Modest Mouse Songtexte
Float On
Alone Down There
Bankrupt on Selling
Beach Side Property
Satin in a Coffin
Gründung 1993
Isaac Brock
Jim Fairchild
Dann Gallucci
Jeremiah Green
Russell Higbee
Eric Judy
Johnny Marr
Lisa Molinaro
Tom Peloso
Joe Plummer
Benjamin Weikel
John Wickhart
Good News for People Who Love Bad News
Baron von Bullshit Rides Again (Live)
Building Nothing Out of Something (Compilation)
Sad Sappy Sucker
- Worms Vs. Birds
- Four Fingered Fisherman
- Wagon Ride Return
- Classy Plastic Lumber
- From Point a to Point B (∞)
- Path of Least Resistance
- It Always Rains on a Picnic
- Dukes Up
- Think Long
- Every Penny Fed Car
- Mice Eat Cheese
- Race Car Grin You Ain't No Landmark
- Red Hand Case
- Secret Agent X-9
- Blue Cadet-3, Do You Connect?
- Call to Dial a Song
- 5-4-3-2-1 Lips Off
- Woodgrain
- BMX Crash
- Sucker Bet
- Black Blood & Old Newagers
- Australopithecus
- Sin Gun Chaser