The Film Music of John Addison
- I Was Monty's Double: March (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Centennial: Main Theme (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Swashbuckler: Suite (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- A Bridge Too Far: Themes (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- The Maggie: Song of the Maggie (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Reach for the Sky: Themes (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Strange Invaders: Themes (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- The Man Between: Berlin Story (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Tom Jones: Overture (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- The Charge of the Light Brigade: Suite (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Brandy for the Parson: Opening Titles (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Brandy for the Parson: End Titles (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Torn Curtain: Main Titles (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Touch and Go: Mirror Waltz (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Sleuth: Overture (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Carlton-Browne of the F.O.: March (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
- Murder, She Wrote: Main Theme (von BBC Concert Orchestra, Rumon Gamba)
Centennial Volume One (original Score From the Epic Mini-Series)
- Introduction
- Main Titles
- The Land
- Lame Beavers Childhood
- Knife & Axe
- Trading With the Arapahoe
- Stranded Canoe / A Long Walk
- The Pawnee Village
- Padding Down River
- Pawnee Riders
- Arrow in the Back
- Cutting Out the Arrow
- Cheyenne Friends
- River Pirates
- Pascinel & Lise
- New Partners
- Return to Pawnee Village
- I Come to You Unafraid
- Pascinel & McKeag
- Pasquinel Kills the Rivers Pirates
- The English Invented Scalping
- Winter Trek
- Mending the Rilfe
- Tomorrow We Fight
- McKeag Is Wounded
- Cauterized Wound / Arapahoe Camp
- McKeag Can Shoot Again
- McKeag Loves Basket
- A Smile
- Leaving the Village
- You Will Marry Pascinel
- Dinner With Lise
- The Arapahoe Move On
- Lame Beaver Steals the Horses
- Comanches Salute Lame Beaver
- Broken Tooth & Childhood Memories
- Lame Beaver & Blue Leaf
- Gold in River
- Pascinel Marries Lise Bockweiss #1
- Pascinel Marries Lise Bockweiss #2
- On the River Again
- Young Lame Beaver & Blue Leaf
- Lame Beaver Prepares for War
- I Have Done All I Can Do
- Burial Ground
- Blue Leaf Says Goodbye
- Gold Bullets
- Blue Leaf Is Dead
- Clay Basket in Mourning
- McKeag's Heartache / A Hard Winter
- A Contented Life
- Lise & McKeag
- Baby Lisette / Pascinel Looks for Gold
- Thinking of McKeag
- McKeag Returns
- Pascinel's Dream
- Playing in the Snow
- Jake's Scar
- Pascinel Returns to Lise
- I Never Meant to You (Unused)
- Maybe I'm a Coward
- Unspoken Love (McKeag & Clay Basket)
- Kiowa Attack / Another Scar
- The Gold Bullets
- Commercial Bumper
- Empty Traps
- Jake Stabs McKeag
- McKeag Says Goodbye
- McKeag Builds His Cabin
- A Warm Teepee
- Snowed In / I'm So Alone
- Shooting Contest
- Pascinel's Agony (Unused)
- The Arrowhead Is Removed
- Like the Old Days
- Go to Him
- Finding the Gold / Pascinel's Death
- McKeag & Clay Basket Together at Last
- Levi Zendt / Late for Dinner
- The Temptress / Ride to the Orphanage
- Hullabaloo at the Orphanage
- You'll Be Shunned
- Levi Buys a Wagon
- Levi and Elly / Levi Buys a Rifle
- Escape From the Orphanage
- Elly's Letter / Squeaky Wheel
- Across the River
- Ohio Steamboat
- Love in the Wagon
- Levi Fights Sam Purchas
- Levi Says Goodbye to Horses
- The Indian Hater
- The Trail West
- The Pascinel Brothers
- That Man Will Get You Killed
- Major Mercy Meets McKeag's Family
- Parlay With the Chiefs
- Elly Is Pregnant
- Purchase Tries to Rape Elly
- Levi & Elly Turn Back
- Return to Fort John
- New Hope
- Journey to Beaver Creek
- You're My Greatest Friend
- Thantyou for This Life
- Elly Is Snakebit
- Levi Goes to McKeag's Cabin
- Levi's Solitude
- Hungry Hermit
- Attack on the Army Wagons
- Lucinda Visits Levi
- Love in the Cabin
- Back to Civilisation
- Marriage Proposal
- The Bockweiss Mansion
- Lise Meets Clay Basket
- Half Indian, Half White
- Captain McIntosh Escorts Lucinda
- Levi Stands Up to Jake
- McIntosh & Lucinda Kiss
- Two Worlds to Walk In
- McIntosh Proposes
- Lucinda Comes Home
- Fort Laramie
- You're McKeag Now
- Peace or War
- Gathering of the Tribes
- Ten Thousand Indians
- Supplies for the Indians
- Prepare for War
- Brumbaug on the Overland Trail
- Prospectors Kill Two Arapahoe
- Revenge Attack on the Settlers
- All Honorable Men
- I Gave Them My Word
- McIntosh & Lucinda Reacquainted
- Larkin Scares Lucinda
- The Treaty Is Worthless
- End Titles
Centennial Volume Two (original Score From the Epic Mini-Series)
The Massacre
- Main Titles
- Civil War
- Hans Brumbaugh Kills Larkin
- I'll King of Potatoes!
- Skimmerhorn Arrests Major Mercy
- The Death of Clay Basket
- Starving Village
- You Were Never in Command
- Prelude to a Massacre
- We Should All Be Sick This Day
- Courageous Testimony
- Mercy & McIntosh Acquitted
- The Pascinels Wage War
- A River of Blood
- Mercy Is Ambushed
- Jake Alone
- Skimmerhorn Hangs Jake
- Levi's Trading Post Burned
- It's Over
- Mike Shot While Surrendering
- Skimmerhorn's Madness
- Mercy & Lost Eagle Embrace
- Brumbaugh Builds A House
- A New Town
- John Skimmerhorn Meets Nacho
- R.J. Poteet / Nightriders
- Nate Person Signs On
- Hiring the Trailhands
- Brumbaugh Warns Seccombe
- Ride Into Town
- Hopeful Cowboys
- Roping and Branding
- The Trail Begins
- The Trail Continues
- Jim Lloyd
- Trouble at the River
- Watering the Herd
- I'm Leading Them Into Hell
- The Desert
- More Desert / Indians
- Horse Thieves / Stampede Guard
- Jim's Hard Lesson
- Comanches!
- More Comanches!
- He's Gonna Lose His Arm
- Poteet Leaves
- Rustlers!
- Two Graves
- Trail's End
- Last Of The Arapahoe
- Hired Killers
- Burning Barn
- The Venneford Ranch
- Charlotte Blushes
- Torchlight Reception
- Charlotte & Oliver
- Brumbaugh Won't Quit
- Brumbaugh in the Fields
- The Takemoto Family Arrive
- The Sheep
- Levi Meets the Sheepman
- Levi Sells Garrett Some Land
- The Boys Are Still in Town
- Clemma's Not So Sweet
- Times Change
- Takemoto Family at Work
- Calendar Is Warned
- No Room for Sheep
The Shepherds
- Concerned Cattlemen
- Halfbreed Son
- The Stalkers
- Fat Laura Is Shot
- The Killers Close In
- The Killers Close In (alternate)
- She Was a Good Woman
- Nate & Bufe's Last Stand
- They Were Our Brothers
- Time for Payback
- Bloody Justice
- Levi Needs to Go Home
- A Beautiful Day
- Not in My Town
- Levi Returns to Pennsylvania
- Seccombe on the Range
- Charlotte's Concern
- Sheriff Dumire's Warming
- The Accountant
- Levi's Memories
- Cattle Drive Flashback
- The Trailhands Reunited
- Worried Seccombe
- Seccombe Reminisces
- There's a Storm Coming
- Levi Remembers the Orphanage
- Levi Reads Elly's Letters
- Canby's Grave
- The Roundup
- Missing Cattle
- Potato Harvest
- The Approaching Storm
- Levi Returns / Perkin Rides In
- The Wendell's Unpaid Bills
- The Reverend's Generosity
- We've All Been Hurt
- Maybe It's the End the of the World
- Snowbound
- Levi Is Dead
- The Wendells Plot
- Levi's Funeral / The Past Remembered
- Seccombe Resigns
- The Plot Begins
- Discovered in Bedroom
- The House Is Yours
- Seccombe Feels Ill
- We Could Try Australia
- Seccombe Walks Alone
- It's a Beautiful Land
- Seccombe Shoots Himself
- One of the Family
- Dumire's Suspicions
- Charlotte in London
- An Uncle's Gift
- Jim & Charlotte Ride Together
- Philip Swims
- The Wendell's Next Victim
- Hiding the Body
- Dumire Investigates
- Nacho in Mexico
- Cat and Mouse
- Jim Waits for Charlotte
- Jim & Charlotte's First Kiss
- Philip's Torment
- End Titles
- I Guess He'd Rather Be in Colorado