Jeremy Soule Songtexte
Fear Not This Night
One They Fear
Blood and Steel
Geboren am 19. Dezember 1975
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Original Game Soundtrack
- Awake
- From Past to Present
- Unbroken Road
- Ancient Stones
- The City Gates
- Silent Footsteps
- Dragonsreach
- Tooth and Claw
- Under an Ancient Sun
- Death or Sovngarde
- Masser
- Distant Horizons
- Dawn
- The Jerall Mountains
- Steel on Steel
- Secunda
- Imperial Throne
- Frostfall
- Night without Stars
- Into Darkness
- Kyne’s Peace
- Unbound
- Far Horizons
- A Winter’s Tale
- The Bannered Mare
- The Streets of Whiterun
- One They Fear
- The White River
- Silence Unbroken
- Standing Stones
- Beneath the Ice
- Tundra
- Journey’s End
Best of Guild Wars 2 Soundtrack
Call of the Starseed (Original Soundtrack)
Consortium (Soundtrack)
- ProjectB6
- Our Little Blue Planet
- The Utopian Dream
- Interdimensional Rift
- The First Glimpse
- Imagine a Future…
- iDGi-1 Control
- Hello Seeker
- Consortium Bishop Six
- The Consortium
- Training Complete
- A Shocking Discovery
- A Dark Deed Explained
- Impossible Surprise Attack
- E.M.P Weapon
- Brutal Display of Power
- A Mysterious Enemy
- Sinister Machinations
- This Is No Negotiation
- All Pawns to Mission Operations
- Zenlil Under Siege
- A Good Old Fashioned Dogfight
- Returning From a Merciful Battle
- Returning From a Bloody Battle
- Zenlil After The Siege 1
- Zenlil After The Siege 2
- Zenlil After The Siege 3
- Zenlil After The Siege 4
- The Consortium Queen
- The Virus - Locked In
- The Virus - Systems Haywired
- Endless Waves of Virtual Soldiers
- Zenlil Attacks
- The Enemy Influences
- Disturbing Nightmare — The Traitor
- Dark Faith
- Traitor Suicide
- The Enemy
- The Prophetic Battle
- Haunted Zenlil
- Homicidal Rage
- Seductive Corruption
- Preparing to Jump
- Freefalling Through a Thunderstorm
- Suit Sabotaged
- Quantum Paradox — The Churchill Tower
- Quantum Limbo
- A Trapped Consciousness
- To Be Continued
- End Titles
- Mission Failure
- Mysterious Event
- Seeker Accomplishment
- Seeker Dies
- Someone Died