Lou Reed Songtexte
A Perfect Day
Walk on the Wild Side
Goodnight Ladies
Solsbury Hill
Geboren am 02. März 1942, Gestorben am 27. Oktober 2013
Lou Reed FM Broadcast Germany April 2000 (Live)
Lou Reed’s Berlin: A Film By Julian Schnabel (Live)
Magic and Loss
- Dorita (The Spirit)
- What's Good (The Thesis)
- Power and Glory (The Situation)
- Magician (Internally)
- Sword of Damocles (Externally)
- Goodby Mass (In a Chapel Bodily Termination)
- Cremation (Ashes to Ashes)
- Dreamin' (Escape)
- No Chance (Regret)
- Warrior King (Revenge)
- Harry's Circumcision (Reverie Gone Astray)
- Gassed and Stoked (Loss)
- Power and Glory, Part II (Magic Transformation)
- Magic and Loss (The Summation)