
John Addison Songtexte
Main Title Palazzo

Geboren am 16. März 1920, Gestorben am 07. Dezember 1998

Centennial Volume One (original Score From the Epic Mini-Series)

  1. Introduction
  2. Main Titles
  3. The Land
  4. Lame Beavers Childhood
  5. Knife & Axe
  6. Trading With the Arapahoe
  7. Stranded Canoe / A Long Walk
  8. The Pawnee Village
  9. Padding Down River
  10. Pawnee Riders
  11. Arrow in the Back
  12. Cutting Out the Arrow
  13. Cheyenne Friends
  14. River Pirates
  15. Pascinel & Lise
  16. New Partners
  17. Return to Pawnee Village
  18. I Come to You Unafraid
  19. Pascinel & McKeag
  20. Pasquinel Kills the Rivers Pirates
  21. The English Invented Scalping
  22. Winter Trek
  23. Mending the Rilfe
  24. Tomorrow We Fight
  25. McKeag Is Wounded
  26. Cauterized Wound / Arapahoe Camp
  27. McKeag Can Shoot Again
  28. McKeag Loves Basket
  29. A Smile
  30. Leaving the Village
  31. You Will Marry Pascinel
  32. Dinner With Lise
  33. The Arapahoe Move On
  34. Lame Beaver Steals the Horses
  35. Comanches Salute Lame Beaver
  36. Broken Tooth & Childhood Memories
  37. Lame Beaver & Blue Leaf
  38. Gold in River
  39. Pascinel Marries Lise Bockweiss #1
  40. Pascinel Marries Lise Bockweiss #2
  41. On the River Again
  42. Young Lame Beaver & Blue Leaf
  43. Lame Beaver Prepares for War
  44. I Have Done All I Can Do
  45. Burial Ground
  46. Blue Leaf Says Goodbye
  47. Gold Bullets
  48. Blue Leaf Is Dead
  49. Clay Basket in Mourning
  50. McKeag's Heartache / A Hard Winter
  51. A Contented Life
  52. Lise & McKeag
  53. Baby Lisette / Pascinel Looks for Gold
  54. Thinking of McKeag
  55. McKeag Returns
  56. Pascinel's Dream
  57. Playing in the Snow
  58. Jake's Scar
  59. Pascinel Returns to Lise
  60. I Never Meant to You (Unused)
  61. Maybe I'm a Coward
  62. Unspoken Love (McKeag & Clay Basket)
  63. Kiowa Attack / Another Scar
  64. The Gold Bullets
  65. Commercial Bumper
  66. Empty Traps
  67. Jake Stabs McKeag
  1. McKeag Says Goodbye
  2. McKeag Builds His Cabin
  3. A Warm Teepee
  4. Snowed In / I'm So Alone
  5. Shooting Contest
  6. Pascinel's Agony (Unused)
  7. The Arrowhead Is Removed
  8. Like the Old Days
  9. Go to Him
  10. Finding the Gold / Pascinel's Death
  11. McKeag & Clay Basket Together at Last
  12. Levi Zendt / Late for Dinner
  13. The Temptress / Ride to the Orphanage
  14. Hullabaloo at the Orphanage
  15. You'll Be Shunned
  16. Levi Buys a Wagon
  17. Levi and Elly / Levi Buys a Rifle
  18. Escape From the Orphanage
  19. Elly's Letter / Squeaky Wheel
  20. Across the River
  21. Ohio Steamboat
  22. Love in the Wagon
  23. Levi Fights Sam Purchas
  24. Levi Says Goodbye to Horses
  25. The Indian Hater
  26. The Trail West
  27. The Pascinel Brothers
  28. That Man Will Get You Killed
  29. Major Mercy Meets McKeag's Family
  30. Parlay With the Chiefs
  31. Elly Is Pregnant
  32. Purchase Tries to Rape Elly
  33. Levi & Elly Turn Back
  34. Return to Fort John
  35. New Hope
  36. Journey to Beaver Creek
  37. You're My Greatest Friend
  38. Thantyou for This Life
  39. Elly Is Snakebit
  40. Levi Goes to McKeag's Cabin
  41. Levi's Solitude
  42. Hungry Hermit
  43. Attack on the Army Wagons
  44. Lucinda Visits Levi
  45. Love in the Cabin
  46. Back to Civilisation
  47. Marriage Proposal
  48. The Bockweiss Mansion
  49. Lise Meets Clay Basket
  50. Half Indian, Half White
  51. Captain McIntosh Escorts Lucinda
  52. Levi Stands Up to Jake
  53. McIntosh & Lucinda Kiss
  54. Two Worlds to Walk In
  55. McIntosh Proposes
  56. Lucinda Comes Home
  57. Fort Laramie
  58. You're McKeag Now
  59. Peace or War
  60. Gathering of the Tribes
  61. Ten Thousand Indians
  62. Supplies for the Indians
  63. Prepare for War
  64. Brumbaug on the Overland Trail
  65. Prospectors Kill Two Arapahoe
  66. Revenge Attack on the Settlers
  67. All Honorable Men
  68. I Gave Them My Word
  69. McIntosh & Lucinda Reacquainted
  70. Larkin Scares Lucinda
  71. The Treaty Is Worthless
  72. End Titles

Centennial Volume Two (original Score From the Epic Mini-Series)

The Massacre

  1. Main Titles
  2. Civil War
  3. Hans Brumbaugh Kills Larkin
  4. I'll King of Potatoes!
  5. Skimmerhorn Arrests Major Mercy
  6. The Death of Clay Basket
  7. Starving Village
  8. You Were Never in Command
  9. Prelude to a Massacre
  10. We Should All Be Sick This Day
  11. Courageous Testimony
  12. Mercy & McIntosh Acquitted
  13. The Pascinels Wage War
  14. A River of Blood
  15. Mercy Is Ambushed
  16. Jake Alone
  17. Skimmerhorn Hangs Jake
  18. Levi's Trading Post Burned
  19. It's Over
  20. Mike Shot While Surrendering
  21. Skimmerhorn's Madness
  22. Mercy & Lost Eagle Embrace
  23. Brumbaugh Builds A House
  24. A New Town
  25. John Skimmerhorn Meets Nacho
  26. R.J. Poteet / Nightriders
  27. Nate Person Signs On
  28. Hiring the Trailhands
  29. Brumbaugh Warns Seccombe
  30. Ride Into Town
  31. Hopeful Cowboys
  32. Roping and Branding
  33. The Trail Begins
  34. The Trail Continues
  35. Jim Lloyd
  36. Trouble at the River
  37. Watering the Herd
  38. I'm Leading Them Into Hell
  39. The Desert
  40. More Desert / Indians
  41. Horse Thieves / Stampede Guard
  42. Jim's Hard Lesson
  43. Comanches!
  44. More Comanches!
  45. He's Gonna Lose His Arm
  46. Poteet Leaves
  47. Rustlers!
  48. Two Graves
  49. Trail's End
  50. Last Of The Arapahoe
  51. Hired Killers
  52. Burning Barn
  53. The Venneford Ranch
  54. Charlotte Blushes
  55. Torchlight Reception
  56. Charlotte & Oliver
  57. Brumbaugh Won't Quit
  58. Brumbaugh in the Fields
  59. The Takemoto Family Arrive
  60. The Sheep
  61. Levi Meets the Sheepman
  62. Levi Sells Garrett Some Land
  63. The Boys Are Still in Town
  64. Clemma's Not So Sweet
  65. Times Change
  66. Takemoto Family at Work
  67. Calendar Is Warned
  68. No Room for Sheep

The Shepherds

  1. Concerned Cattlemen
  2. Halfbreed Son
  3. The Stalkers
  4. Fat Laura Is Shot
  5. The Killers Close In
  6. The Killers Close In (alternate)
  7. She Was a Good Woman
  8. Nate & Bufe's Last Stand
  9. They Were Our Brothers
  10. Time for Payback
  11. Bloody Justice
  12. Levi Needs to Go Home
  13. A Beautiful Day
  14. Not in My Town
  15. Levi Returns to Pennsylvania
  16. Seccombe on the Range
  17. Charlotte's Concern
  18. Sheriff Dumire's Warming
  19. The Accountant
  20. Levi's Memories
  21. Cattle Drive Flashback
  22. The Trailhands Reunited
  23. Worried Seccombe
  24. Seccombe Reminisces
  25. There's a Storm Coming
  26. Levi Remembers the Orphanage
  27. Levi Reads Elly's Letters
  28. Canby's Grave
  29. The Roundup
  30. Missing Cattle
  31. Potato Harvest
  32. The Approaching Storm
  33. Levi Returns / Perkin Rides In
  34. The Wendell's Unpaid Bills
  35. The Reverend's Generosity
  36. We've All Been Hurt
  37. Maybe It's the End the of the World
  38. Snowbound
  39. Levi Is Dead
  40. The Wendells Plot
  41. Levi's Funeral / The Past Remembered
  42. Seccombe Resigns
  43. The Plot Begins
  44. Discovered in Bedroom
  45. The House Is Yours
  46. Seccombe Feels Ill
  47. We Could Try Australia
  48. Seccombe Walks Alone
  49. It's a Beautiful Land
  50. Seccombe Shoots Himself
  51. One of the Family
  52. Dumire's Suspicions
  53. Charlotte in London
  54. An Uncle's Gift
  55. Jim & Charlotte Ride Together
  56. Philip Swims
  57. The Wendell's Next Victim
  58. Hiding the Body
  59. Dumire Investigates
  60. Nacho in Mexico
  61. Cat and Mouse
  62. Jim Waits for Charlotte
  63. Jim & Charlotte's First Kiss
  64. Philip's Torment
  65. End Titles
  66. I Guess He'd Rather Be in Colorado


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