James Horner Songtexte
Dedication and Windsong
Twilight and Mist / The Ludlows
Braveheart - For the Love of a Princess
My Heart Will Go On
A Gift of a Thistle
Geboren am 14. August 1953, Gestorben am 22. Juni 2015
A Far Off Place (Soundtrack)
- Main Title
- Nonnie’s Rescue
- Cat Food Pâté
- Night Departure
- Entering the Cave
- The Slaughter
- Nonnie Finds the Parents
- Revenge
- Nonnie Escapes
- Impossible Plan
- First Night Out
- The Elephants
- The Baobob Tree
- Attacked From the Air
- Plane Aftermath
- Inner Feelings
- Digging for Water
- Xhabbo the Poet
- Gemsbok Hunt
- Gemsbok Gift
- The Most Beautiful Gemsbok
- Memories
- The Swamp
- Scorpion
- Sandstorm!
- Reunion With Mopani
- Ricketts’ Death in the Mine
- Epilogue / End Credits
Aliens (Soundtrack)
- Main Title (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Going After Newt (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Sub-Level 3 (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Ripley's Rescue (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Atmosphere Station (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Futile Escape (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Dark Discovery (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Bishop's Countdown (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
- Resolution and Hyperspace (von London Symphony Orchestra, James Horner)
All the King's Men (Soundtrack)
- Main Title
- "Time Brings All Things to Light."
- "Give Me the Hammer and I'll Nail 'em Up!"
- "Bring Down the Lion and the Rest of the Jungle Will Quake in Fear."
- Conjuring the 'Hick' Vote
- Anne's Memories
- Adam's World
- Jack's Childhood
- The Rise to Power
- Love's Betrayal
- Only Faded Pictures
- As We Were Children Once
- Verdict and Punishment
- All Our Lives Collide
- "Time Brings All Things to Light... I Trust It So."