
The Jackbox Party Pack 8: Soundtrack

  1. DRAW_ANIM Lobby (von Andy Poland)
  2. DRAW_ANIM Background (von Andy Poland)
  3. DRAW_ANIM Draw1 (von Andy Poland)
  4. DRAW_ANIM Draw2 (von Andy Poland)
  5. DRAW_ANIM Write1 (von Andy Poland)
  6. DRAW_ANIM Write2 (von Andy Poland)
  7. DRAW_ANIM Write3 (von Andy Poland)
  8. DRAW_ANIM Write4 (von Andy Poland)
  9. DRAW_ANIM Write5 (von Andy Poland)
  10. DRAW_ANIM DecoyReveal (von Andy Poland)
  11. DRAW_ANIM Vote1 (von Andy Poland)
  12. DRAW_ANIM Vote2 (von Andy Poland)
  13. DRAW_ANIM Vote3 (von Andy Poland)
  14. DRAW_ANIM Vote4 (von Andy Poland)
  15. DRAW_ANIM Vote5 (von Andy Poland)
  16. DRAW_ANIM VoteReveal (von Andy Poland)
  17. DRAW_ANIM Scoreboard (von Andy Poland)
  18. DRAW_ANIM Credits (von Andy Poland)
  19. DRAW_ANIM UnusedSketch (von Andy Poland)
  20. JOB Lobby (von Brian Chard)
  21. JOB Tutorial (von Brian Chard)
  22. JOB Icebreaker1 (von Brian Chard)
  23. JOB Composition1 (von Brian Chard)
  24. JOB Vote1 (von Brian Chard)
  25. JOB Icebreaker2 (von Brian Chard)
  26. JOB Composition2 (von Brian Chard)
  27. JOB Vote2 (von Brian Chard)
  28. JOB Icebreaker3 (von Brian Chard)
  29. JOB Composition3 (von Brian Chard)
  30. JOB Vote3 (von Brian Chard)
  31. JOB Theme (von Brian Chard)
  32. JOB Theme (Instrumental) (von Brian Chard)
  33. JOB Scoreboard (von Brian Chard)
  34. WEAPONS Menu (von Elise Wattman)
  35. WEAPONS Lobby (von Elise Wattman)
  36. WEAPONS Draw (von Elise Wattman)
  37. WEAPONS Arrival (von Elise Wattman)
  38. WEAPONS Guest Intro (von Elise Wattman)
  39. WEAPONS Murdering (von Elise Wattman)
  40. WEAPONS Lights On (von Elise Wattman)
  41. WEAPONS Instructions (von Elise Wattman)
  42. WEAPONS Investigation (von Elise Wattman)
  43. WEAPONS Verdict (von Elise Wattman)
  44. WEAPONS Cold Cases (von Elise Wattman)
  45. WEAPONS Final Scores (von Elise Wattman)
  46. WEAPONS Credits (von Elise Wattman)
  47. WHEEL Lobby (von Andy Poland)
  48. WHEEL Opening Question (von Andy Poland)
  49. WHEEL Host Intro (von Andy Poland)
  50. WHEEL Question Series 1 (von Andy Poland)
  51. WHEEL Question Series 2 (von Andy Poland)
  52. WHEEL Question Series 3 (von Andy Poland)
  53. WHEEL Question Series 4 (von Andy Poland)
  54. WHEEL Wheel Spin Loops (von Andy Poland)
  55. WHEEL Scoreboard (von Andy Poland)
  56. WHEEL Credits (von Andy Poland)
  57. WHEEL Credits (Instrumental) (von Andy Poland)
  58. WHEEL Unused Idea 1 (von Andy Poland)
  59. WHEEL Unused Idea 2 (von Andy Poland)
  60. POLL Lobby (von Brian Chard)
  61. POLL Fill Out Survey 1 (von Brian Chard)
  62. POLL Deliberation 1 (von Brian Chard)
  63. POLL Deliberation 2 (von Brian Chard)
  64. POLL Deliberation 3 (von Brian Chard)
  65. POLL Deliberation 4 (von Brian Chard)
  66. POLL Fill Out Survey 2 (von Brian Chard)
  67. POLL Deliberation 5 (von Brian Chard)
  68. POLL Deliberation 6 (von Brian Chard)
  69. POLL Deliberation 7 (von Brian Chard)
  70. POLL Deliberation 8 (von Brian Chard)
  71. POLL Fill Out Survey 3 (von Brian Chard)
  72. POLL Final Deliberation 1 (von Brian Chard)
  73. POLL Final Deliberation 2 (von Brian Chard)
  74. POLL Final Deliberation 3 (von Brian Chard)
  75. POLL Final Deliberation 4 (von Brian Chard)
  76. POLL Final Deliberation 5 (von Brian Chard)
  77. POLL Final Deliberation 6 (von Brian Chard)
  78. POLL Theme (von Brian Chard)
  79. POLL Credits (von Brian Chard)
  80. POLL Tutorial (von Brian Chard)
  81. POLL Tie (von Brian Chard)
  82. POLL Theme (Instrumental) (von Brian Chard)

The Jackbox Party Pack 9: Soundtrack

  1. QUIX_Lobby (von Nate Sandberg)
  2. QUIX_Round 1 Gameplay (von Nate Sandberg)
  3. QUIX_Round 1 Scoreboard 1 (von Nate Sandberg)
  4. QUIX_Round 1 Scoreboard 2 (von Nate Sandberg)
  5. QUIX_Round 2 Gameplay (von Nate Sandberg)
  6. QUIX_Round 2 Scoreboard 1 (von Nate Sandberg)
  7. QUIX_Round 2 Scoreboard 2 (von Nate Sandberg)
  8. QUIX_Round 3 Gameplay (von Nate Sandberg)
  9. QUIX_Round 3 Scoreboard 1 (von Nate Sandberg)
  10. QUIX_Round 3 Scoreboard 2 (von Nate Sandberg)
  11. QUIX_Winner Reveal (von Nate Sandberg)
  12. QUIX_Credits (von Nate Sandberg)
  13. QUIX_Credits (Instrumental) (von Nate Sandberg)
  14. QUIX_Forever Scoreboard 1 (von Nate Sandberg)
  15. QUIX_Forever Scoreboard 2 (von Nate Sandberg)
  16. QUIX_Forever Scoreboard 3 (von Nate Sandberg)
  17. QUIX_Reveal (von Nate Sandberg)
  18. QUIX_Reveal Circus Dad Theme (von Nate Sandberg)
  19. ROOM_Theme (vocal) (von Brian Chard)
  20. ROOM_Lobby (von Brian Chard)
  21. ROOM_Write 1 (von Brian Chard)
  22. ROOM_Review 1 (von Brian Chard)
  23. ROOM_Vote 4 (von Brian Chard)
  24. ROOM_Challenge Winner 2 (von Brian Chard)
  25. ROOM_Decision NonElim 1 (von Brian Chard)
  26. ROOM_Decision 2 (von Brian Chard)
  27. ROOM_New Player 1 (von Brian Chard)
  28. ROOM_Write 2 (von Brian Chard)
  29. ROOM_Review 2 (von Brian Chard)
  30. ROOM_Vote 2 (von Brian Chard)
  31. ROOM_Decision 3 (von Brian Chard)
  32. ROOM_New Player 2 (von Brian Chard)
  33. ROOM_Write 3 (von Brian Chard)
  34. ROOM_Review 3 (von Brian Chard)
  35. ROOM_Vote 3 (von Brian Chard)
  36. ROOM_Challenge Winner 3 (von Brian Chard)
  37. ROOM_Decision NonElim 2 (von Brian Chard)
  38. ROOM_Decision 4 (von Brian Chard)
  39. ROOM_Write 4 (von Brian Chard)
  40. ROOM_Vote 1 (von Brian Chard)
  41. ROOM_Challenge Winner 4 (von Brian Chard)
  42. ROOM_Recap (von Brian Chard)
  43. ROOM_Write Final Round (von Brian Chard)
  44. ROOM_Review Final Round (von Brian Chard)
  45. ROOM_Winner (von Brian Chard)
  46. JUNK_Menu (von Elise Wattman)
  47. JUNK_Lobby (von Elise Wattman)
  48. JUNK_Bidding (von Elise Wattman)
  49. JUNK_Title Writing (von Elise Wattman)
  50. JUNK_Writing (von Elise Wattman)
  51. JUNK_Appraisal (von Elise Wattman)
  52. JUNK_Appraisal Reveal (von Elise Wattman)
  53. JUNK_Appraisal Voting (von Elise Wattman)
  54. JUNK_Item Presentation (von Elise Wattman)
  55. JUNK_Scoreboard (von Elise Wattman)
  56. JUNK_Pre-Voting Loop (von Elise Wattman)
  57. JUNK_Pre-Final Round (von Elise Wattman)
  58. JUNK_Final Round Writing (von Elise Wattman)
  59. JUNK_Final Round Voting (von Elise Wattman)
  60. JUNK_Shopping Tutorial (Instrumental) (von Elise Wattman)
  61. JUNK_Main Tutorial (Instrumental) (von Elise Wattman)
  62. JUNK_Credits (von Elise Wattman)
  63. JUNK_BONUS Predatory Loans (von Elise Wattman)

You Don't Hear Jack 2 (Soundtrack)

Mehr Songtexte

  1. Guesspionage: Dolphin
  2. DICT Credits Theme
  3. Survive the Internet: Lobby
  4. JOB Scoreboard
  5. WHEEL Host Intro
  6. TALK Theme
  7. TALK Awards
  8. Split the Room Theme (alt)
  9. Guesspionage: Couples
  10. Fibbage 2 Round 1 Choose
  11. WEAPONS Investigation
  12. Guesspionage: Colin Powell
  13. DICT Scoreboard
  14. Bomb Corp. Theme
  15. Zeeple Dome Theme
  16. Split the Room Lobby
  17. DEVILS End of Day
  18. RM Slotting 2
  19. RM Slotting 1
  20. Quiplash XL Round 2 Write
  21. Fibbage 2 Lies Bumper Alt.
  22. Earwax Credits Music
  23. Tee K.O.: Theme
  24. DRAW_ANIM VoteReveal
  25. JOB Composition3
  26. Bomb Corp. Credits
  27. Zeeple Dome Credits Loop
  28. Earwax Choose Music B
  29. Earwax Choose Music A
  30. WEAPONS Menu
  31. JOB Icebreaker1
  32. JOB Icebreaker2
  33. JOB Icebreaker3
  34. Survive the Internet: Final Round Write
  35. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 9
  36. Survive the Internet: Unused Loop
  37. DEVILS Wednesday
  38. Fibbage 2 Celeb Quotes Bumper
  39. DEVILS Lobby
  40. WHEEL Opening Question
  41. Fibbage 2 Round 1 Bumper
  42. DRAW_ANIM Draw2
  43. DRAW_ANIM Draw1
  44. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 1
  45. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 2
  46. POLL Fill Out Survey 3
  47. DICT Reveal 2
  48. DICT Reveal 1
  49. DICT Reveal 3
  50. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 3
  51. POLL Fill Out Survey 2
  52. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 4
  53. POLL Fill Out Survey 1
  54. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 5
  55. Survive the Internet: Final Round Reveal
  56. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 6
  57. Quiplash XL Unused Idea
  58. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 7
  59. DEVILS Monday
  60. Zeeple Dome Gameplay 8
  61. Fibbage 2 Round 3 Choose
  62. Guesspionage: Small Talk
  63. POLL Tie
  64. WEAPONS Lights On
  65. Guesspionage: Countdown Loops
  66. RM Data Analysis Minigame
  67. Quiplash XL Lobby
  68. Tee K.O.: Artwork Creation
  69. DRAW_ANIM Background
  70. POLL Credits
  71. DEVILS Theme
  72. TALK Presentation 1
  73. TALK Presentation 3
  74. TALK Presentation 5
  75. TALK Presentation 7
  76. TALK Presentation 2
  77. TALK Presentation 4
  78. TALK Presentation 6
  79. TALK Presentation 8
  80. TALK Write
  81. POLL Deliberation 1
  82. POLL Deliberation 2
  83. POLL Deliberation 3
  84. POLL Deliberation 4
  85. POLL Deliberation 5
  86. POLL Deliberation 6
  87. POLL Deliberation 7
  88. POLL Deliberation 8
  89. Split the Room Credits
  90. JOB Theme
  91. WEAPONS Guest Intro
  92. Tee K.O.: Credits Music
  93. Split the Room Theme (short)
  94. Tee K.O.: Slogan Creation
  95. Split the Room Write Loop
  96. Fibbage 2 Round 1 Enter
  97. Guesspionage: Moon Landing
  98. Bracketeering: Scoreboard
  99. Guesspionage: Dmitri
  100. Guesspionage: Final Round
  101. WEAPONS Murdering
  102. Zeeple Dome Boss 1
  103. Guesspionage: Magic Tavern
  104. DICT Write 3
  105. WHEEL Wheel Spin Loops
  106. DICT Write 2
  107. Survive the Internet: Opening Theme
  108. DICT Write 1
  109. JOB Lobby
  110. POLL Theme
  111. JOB Tutorial
  112. DRAW_ANIM Lobby
  113. Bracketeering: Gameplay 1
  114. Bracketeering: Gameplay 2
  115. Fibbage 2 Round 3 Enter
  116. JOB Vote1
  117. JOB Vote2
  118. JOB Vote3
  119. Quiplash XL Logo Bumper
  120. Bracketeering: Gameplay 3
  121. Guesspionage: French Agent
  122. DEVILS Friday
  123. DEVILS Emergency
  124. WEAPONS Arrival
  125. Quiplash XL Credits
  126. RM Majority Reveal
  127. Bracketeering: Lobby
  128. POLL Tutorial
  129. Fibbage 2 Round 3 Question
  130. DEVILS Theme Credits
  131. Bracketeering: Theme
  132. Survive the Internet: Write 2
  133. Survive the Internet: Write 1
  134. DRAW_ANIM Credits
  135. DRAW_ANIM DecoyReveal
  136. WEAPONS Lobby
  137. WHEEL Question Series 1
  138. WHEEL Question Series 2
  139. WHEEL Question Series 3
  140. WHEEL Question Series 4
  141. WEAPONS Instructions
  142. Quiplash XL Round 1 Write
  143. Survive the Internet: Credits Theme
  144. Split the Room Reveal Loop
  145. DRAW_ANIM UnusedSketch
  146. Fibbage 2 Lobby
  147. RM Main Theme
  148. Quiplash XL Round 3 Write
  149. RM User Input Minigame
  150. Fibbage 2 Diagnosis Huh Bumper
  151. POLL Lobby
  152. TALK Credits
  153. Guesspionage: Cult
  154. Quiplash XL Background Loop
  155. Earwax Credits Music Alt.
  156. Split the Room Final Round
  157. WHEEL Lobby
  158. Guesspionage: Answer Reveal 2
  159. Guesspionage: Horse Suit
  160. Guesspionage: Answer Reveal 1
  161. RM Intro
  162. DRAW_ANIM Scoreboard
  163. WEAPONS Draw
  164. Fibbage 2 Lies Bumper
  165. Split the Room Scoreboard
  166. Guesspionage: Theme
  167. DEVILS Letter
  168. Bracketeering: Prediction Table
  169. Guesspionage: Girls' Night
  170. WHEEL Credits
  171. Quiplash XL Round 3 Vote
  172. RM Player Focused Minigame
  173. Bracketeering: Bracket Final
  174. Tee K.O.: Final Round
  175. Guesspionage: Eavesdroppers
  176. DEVILS Theme Intro
  177. DRAW_ANIM Vote1
  178. Earwax Judge Music B
  179. Earwax Judge Music A
  180. Survive the Internet: Reveal
  181. TALK Tutorial
  182. RM Task Minigame
  183. WHEEL Scoreboard
  184. Guesspionage: Old Man
  185. Bomb Corp. Unused Weirdness
  186. DRAW_ANIM Vote3
  187. JOB Composition2
  188. DRAW_ANIM Vote2
  189. JOB Composition1
  190. DRAW_ANIM Vote5
  191. Bomb Corp. Background A
  192. Bomb Corp. Background C
  193. Bomb Corp. Background B
  194. DRAW_ANIM Vote4
  195. Earwax Lobby Music
  196. POLL Final Deliberation 1
  197. POLL Final Deliberation 2
  198. POLL Final Deliberation 3
  199. POLL Final Deliberation 4
  200. POLL Final Deliberation 5
  201. POLL Final Deliberation 6
  202. Quiplash XL Round 1 Vote
  203. Tee K.O.: T-Shirt Creation
  204. Survive the Internet: Twist 1
  205. Survive the Internet: Twist 2
  206. Quiplash XL Round 2 Vote
  207. TALK Results
  208. Guesspionage: Corn on the Cob
  209. DICT Main Theme
  210. DEVILS Bumpers
  211. Tee K.O.: Lobby Music
  212. WHEEL Unused Idea 1
  213. WHEEL Unused Idea 2
  214. Guesspionage: Password
  215. DICT Final Scoreboard
  216. WEAPONS Final Scores
  217. WEAPONS Verdict
  218. WEAPONS Cold Cases
  219. DEVILS Scoreboard
  220. Split the Room Theme
  221. Bomb Corp. Main Background
  222. Earwax Logo Music
  223. Fibbage 2 Category Picker
  224. DRAW_ANIM Write1
  225. DRAW_ANIM Write2
  226. DRAW_ANIM Write3
  227. DRAW_ANIM Write4
  228. DRAW_ANIM Write5
  229. Survive the Internet: Final Round Twist
  230. Fibbage 2 Road Trip Bumper
  231. WEAPONS Credits
  232. DICT Main Menu
  233. Earwax Background Loop
  234. QUIX_Reveal Circus Dad Theme
  235. QUIX_Lobby
  236. QUIX_Round 2 Gameplay
  237. QUIX_Credits
  238. QUIX_Forever Scoreboard 1
  239. QUIX_Forever Scoreboard 2
  240. QUIX_Forever Scoreboard 3
  241. QUIX_Reveal
  242. QUIX_Round 3 Gameplay
  243. QUIX_Round 2 Scoreboard 1
  244. QUIX_Round 1 Scoreboard 2
  245. QUIX_Winner Reveal
  246. QUIX_Round 1 Gameplay
  247. QUIX_Round 3 Scoreboard 1
  248. QUIX_Round 3 Scoreboard 2
  249. QUIX_Round 1 Scoreboard 1
  250. QUIX_Round 2 Scoreboard 2
  251. Mad Verse City: Radio Plays Pt,. 2
  252. Y.D.K.J.: Specialty Question Bumpers
  253. Y.D.K.J.: All Question Segues


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