Michael Habermann Songtexte
Geboren 1950
- Pastiche: Rimsky-Korsakov - Hindu Merchant's Song (Sadko) (1922) ("The Song of India")
- Prelude, Interlude and Fugue (1920 - 22) - Interlude (Recorded Live 19/11/1984)
- Nocturne (Djami) (1928)
- Prelude, Interlude and Fugue (1920 - 22) - Prelude (Recorded Live 19/11/1984)
- Prelude, Interlude and Fugue (1920 - 22) - Fugue (Recorded Live 19/11/1984)
- Pastiche: Chopin - Valse Op. 64 No. 1 (1922) ("The Minute Waltz")
- Le Jardin Parfume - Poem for Piano (1923)