vs. Toxic Seahorse) (von Theory of N)
  46. Sting's Chameleon (feat. Toxic Seahorse) (Toxic Seahorse vs. Sting Chameleon) (von ProjectSpam)
  47. Feathered Ballad (Storm Owl vs. Chill Penguin) (von Ivan Hakštok)
  48. The Zeroth Law (Chill Penguin vs. Storm Owl) (von Sir_NutS)
  49. Vector Point Engineering Volt Sheldon (Volt Catfish vs. Shieldner Sheldon) (von Jason Covenant)
  50. Shield of Legend (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Volt Catfish)
  51. Inspirational Sensors Offline (Chill Penguin vs. Sting Chameleon) (von Sir_NutS)
  52. Chillin' Chamillion (Sting Chameleon vs. Chill Penguin) (von Theory of N)
  53. Stinging Clavi-Shuffle (Shieldner Sheldon and Sting Chameleon) (von Phonetic Hero & Theory of N)


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