Mick Harvey Songtexte
Out of Time Man
A Drop, An Ocean
Things Going Wrong
Geboren am 29. August 1958
The Birthday Party
The Boys Next Door
The Brian Hooper Band (without Brian Hooper)
Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds
Crime & the City Solution
The Nearly Brothers
The Saints '73-'78
The Wallbangers
Alta Marea & Vaterland (Soundtrack)
- Overtune
- Avanti
- Polaroid
- La Tereseuta
- Tango Della Alta Marea
- La Ultima Spiaggia
- Partenza
- Vibes Theme
- Guitar Theme
- Waynesville
- Opening Sequence
- Flying
- Abschieds Theme
- Dream Sequence
- The Mountain, Part 1
- The Mountain, Part 2
- End Titles
- Verfolgt
- Westhafen
- Mannfred
- Askenazi Gitar A.
- Magyar Dallam
- 'Hirado' Theme
- Askenazi Gitar B.
Australian Rules (Soundtrack)
- Opening Credits
- Training
- Pickles Rides Out
- Clarence and Blacky
- On the Boat
- Darcy's Gents
- Fantasy Line-Up
- Ruck Training
- In Pickles' Bedroom
- Grand Final First Half
- Mum's Tactics
- Dumby at Half Time
- Grand Final Second Half
- What I Done to Her (von Tex, Don and Charlie)
- Under the Pier
- Best on Ground Announcement
- Pickles Torches Darcy's Gents
- The Shooting
- Mourning Outside the Pub
- Stones at House
- Walking to Dumby
- The Funeral
- End Titles