Lilys Songtexte
Touch the Water
Gründung 1988
Robert Andreano
Rich Costey
Mike Deming
Don Devore
Art Difuria
Bryan Dilworth
Harold Evans
Dave Frank
Mike Glasgow
Alex Hacker
Mike Hammel
Kurt Heasley
Ken Heitmueller
Matt Horn
Michael Johnson
Tommy Joyner
Gerhardt Koerner
Mike Lenert
Mario "Pel" Lopez
Chris McAllen
Thom Monahan
Archie Moore
Mike Musmanno
Paul "Pablo" Naomi
Don Piper
Christopher Powell
James "Fuzzy" Sangiovane
Trish Scearce
Dave Shuman
Beth Sorrentino
Jay Sorrentino
Aaron Sperske
Mehr Songtexte
- ycjcyaofrj
- Any Place I've Lived
- Jenny, Andrew & Me
- Dandy
- Evel Knievel
- Catherine (Let a Positive)
- Mistery School Assembly
- Intro
- A Diana's Diana
- Knocked on the Fortune Teller's Door
- The Sun Over San Juan
- Welfare Murder Plot
- The Sammael Sea
- Hark, the Open Energy Channel Is Icy Water, Water Everywhere
- The First Half Second
- Gravity Free Atmosphere of MSA
- Hark, an Open Channel
- The Energy Channel (Tayt Variation)
- Icy Water, Water Everywhere
- Pookah
- The Gravity Free Atmosphere of MSA
- Perception
- The Any Several Sundays
- Won't Make You (Sleepy)
- ycjcyaqftj
- Peerless
- Peerless II
- The Tennis System
- More Than That Is Deserved
- Untitled 4
- Untitled 3
- Untitled 2
- Untitled 1
- Snow Blinder
- There Is No Such Thing as Black Orchids
- Coby
- Timber
- Elsa
- Hymn
- G. Cobalt Franklin
- Colorful Acts
- Well Travelled Is Protest