Osees Songtexte
Fucking Kill Me
Gründung 1997
Jigmae Baer
Petey Dammit
John Dwyer
Lars Finberg
Tim Hellman
Ryan Moutinho
Patrick Mullins
Paul Quattrone
Dan Rincon
Castlemania / Carrion Crawler/The Dream EP (Compilation)
- I Need Seed
- Corprophagist (A Bath Perhaps)
- Stinking Cloud
- Corrupted Coffin
- Pleasure Blimps
- A Wall, A Century 2
- Spider Cider
- The Whipping Continues
- Blood on the Deck
- Castlemania
- AA Warm Breeze
- Idea for Rubber Dog
- The Horse Was Lost
- I Won't Hurt You
- If I Stay Too Long
- What Are We Craving
- Carrion Crawler
- Contraption/Soul Desert
- Robber Barons
- Chem-Farmer
- Opposition
- The Dream
- Wrong Idea
- Crushed Grass
- Crack in Your Eye
- Heavy Doctor