seximer (Compilation)
- Du fond de l'abîme (johnny_ripper remix) (von Joachim De Lux)
- Pan's Forest Jam (johnny_ripper remix) (von Felix Green)
- Sister (johnny_ripper remix) (von Sea Oleena)
- Maple (johnny_ripper remix) (von Heidi Harris)
- One Swallow Does Not Make a Summer (johnny_ripper remix) (von sink \ sink)
- Aoum (johnny_ripper remix) (von Luminocolor)
- Lullaby for Twenty Somethings (johnny_ripper remix) (von Cuddle Formation)
- Andante (johnny_ripper remix) (von Tomjuno)
- Let It Go (johnny_ripper remix)
- Free From All Sense of Purpose (johnny_ripper remix) (von Blithe Field)
- I Was Dreaming of You (johnny_ripper remix) (von Lyndsie Alguire)
- Bronze (johnny_ripper remix) (von Klātu)
- In This (johnny_ripper remix) (von Crickets Make Math)
- Broken Transmissions (johnny_ripper remix) (von Julsy)
- Same Old Satellite (johnny_ripper remix) (von Sing Leaf)
- Street Level (johnny_ripper remix) (von Holobody)
- Heartstrings (johnny_ripper remix) (von Saxsyndrum)
- Join the Bugs (johnny_ripper remix) (von Atuin)
- Beekeeper (johnny_ripper remix) (von Harvest Soon)
- Stung by a Bee (johnny_ripper remix) (von Jan Meyer)
- Sunspots (johnny_ripper remix) (von itneverhappened)
- Where Did You Go (johnny_ripper remix) (von Darius Greene)